The Return of the Legendary All-Master

Chapter 134

Chapter 134


The capsule opened, and Kim Bong-Goo stepped out, exhausted.

“Ugh… I’m dying…”

As he mumbled into his pillow, someone whispered in his ear.

“Oh! Are you eating Yukgaejang?”

[TL/N: Yukgaejang is a spicy beef and vegetable soup]


Kim Bong-Goo jumped up in surprise.

He looked to his side and saw his damn sister giggling, enjoying his reaction.

“Oh, listen to that Bong-Goo car horn. It’s cracking, time for the scrapyard.”

“Scrapyard…? Get the hell out of my room!”

Kim Bong-Goo shuddered at the mention of the scrapyard.

“Now it’s even suddenly accelerating? I’m reporting this to the Gad Mun-Chul TV channel right now!”

“Oh, please…”

He was furious, but he didn’t even have the energy to be angry right now.

He forced his sister out of the room, locked the door, and collapsed back onto his bed.

‘Phew, finally some rest.’

He had only been sleeping for three hours a day for the past few days.

He would go to bed at 11 PM, wake up at 2 AM, and then start his one-on-one sparring with Jeong-Hoon.

Jeong-Hoon, as if he never got tired, relentlessly pressured Kim Bong-Goo without rest.

‘…The first move will be towards my chest again, and the second will be aimed at my neck.’

But thinking back, there were more than a few strange things.

‘Why does he only attack with the same pattern?’

Jeong-Hoon consistently pressured Kim Bong-Goo using the exact same pattern.

And when Kim Bong-Goo tried to counterattack after getting used to the pattern, Jeong-Hoon would defend against it and then continue with the next pattern in the sequence.

It was as if he was telling him to learn this pattern.

So, instead of focusing on surprise attacks, Kim Bong-Goo shifted his focus to learning Jeong-Hoon’s pattern.

He changed his strategy to defending against Jeong-Hoon’s attacks and memorizing the pattern.

‘The problem is that it’s not easy to memorize even that.’

From the 8th move onwards, the attacks started to become fiercer, and after the 15th move, he could barely manage to defend.

But as they say, humans are creatures of adaptation.

After a long period of repetitive training, he had adapted enough to withstand over 30 moves.


At first, it seemed like a distant goal.

Was it because of the training with the Viper?

He seemed to have gained some confidence.

‘Hehe, and I can get a good night’s sleep today.’

The training was over.

He could finally enjoy some sweet rest.

“No, wait… Can I really get Unique just by resting?”

Even though the training was over, practicing alone while hunting was essential.

If he couldn’t achieve Unique in his 3rd class advancement… The thought alone was terrifying.

* * *

At the same time.


The capsule opened, and Jeong-Hoon stepped out.

He had given the ring to Michael, so he could finally take a breather for a while.

‘It’s a good thing I tamed someone who can handle dark magic.’

If he hadn’t, the Bone Lord Wyvern’s heart would never have seen the light of day.

Jeong-Hoon would have destroyed the heart himself.

It was a shame, but it was better to destroy it than let it fall into the hands of someone who would hinder his plans to finish the game.

His mother was in the living room, sipping coffee and fiddling with her smartphone.

Noticing her unusual expression, Jeong-Hoon sat down across from her.

“Mom, what are you looking at so intently?”

“Oh? Hoon, you’re back?”


“Our son has become a real star!”

His mother was watching HoneyTube.

The number of subscribers had already surpassed 1 million.

It seemed the video of hunting the Bone Lord Wyvern had made quite an impact.

The comments were flooded with people asking for the identity of Honey 1.

There were even occasional comments from foreigners.

“Haha, if I go out like this now, no one will recognize me.”

“That’s true. The mosaic and voice modulation are so good that no one would be able to tell.”

“Yeah. Is that why you were watching it?”

“Of course. What parent wouldn’t enjoy seeing their child’s accomplishments?”

Jeong-Hoon felt a pang in his chest at his mother’s words.

She had always been generous with her praise whenever he stood out from others since he was young.

That’s why he had always tried harder.

