The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 153 An Unexpected Guest

From the sky Aster evaluated the current situation of the battle, Sarina was containing one of the creatures without too much problem, although the thing kept hitting the walls of wind in a try to escape, Sarina joined her hands and the twister compressed itself.

The sound of bones broking could be heard coming from inside the twister along with some beastly screams.

"Well… she is quite fierce when it comes to battles", he thought.

Since Sarina's side was clear, he now focused his attention on Alice, her battle tactic was quite similar to how she suppressed Robert back in the capital city… in other words a barrage of long-range attacks using her attribute.

Still, that wasn't what caught his attention, for some reason he felt strangely excited seeing his sister fighting, to the point where he felt the urge to have her in his arms.

Aster frowned his eyebrows, "stupid dragon bloodline… I don't need you to remind me how much I love her", he thought before descending from the sky next to her.

Alice felt the hot gaze of her brother all over her body and she smiled at him.

"I was going to focus on advancing tonight but I can wait… for a couple of hours ♥".

Aster cleared his throat.

"Ahem, am I that obvious?", he asked.

Rya laughed from the mind space.

"Dragons tend to be violent, but you two are more on the lustful side… I wonder if that comes from Lilia".

Aster nodded.

"Probably, thanks to heavens I have my cute girls to help me with that".

Rya shook her head.

"We can flirt all you want later, for now focus on the battle, more of those beasts keep coming but the one outside the city is keeping them in check… I can't who is it, but there aren't too many options".

Aster smiled.

"So, it's either the cosmos tree or the nether vine… sis stop playing and finish that thing, we have to go meet someone".

Alice shrugged, she clapped and a huge explosion made the whole area tremble, once the dust that rose up due to the explosion settled down, the only thing that was visible was a huge crater and a corpse which was so burnt it looked like a pile of charcoal.

Alice hugged Aster's arm and they flew towards the place where Kana was, since all the leading creatures were death, the corrupted beasts went berserk, once they arrived at the barrier Sarina was already waiting for them.

While Aster was flirting with Alice, Sarina reunited with her daughter and the training started, which led to the current situation where Kana was fighting with many beasts at the same time.

Aster and Alice descended next to Sarina, the three of them evaluated Kana, despite the fact that she hasn't been in a real fight before, she inherited Sarina's fierceness so even when she was surrounded by the beasts, she didn't coward, instead she used the sword her mother gave her to cut down the beasts one by one.

Since she was only at the early stage of the earth origin realm, she couldn't use her attribute to fight but even when she was younger Sarina gave her some basic training to prepare her just in case.

Alice nodded.

"Not bad, I can see mom praising her… I wonder what is her attribute?".

Sarina smiled.

"She is so kind that the nature itself is at her side, she has wood affinity, that's how we created such a wonderful garden back on my mansion in Oak Heart city".

Aster walked towards Kana, since the beast horde was starting to dwindle thanks to the now super motivated city guards, and the person that was dealing with them outside of the city, then they had time for a little lesson.

He stopped next to kana which immediately noticed him and smiled.

"How did I do it big brother? In the future I want to be able to fight alongside you!!!".

Aster patted her head.

"You are quite strong".

Kana laughed, being complimented by the person she liked made her heart feel sweet.

Aster took a stick which was laying on the ground, and held it with his right hand, he smiled at Kana and spoke.

"I'm not a really good teacher but let me show you a little trick".

Kana was a bit confused; Aster was holding a stick as if it was a sword, she saw a beast coming at them and she wanted to attack it but Aster stopped her, he waved the stick and the beast was cleanly divided in half along, ant that was not all, a large line of at least ten meters was carved on the ground starting from the point where Aster was standing.

This time not only Kana, even Sarina was in awe, she didn't feel Aster using any spirit energy.

"He slashed down a beast with a physical body on the star formation realm… with a stick?".

Alice laughed.

"Just wait till you see it using that on a serious fight", she thought.

Seeing Kana's adorable surprised expression, Aster nodded.

"When you practice enough and your heart is resolved, you can do things like this, that is called sword intent… the second stage of sword intent to be more accurate".

Kana's eyes were sparkling.

"B-big brother can you teach me how to do that!!!".

Aster smiled.

"Unfortunately, I can't directly teach you, everyone's intention is different, but I can guide you… you can't be a worse student than Alice anyway hahaha".

Aster's laugh was interrupted by Alice's voice.

"Hoh, am I really that bad as a sword user?".

​ Aster saw the slightly threatening smiling expression on his sister's face and he shrugged.

"It took you three years to achieve the first stage, when mom was your age, she did it in one year".

Alice snorted.

"That's not a fair comparative… she wasn't cultivating her body when she was my age, besides I'm not that much of a sword maniac like you two, humph".

Sarina had no clue what hey were talking about, so she decided to just go along with them.

"I swear every new thing i learn about you is more incredible than the previous one", she said.

Kana nodded.

"Big brother is amazing".

Although Aster was enjoying the moment, he felt the same feeling of being observed, which reminded him there was someone waiting for them outside of the city.

"Ladies it seems we have an unexpected guest… so let's go say hi", they walked towards the north gate, on the way Aster told Eric to keep his guard up while they went to see who was helping them before.

The scene outside of the city walls was… surprising, there were at least one hundred thousand corrupted beasts laying in the ground death, Aster noticed that among them there were a couple of creatures like the ones they killed, they all had only one wound, a hole at the area of the chest.

An unknown female voice drew everyone's attention.

"I thought you all wouldn't like it to be too gruesome, so I limited myself to a wound per enemy… I have to say that you are quite something kid, I might not be as strong as I used to be, but still a star formation realm kid which can notice my divine sense, that's something this queen hasn't seen before".

Aster looked at a tall tree where the figure of a woman was leisurely laying over one of the many branches.

The woman had long black hair, her blue eyes had a sharp gaze, she was wearing a dark purple getup which seemed to have some thorns as decorations, on top of her head there was a crown adorned with a violet rose, contrary to what you would think instead of threatening she had a more dignified presence to herself.

Aster frowned his eyebrows, the woman was a spirit projection similar to the form Rya had in the mind space, the difference was that unlike Rya whose cultivation realm he couldn't feel, he calculated that the woman in front of them was… in the genesis manifestation realm.

Without saying anything he immediately activated both the barrier talisman around them, along with the protection of the paragon body.

Aster stood in front of the girls with a relaxed expression.

"You don't look like the cosmos tree, so I guess you are the nether vine?".

The woman snorted.

"Humph, what "vine", this queen comes from the Heavenly Rose clan, I didn't properly know the language of mortals back then, so I misspelled when I spoke to that old man".

Aster had a weird expression on his face, he pointed his sword which was covered in golden light at her.

"That sounds interesting, but it doesn't explain why did you lend us a hand… and how did you break free from the seal?".

The woman laughed.

"I don't mind explaining but can you please not point at me with that golden thing, I saw what you did to that corrupted… and I would like to keep my beautiful face if it's not too much to ask".

Seeing that Aster was still on guard, the woman sighed.

"If I wanted to fight, then why would I have helped you… I even guided that woman to the sprout of the black water yin flower since I saw it on the list you gave to that Orson guy".

Aster lowered the sword but he still kept a slight quantity of annihilation around his body, he glared at the girls and saw Sarina and Alice nodding.

"Okay, then come with us to a more appropriate place to have a conversation".

The woman shrugged.

"Lead the way".

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