The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 217 Morning Of Surprises

A few moments ago.

Camila was leisurely sleeping on her bed, when she suddenly felt a slightly itching sensation in her eyes.

She stood up and yawned before stumbling her way towards the bathroom, she washed her face until the itching sensation disappeared, as she was about to return to her bed to rest a bit more, from the corner of her eyes he caught a glimpse of her own reflect.

"Mm?", for a moment Camila thought she was just imagining things, so she rubbed her eyes a couple of times but things didn't change back to normal.

She left the bathroom in a hurry but then as soon as she set foot outside, a lot of things flew from their positions and floated towards her at a really fast speed.

Camila tripped and fell to the ground, but the things didn't stop and instead accelerated even more until they attached to her body, she tried to move but for some reason her head was hurting.

So, she only managed to react when she felt endangered as a sword landed a few centimeters away from her.

"That's enough!".

The room was suddenly trembled as she let out her spirit pressure, but today didn't seem to be her day, she the supreme elder of a clan and a rune master actually lost control over her own powers and made the roof of the room crumble apart and fall over her.

With a wave of her hand Camila deflected the debris that were about to crush her and again she couldn't control her own spirit energy, the blast impacted the door making it break and fly.

"What the hell is going on, am I suffering from deviation!", she thought as she inspected the area below her navel where the dantian is positioned.

"Kyaa!!", Camila was so surprised by what she saw, that she unconsciously shouted, the next thing she thought was going to see if she fell in coma or something along the lines, in her worried state she even forgot to put on some clothes and left her bedroom using her nightgown.

And that's what led to the current situation where Aster and the girls were facing a half-naked Camila.

Lilia snapped her fingers and a barrier surrounded the whole hallway and the room which was now a mess.

Camila took a few steps back, she didn't know what was happening, so it wouldn't be surprising for her if she was suddenly attacked by them.

Lilia understood her worries so she explained before things could get out of hand.

"Take it easy, this barrier doesn't prevent you from leaving, but I suggest you to take a moment to calm down unless you want to demolish the whole castle killing the maids in the process".

Aster frowned his brows as he used his spirit sense to inspect the lingering spirit energy floating in the air, there were two things which caught his attention.

"Metal attribute and… mortal transcending level spirit energy?", he said in a low voice as his eyes focused on Camila.

Aster contemplated things for a moment before he shook his head.

"No, a star tribulation with a high-quality spirit energy, she might even be at the same level as Sarina now that she is using the manual left by Aurelian", he thought.

The conclusion was shocking in a variety of ways, first until yesterday Camila's attribute was earth like most of the members of the Wolfstein family, second, she was only a star axys realm cultivator… and third her current appearance differed with what Aster saw yesterday.

Unlike the usual dark brown hair and eye color of the Wolfstein, her hair had now a coppery brown tone and it seemed to glow from time to time, but the most noticeable change were her eyes which now had a pretty blue tone.

Camila noticed the things in her room were slowly floating towards here again, she took a deep breath and calmed down, which apparently worked as all the things fell to the ground again.

She then looked at Lilia and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry, I just don't understand what happened… ughh!", while she was apologizing, she finally remembered she was only wearing a nightgown, and she couldn't help but blush.

Lilia shook her head, "Go put on some clothes and then I will examine you with my spirit sense, to see what happened… although I more or less have an idea".

Camila shily nodded and entered her room, while covering her privates and stealing a couple of glances at Aster, which had a contemplative expression on his face.

While Camila went to her bathroom to change, Lilia reinforced the barrier, there were a couple of maids and guards which came to see what was happening after all.

It didn't take Camila too much time to come out of her room, wearing some clothes this time.

"I'm sorry for my previous improper appearance, I just woke up and things happened too fast… please come in".

Camila invited them to enter her room, although the area of her bed was destroyed, she had a living area with a table and a few chairs, so everyone took seat.

Aster leaned his back against the chair and then said.

"Your eye color looks like the one I had before, were you using some kind of camouflage treasure yesterday?".

Camila shook her head.

"No… I'm as confused as you, also I can't control my spirit energy and when I tried, things were attracted towards me, also as you probably already noticed I seem to have jumped all the way from the star axys realm to the star tribulation realm".

All the things she pointed were made out of metal or similar materials, between them there were weapons, decorations, gold coins and other miscellaneous stuff.

Aster turned to see his mother looking for an answer, Lilia stood up and placed her hand on Camila's shoulder as she scanned her body with her spirit sense, but after a moment she shrugged.

"The lack of control is caused because you suddenly got stronger so it's only natural that you can't control a power which wasn't yours till a few hours ago… also your constitution is different than yesterday, but it's not a type of body which I recognize".

As if something suddenly made click on his mind, Aster remembered the inscription on the back of the map.

"Do you still have the medal I gave you yesterday?".

Camila nodded, she stood from her chair and looked the medal, the nightstand was destroyed but the medal was on the floor completely fine, or so she thought until she noticed one of the sides was now cracked, which made her panic.

"No way, did it break due to the mess I caused?", she mumbled, although she felt frustrated that the medal didn't have any use, it was still an inheritance from her ancestor which needed to be preserved.

Aster took the medal from her hands and inspected it, there was a clear separation between the part which was worn out and the one which wasn't, which didn't look natural at all.

"Exquisite Resonating, I think that's the name of the body constitution you got".

Aster then proceeded to tell Camila what was wrote on the backside of the map, they even inspected the chest again, thinking that maybe now something will be revealed but there was no reaction.

Camila doubted for a moment before she turned around, she moved her hair and the backside of her dress to show them her bare skin on which there was now the tattoo of a wolf.

Aster nodded confirming his theory, the tattoo was exactly the same as the wolf which used to be engraved on the medal.

Lilia laughed.

"It seems your ancestor did leave something behind for you after all, but it seems to come with a lot of trouble as well".

Aster didn't like what was happening, the feeling of being led by someone wasn't exactly pleasant, so now there was two options for him, getting involved or not, that was the main question right now.

"I never met her before during the time I stayed in the castle and now a few hours after our first interaction this happens, that's too convenient… is this supposed to be karma?".

Aster shook his head, there was no use on thinking too much about it, they had other things to do but on the other hand he couldn't just leave an unstable star tribulation realm cultivator alone in the castle.

Lilia played with her spatial ring for a moment before she took out a blue bracelet which she handed to Camila.

"This is a suppression bracelet, it's something used by those who have suffered deviation during their meditation, it will help you to control your spirit energy, since you are only a star tribulation it should be more than enough".

Lilia once used something similar due to the inner demon she developed, unfortunately it wasn't enough to keep her safe, so ultimately Aster had to burn his origin blood, but Lilia was in the heavenly realms and Camila is still on the earthly realms.

Camila put the bracelet which glowed with a dim blue light, she tried to use her spirit energy to float and immediately felt her an easing chill sensation running through her body, there were no side effects as she floated for a couple of seconds before safely landing on the ground.

"Thanks… I will look for a solution and then return it to you before you leave this planet", she said in a thankful voice.

Lilia waved her hand, "Don't worry about it, I have a couple more of those".

"Something tells me you will be coming with us anyway", she mentally added as she looked at her son.

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