“…Mom, by the way, what’s your level now?”

“I’m at 106 now.”

“Hmm, you’ve changed all your equipment, right?”

“Yes. They gave me a full set of fully enhanced gear.”

“Then would you like to join me in an event next time?”

“An event?”


* * *


[New World Event Announcement!]

– Hello! This is the New World development team.

We are making this announcement to share some exciting news with our players!

New World is doing its best to provide various benefits to our users.

In preparation for the new world that will open in the future.

Therefore, the New World development team is planning to hold an event for our users.

[Guild War Event]

– First Round: Consisting of users below level 250 (3rd class advancement)

– Second Round: Consisting of users above level 250 (3rd class advancement)

This is a newly organized Guild War event.

We ask for active participation from guilds on each server, and guild fame and contribution points will be awarded based on the rankings within each server.

Please note that there may be changes in rankings due to this event, so we encourage maximum participation from all guilds!

– From the New World development team


An announcement was made in New World.

Jeong-Hoon’s face, upon seeing the announcement, recalled memories from his past life.

‘The Second Cataclysm.’

Guilds were engaged in a fierce daily competition for rankings.

With such an event announced, there wouldn’t be a single guild that wouldn’t participate.

But they didn’t know.

If they focused solely on the event in the first round, a disaster would befall Earth.

‘If they fail to clear the hidden traps in the map that appears in the first round… a disaster will strike Earth.’

The disaster would cause trees to wither, droughts, and multiple simultaneous typhoons, threatening the entire world. Earthquakes exceeding magnitude 6.0 would occur continuously for three days.

As a result, there would be a surge of deaths and injuries worldwide.

There would also be a large number of missing persons, and the economy would suffer a severe blow.

‘Honestly, no one expected this New World event to be related to a disaster.’

Anyone would think it was just an event for guild ranking competition.

No one would imagine there was a hidden secret behind it.

Anyway, Jeong-Hoon planned to participate in the event to prevent this Second Cataclysm.

‘With my mother, the Genesis Sniper, it will be easier to prevent the chaos.’

Jeong-Hoon hadn’t suggested his mother participate in the event for no reason.

‘Come on, what if you cause trouble for the guild?’

Of course, his mother had refused repeatedly, but after Jeong-Hoon’s persistent requests, she finally agreed to participate if the guild allowed it.

All that was left was Ho-Yeong’s permission.

“You want to participate in the event?”


Yeo Min-Ji, sitting across from him, tilted her head in confusion.

“There’s no need for you to participate, Jeong-Hoon. Ho-Yeong is capable of securing a spot within the top 10 with our other forces.”

“It’s not just about the ranking.”

“Then what is it? Do you have something else you want?”

Jeong-Hoon shook his head.

“No. I just need you to allow me to participate in this event.”

“Sigh… No matter what, your mother can’t participate.”

Yeo Min-Ji let out a deep sigh.

Considering Jeong-Hoon’s performance, there would be no problem with him participating.

‘The Hero of Märchen…’

Honestly, his performance always surprised her.

To think that before hunting the Bone Lord Wyvern this time, he had cleared the Märchen Royal Palace.

His gameplay was so perfect that she wondered if he was even the same kind of player as them.

It seemed like he would shine in this first round as well.

The problem was his mother.

With her hidden class and outstanding shooting skills, Yeo Min-Ji was certain that no one could match Lee Na-Yeon among players of similar levels.

However, most of the users participating in this first round would be slightly below level 250.

It would be impossible for Lee Na-Yeon, who was only a little over level 100, to compete against them.

“I will take first place.”

“And if you can’t?”

“I’ll change the terms of our contract.”

“The terms?”

“I’ll swear absolute loyalty to the Ho-Yeong Guild. Also, you don’t have to provide any support. If you want, I’ll stick by your side all day and watch your martial arts training.”

“No… You don’t have to go that far…”

Yeo Min-Ji was speechless.

There was no way to persuade him if he was going this far.

“Please,” Jeong-Hoon pleaded earnestly once more.

Finally, Yeo Min-Ji nodded.

