The Rise of Rurik

Chapter 17: Bald Fisk

Chapter 17: Bald Fisk

After Otto left today, Rurik has recruited more than forty children.

The oldest of these children is only nine years old, and the youngest is only six years old. Although their height and weight are uneven, they are not different. Rurik especially noticed that everyone's most

The big thing in common is that they are quite thin.

Most of them will probably grow up to be stocky men, and at least for now, they don't seem to have that potential.

After all, they were his own age, and Rurik estimated that because he was the son of the leader, he usually ate and drank better. Besides, he was quite thin, and the others would only be worse.

It was on the mound west of Roseburg again. After a few days, Rurik felt that the mountain wind was even more desolate, and the climate was getting colder and colder.

The sparse woods shed litter from time to time, and few birds linger.

Rurik, who was wearing a cotton coat and a small leather coat, gathered all the people he had recruited here.

Except for the first ten people, the rest of the people came here today.

Some were pulled by friends, and some simply wanted to learn special fighting skills.

Good! Rurik's fight with Kanuf many days ago has become famous, and the unique subduing technique has not only become a topic of conversation, but many children are eager to learn.

Rurik also used his own capital to recruit a total of forty-five people, but unfortunately the number did not meet his psychological expectations.

Those first ten people will serve as role models, and each can become a squad leader.

A group of screaming children were gathered, and Rurik held up the wooden sword in public to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Okay guys! You all look at me!"

"I am Rurik, son of Otto! The one called Odin's Blessing. You must have gathered here today out of trust in me. So, from today onwards, I am your brother. "

"Brothers, we will one day be like those adults, sailing away by boat and fighting the most vicious enemy..."

Rurik is doing slogan mobilization here, and he hopes to enhance the cohesion of the group through one mouth.

Unexpectedly, an older child suddenly shouted: "Fight like my father? Well, he's dead."

Rurik saw the child at a glance. He was taller than himself. When he talked about the death of his father, he did not show any sadness, only some regrets.

"Brother, what's your name?" Rurik asked respectfully.

Seeing the boy walk out of the crowd, he took off his leather hat, revealing his almost hairless head.

Of course the man wasn't bald, he just shaved off his hair with a knife against his scalp to avoid head lice. In fact, quite a few of the Roth clan did just that. after all

They are more willing to cleanse their bodies than other European groups.

This bald head gave Rurik a lot of sensory stimulation.

"My name is Fisk, I'm only nine years old, and a lot of people call me bald Fisk. I heard from my mother that the year you were born, my father died at the hands of the Gotlanders.

I want revenge, but I am too weak. Rurik, can you understand this? "

Many Viking tribesmen are happy to call themselves nicknames, or accept nicknames given by others. After all, they don't have the concept of surnames, and the names they take are very likely to be thunderous.

Also, add a nickname to increase recognition.

"I..." Rurik choked for a moment, and after hesitating for a while, he asked, "So you're here to learn something new."

Fisk nodded. "Although you are only seven years old, we all believe that you will become our leader in the future. So if you become the leader, our fleet will be attack by those Gotland Islanders, then what will we do? "

Is this a child's question? The problem is too real!

Rurik kept his composure,

After all, he is either the kind of person who advocates barbarism, or he lives in such a desolate and dangerous environment. I am afraid that being barbaric is the means to survive. Rurik thought about it for a moment, then pretended to be calm and said, "Of course it's a counterattack! We must use a strong counterattack so that they can never attack us."

At this moment, a satisfied smile appeared on Fisk's face: "Yes. We will destroy them all without mercy. We will attribute the treasures they plundered to us. At that time, we can all be rich. "

After a few short conversations, Rurik felt really uncomfortable. Looking at Fisk, who was only nine years old, this person was simply a bandit mentality.

There is no concept of sin, just to live by any means? Fisk's mentality is also too primitive.

Could it be that life must be so cruel, this Fisk, and other children like Fisk, who live for revenge? Just for looting?

If the children of this group only have this idea, then the group has no future.

After all, simple bandits will eventually be wiped out by more advanced groups.

Rurik didn't think this crazy idea at all, the so-called force should be a means of self-defense, and peaceful development was the last word. Especially in these turbulent times,

Population is the most important, and the death of anyone is not a small loss to the tribe.

What's more, only from a few years of observation, Rurik found that every time his father thought about the treasures brought back by Swig the Swigg, what kind of treasures could those be called? Possibly the most precious thing is honey and sackcloth. So the residents of Gotland are also poor.

There is absolutely no future for a group of poor bandits to rob another group of poor tribal civilians.

Rurik deeply remembered this "bald" Fisk and his "great" ideals.

Rurik settled down and looked at everyone again: "Okay guys, next, I'm going to divide you into five teams, each with nine people. Kanuf!"

"I'm here!"

"Let the brothers line up, and you stand in front of me first."

Therefore, with the exception of Kanuf, nine of the first ten people lined up in a neat horizontal line.

Rurik then ordered: "Others, you line up behind them, with only five people in each line. Remember, one person is your team leader."

As soon as the words fell, the crowd quickly became noisy. Many children were at a loss at all. Seeing their indifference, Rurik had no choice but to shake his head.

Apparently, the verbal commands to them were too complicated.

As a last resort, Rurik had to go off the court in person, and even with the help of Kanuf, he grabbed people from the crowd and inserted them into the team one by one.

After all, they are all children, and they can be described as blank sheets of paper. Rurik felt that it would be a little hard to train them, but they were also more receptive to some new ideas.

The team was so neatly arranged, including Kanuf finally entered the first team.

A total of forty-five children stood in front of Rurik. Although their line was not very neat, the overall appearance of the line was really similar.

Glancing a few more times, Rurik got a look of anticipation.

"That's right, it's starting to look like a hundred people."

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