The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 225 A Weird Dream

Lilia was proud that her son's gaze was glued to her, so she didn't bother on putting any underwear, she kept the pasties and just wore a black one-piece dress.

"Let's go darling, you just rest, mommy will take care of you ♥".

She hugged Aster's right arm and dragged him to the dining room, Aster simply let his mother do as she pleased, receiving the cares and attention of such a beauty as Lilia was something others would kill for after all.

Inside the dining room Sarina, Kana and the owner of the restaurant were giving the final touches to the results of their first lesson, the table in front of them was filled to the brim with different dishes.

Kana looked at the door of the dining room expectantly, waiting for the one she cooked to appear.

Her big eyes seemed to glow when the door opened, but then she noticed it was Aria and Alice who were discussing with each other as usual, at some point while Aster was still in the middle of his meditation Aria woke up and went to the training room to let out some steam.

Which naturally ended in they both having a spar to see how strong was Alice after breaking through and another tie, leading them to keep fighting until the sun settled without anyone of them winning the other.

Alice noticed the slight disappoint in Kana's face and she chuckled.

"You little girl, at least try to hide the fact that this food wasn't prepared for us".

Kana feigned ignorance; she stuck her tongue at Alice before saying.

"Mom and me prepared this for all of us… we are still far from the level of lady Daniela, but I still want to hear big brother's opinion!".

The lady Daniela, Kana was talking about was none other than the owner of the restaurant, which felt a bit weird listening such a young girl by her name instead of her title, but then remembering she was a part of the family of the monster who conquered the Wolfstein family, she decided to overlook it.

A moment later Eris and Mylene also entered the room, with the exception of bathing and sleeping, they also did practically everything together with Aster and the other girls.

They also took seat and waited for Aster and Lilia to appear, which happened not too long after, and they weren't alone, Camila also entered the dining room with them.

As soon as Kana caught a glimpse of Aster, she threw herself at him.

"Big brother look, mom and me prepared a feast for you ♥".

Aster noticed the little bandages on both Sarina and Kana's fingers and he inwardly smiled before he patted Kana's head.

While for normal food a cultivator wouldn't get hurt just by committing a mistake with a knife, when using ingredients coming from spirit beasts, the utensils such as the knife used for cutting high ranked meat of course needed have a similar grade.

That's how both Kana ended up having some light wounds following the harsh lesson of the owner of the restaurant, of course they weren't going to become spirit chefs like the old woman, but she was teaching her with the best of her skills.

Kana enjoyed being spoiled by Aster, but she was more eager to see him eating the food she prepared along with her mother.

Now that everyone was here, they dug in, Lilia didn't lie when she said she was going to take care of everything, she took a plate for Aster and put a bit of everything on it before personally feeding the food to her son.

"Mm?", Aster ate piece after piece of food, the taste was quite nice, not the point where it compared with the one prepared personally by the owner of the restaurant, what surprised him was that the food seemed to disappear even before he could swallow it.

Then he felt a comfortable warm feeling going through his body helping him recover in both soul and body.

"Don't worry, this is just a sign that your body is integrating the soul path into its evolution, in simple words you are at the beginning of something outrageous, energy, body… and lastly soul, you have traits of the three paths in you now".

"If it isn't broken then don't fix it", thought Aster, in any case he was now absorbing till the last bit of nourishment from the food, it felt more like refining the ingredients than eating, but he put the whole thing at the back of his mind.

Right now, he felt hungry like never before, under the surprised eyes of all the other girls who didn't see him practicing with the soul crushing parade, Aster practically had nearly four times the amount he usually eats.

Kana was smiling from ear to ear seeing Aster eating more than normal thinking it was due to her and Sarina cooking for him, but the other girls noticed there was something different, especially Alice.

Since Aster entered, she stole some glances at her brother, and at first, she couldn't pinpoint what was the change, but now she finally understood it, the bond she developed with Aster after becoming a star maiden was now stronger than before.

