The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 230 Conversation With Arthur

Aster shook his head at Arthur.

"Didn't we drop formalities between us a long time ago "father-in-law", if you feel indebted to me, then let's just make it so you would not get mad at me the next time we return to this planet, who knows there might be a little "Aria" with me".

"Besides don't try to feign being strong in front of me, you need to start using the body cultivation technique… or who knows you might become a dried corpse hahaha".

Arthur felt a vein popping on his forehead, he then sighed and linked the ring to him by letting a few drops of his blood to be absorbed by it.

"You shameless brat… fine take it like I owe you one", he said in an exasperated voice.

Aster chuckled, he patted Arthur's shoulder and then whispered at him.

"There is an extra manual inside, that is my wedding gift for you, try it tonight I'm pretty sure it will be up to your liking".

Although the dual cultivation manual Lilia has been accumulating dust since it wasn't up to his standards, he made a copy and left it inside the ring he handed to Arthur.

Arthur was going to use it for pleasure purposes, unlike him which actually needed it for cultivation ones, so the manual was good enough for that.

Aria, whose face was red since Aster mentioned having children, nudged him lightly.

"Aster don't tease my father too much".

Aster smirked, he wrapped his arm around Aria and dragged her closer to him.

"You are right, it's funnier to tease you instead".

Arthur sighed; at this point he has gotten used to see Aster flirting with his daughter, on a completely different subject he suddenly remembered something he needed to discuss with Aster.

"Kid, do you have some time for a private conversation… when are you leaving?".

Aster shrugged.

"We can do it right now, we will probably leave by the end of the week I think".

Arthur nodded, he smiled at Nadia and then went to his studio, Aster let go of Aria and followed him, leaving the girls behind to talk with each other.

Both of them entered the studio and sat in front of each other, Aster noticed the hesitating expression in Arthur's face and he asked.

"What could possibly make you hesitate to ask me, considering the gift I gave you is for your night life?".

Arthur looked at Aster's eyes directly and then he spoke in a doubtful voice.

"Kid tell me the truth, are you in a relationship with all the girls that surround you… Lilia and Alice included?".

This is something that has been tormenting Arthur in the last year, originally, he thought they were just a bit too close, but then he noticed the way they saw Aster was the same as his daughter did it… in fact in Lilia's case it went beyond that.

Aster was a bit surprised listening to Arthur's question, but then he remembered it hasn't been too much time since his mother and daughter started having those excitement episodes.

So, their way of looking at him changed from time to time even when they were in public.

"He must have noticed it at some point", he thought before nodding.

"I'm not ashamed to admit it, both my mother and sister are in that kind of relationship with me, ah, just to avoid any misunderstanding Aria is aware of this".

Arthur didn't know what to say, he avoided the subject for quite some time because he thought it was just him overthinking things, but his supposition turned out to be true.

An awkward silence fell in the room, Aster didn't really care if Arthur was okay with it or not, in this second life he got, he has decided to act on his desires, if he wanted something then he will fight for it, if he disliked something he will destroy it, it was as simple as that.

After a moment Arthur shook his head.

"I don't have the right to meddle into your personal life kid… If that little girl doesn't care then I don't have any problem, just promise me you would treat her well even if new girls enter your life".

Aster understood what Arthur meant, Erin, Mylene, Sarina and Kana, he brought four new girls from the exploration at the secret realm and although out of them only Sarina was his woman, Arthur didn't know it.

"Don't worry I will treasure her for the rest of my life you can be sure of that".

Arthur nodded, he then put on a cunning smile as he spoke.

"I'm not going to stand in the ceremony with you anymore kid, I'm too old to re-start cultivating, so I'm going to focus in that body cultivation thing you mentioned… but Nadia is a complete different story, do you have a manual of water element suitable for her?".

Aster shook his head.

"It's not that I didn't want to leave one of that for you, but for the energy path, the manuals require you to have their specific element or something closely related to it, while for body cultivation as long as you can withstand the tension then most of them are usable for anyone".

For example, "The might of the dragon king" manual which Lilia, Alice and Aster were using was a rare peak immortal grade dual path cultivation manual, Lilia only had other two which focused in two paths and they were only middle grade immortal ones.

Unfortunately, one of them required it to have an attribute similar to destruction which Arthur didn't have, the other required the user to learn sword intention before practicing it, so unless Arthur was willing to disperse his energy path cultivation and learn sword intention, it was better for him to focus in body cultivation.

Single path immortal grade manuals were available for the public, but they still were expensive, Lilia stopped receiving resources from her family after refusing the marriage proposal of her father, so she didn't waste her money on buying manuals with an attribute she didn't have.

She only bought a couple body cultivation manuals which didn't have an attribute or lineage requirement for the worst-case scenario, but then one of her friends gifted her the manual "Seven swords of transformation" which only requirement was the user to learn sword intention below the age of thirty.

That's why she trained Aster so harshly in the way of the sword since she saw he didn't have the characteristics of the Drage, because that way her son would be still able to learn the "Seven swords of transformation" manual by learning sword intention.

At the end it wasn't needed, since annihilation could replace destruction for the usage of the Might of the dragon king manual.

Aster then looked inside his storage ring and then took out a pair of books one with a light blue cover and the other with a green one.

"That being said, I do have a pair peak stellar water and wind element manuals which I didn't put in that ring, you can keep them as a family inheritance for your future children with miss Nadia".

"Just in case, don't show the body cultivation manual to anyone who doesn't swear to obey you, it will be the foundation treasure of the Rodia star cluster Okay?".

Arthur nodded as he received the books and kept them in his spatial ring, the attribute of the Ghale family is wind so if he were to have children with Nadia, they will probably have either water or wind attributes.

Aster smiled, with that the as long as something extreme doesn't happen, the Ghale family will become one of the pillars of the star cluster, with an immortal grade manual they won't have any obstacle to reach the star tribulation realm, after that it would be up to them if they can surpass the star tribulation and become mortal transcending cultivators.

But at least they won't stagnate at the star axys realm like what happened to Isaac and the other patriarchs.

"Well, if that's all I will take my leave, don't forget to check my wedding gift for you", said Aster as he stood up and left the studio.

Once Aster left Arthur couldn't resist the curiosity and used his spirit sense to look through the contents of the ring Aster handed him, he focused his attention on a book with a pink cover.

"Blissful flower blossoming", mumbled Arthur, he took out the pink book and opened it just to see a variety of sexual positions along with some descriptions of how to refine, the ying and yang which is exchanged between men and women after having sexual intercourse, how to increase the pleasure of the partner to maximize the efficiency and other things of the like.

Arthur was speechless.

"Kid what the hell are you thinking", he thought, he was about to close the book when he felt a predacious gaze on his back, then a soft pair of arms which had a familiar touch hugged him from behind, before a melodious voice whispered at him.

"What are you reading dear".

Without any warning Nadia tackled Arthur and they both fell to the ground before they started their passionate encounter.

Outside of the studio Aria saw Aster smiling at her, a moment ago when he left the studio of her father, he told Nadia, Arthur wanted to speak with her as soon as possible, but once she left, Aster suddenly laughed which made her understand he was just messing with her father.

Aster held Aria's hand and then spoke.

"Well, I think the next we come here, you will have a little sister or brother".

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