And she wasn't the only one, Aria also felt closer to Aster than before, but she thought it was because he helped Nadia, until she felt a little attraction from within her soul, it was a weird yet warm feeling.

Ultimately Alice inwardly sighed.

"What kind of crazy technique did you learn this time… I need to put more effort if I don't want to be left behind", she thought.

Aster munched the last piece of food in his plate and then looked at Camila.

"Tomorrow all the representatives of the biggest families and forces will attend to a meeting at the Ghale family… the Wolfstein family is included, you can bring three of the elders, you already know more of me and my family so I leave the choice to you".

Camila nodded with a serious expression, but her eyes made clear she had some inner conflicts as if she couldn't decide about something.

Besides Lilia practically doing everything for Aster, which wasn't that strange for all the presents with the exception of Camila and the owner of the restaurant, the dinner went on without any problem.

The dinner ended and everyone went to their respective rooms, the dirty dishes were left for the maids to clean, the old woman left flying and Camila went straight to her room which was repaired and cleaned during the day.

Eris and Mylene also went to their rooms, the other girls participated in different activities and although none of them smelled bad, they all wanted to take a bath, Aster also sweated a lot after all the times he failed at concentrating his soul energy, so he tagged along.

"Come here darling", once they were inside of the bathroom, Lilia carefully undressed her son before doing the same and then she brought him under the shower, her hands moved through his body applying soap as she also felt the firm and muscular body.

Even Alice and Aria who would have normally participated, just stayed aside and washed their own bodies, Sarina did the same to her daughter.

Then everyone entered the bathtub, Aster was somehow feeling sleepy so he just leaned his head on Lilia's chest and closed his eyes, without noticing not even five minutes later he actually fell asleep, he didn't enter the mind space and just directly fell asleep.

Alice finally couldn't hold back her curiosity; she kept her voice down as she asked.

"Mom, what happened when I was training, I never saw Aster being this tired, did he do something reckless again?".

Before Lilia could answer, everyone heard Rya's voice as if she was in the bathtub with them.

"Don't worry, this is normal, Aster actually managed to do something unheard, he condensed a piece of the weapon he will use for his soul attack, even while being affected by his dragon lineage too".

Alice felt a bit confused about Rya's answer.

"What do you mean with "being affected by his dragon lineage", is there a problem if dragons try to cultivate in the soul path?".

"Yes, dragons are impulsive, you and Lilia are victims of those episodes from time to time, and that is caused by being exposed to Aster's evolution, so now just imagine how much he has to control himself".

"Tonight, let Lilia be the one taking care of him, also let him sleep as much as he needs, tomorrow he will be fresh as a lettuce, his soul cultivation might even advance.

Without Aster noticing, Lilia made his body float and then dried him off before taking him to the bedroom.

She gently placed her son on the bed and then cuddled with him naked.

Alice eyes had a slight amount of jealous as she saw her mother hogging her brother all to herself, but then she remembered Rya explaining why it had to be Lilia and she just hugged his arm to sleep.

"I'm also part dragon you know", she mumbled before falling asleep.

The girls were tired by a different variety of reasons, so it didn't take them too much time to fell asleep.

Aster was peacefully sleeping when his vision changed, he entered a completely dark space, which was suddenly illuminated in golden light, at first, he thought it was Hyperion and that he entered the mind space.

But then he noticed the form didn't match, although the figure was hard to discern Hyperion has no legs, arms… or wings.

As soon as Aster tried to see through the blurriness of the figure, the dream ended, his eyes opened and the first thing he saw was the big pair of breasts he was using as a pillow, needless to say he easily recognized them.

He moved his head upwards a bit and saw the beautiful sleeping expression of Lilia, her head was still looking downwards as if she was seeing him, a sign that she stayed awake just to make sure he was fine.

Aster saw the clock and it was still really early in the morning so he just accommodated his body and closed his eyes, not without thinking.

"What a weird dream".

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