“Sigh… First place. You’re sure about this, right?”


Jeong-Hoon’s gaze was unwavering.

After a long moment of contemplation, Yeo Min-Ji nodded.

“…Alright. Then, for the first round, you and your mother will participate. I’ll take responsibility for persuading my father and the other guild members.”

The reason for Yeo Min-Ji’s hesitation was simple.

Each guild was limited to one team for both the first and second rounds.

In other words, if Jeong-Hoon and his mother participated in the first round, other users below level 250 wouldn’t be able to participate in the event.

‘It seems like my father already has members in mind… I’ll have to talk to him again.’

It wouldn’t be easy to change Yeo Sunwoo’s mind, but she had to try.

“Oh, and are there two spots open in the guild?”


“Yes. Some decent guys might join.”

Jeong-Hoon smirked.

* * *

Meanwhile, Yeo Sunwoo was gathering the guild members to announce the event.

“Remember, this event is very important to us.”

The event was called an event, but it was essentially a competition.

Not just for Ho-Yeong, but for all guilds, this event would be crucial.



The ten guild members gathered in front of him responded energetically.

They were the candidates representing Ho-Yeong in this event.

“Now, we need to select the members for the first round. Does anyone have any recommendations?”

The first round required participants to be below level 250.

Yeo Sunwoo immediately thought of Park Chan-Hwa and Heo Seung-Ji, who were hovering around levels 240-250.

Park Chan-Hwa was a Barbarian Warrior with high defense and bravery, and Heo Seung-Ji was a lightning mage who could support Park Chan-Hwa.

“How about Chan-Hwa and Seung-Ji?”

Park In-Tae quickly raised his hand and recommended the two.

‘As expected of In-Tae.’

‘He’s very perceptive.’

A satisfied smile appeared on Yeo Sunwoo’s face, and the guild members were slightly impressed.

‘That’s what it takes to be the guild leader’s right-hand man.’

“I want to participate!”

“I want to go!”

Park Chan-Hwa and Heo Seung-Ji, seizing the opportunity, raised their hands and expressed their desire to participate.

Yeo Sunwoo nodded without hesitation.

“Alright. Then for this first round…”

“Wait a minute!”

However, his words were interrupted by Yeo Min-Ji’s sudden entrance.

Everyone, including Yeo Sunwoo, was taken aback by her unexpected appearance.

“Min-Ji, what brings you here?”

“Sorry, but I want to recommend the participants for the first round.”

“You want to recommend the participants for the first round…?”


Yeo Min-Ji walked up to the whiteboard in front of them and wrote down the nicknames of the guild members who would participate in the first round.

– Hoon

– Yeo-Na

The room buzzed with excitement at the appearance of the two nicknames.


“Aren’t those two Hidden Classes?”

“But I thought they were low-level?”

Their classes weren’t the issue.

The problem was their ‘levels’.

Hoon wasn’t even level 200 yet, and he hadn’t even undergone his 3rd class advancement.

And Yeo-Na had just completed her 2nd advancement, hadn’t she?

Even that was only possible because Ho-Yeong had been meticulously taking care of her.

She was like a delicate flower grown in a greenhouse.

“I object to that recommendation.”

The one who objected was Park In-Tae.

It was surprising to hear him object, as he usually sided with her.

“What’s your reason?”

Yeo Min-Ji asked for the reason for his objection, as if she had expected it.

“I understand the desire to include them because they are Hidden Classes. However, the level difference is too significant. Yeo-Na, in particular, might have to compete against players who are over 140 levels higher than her. This is a fight with zero chance of winning.”


“Of course, I’m aware that ‘Hoon’ single-handedly defeated Dragonia once. But isn’t this too much of a gamble?”

He was right.

Hoon was quite a celebrity in Ho-Yeong.

It was known that he had single-handedly defeated Dragonia, which even Yeo Min-Ji couldn’t handle.

Moreover, wasn’t he learning a lot as Yeo Min-Ji’s disciple?

‘Actually, I’m the one who’s the disciple.’

Yeo Min-Ji wanted to say that, but she kept her mouth shut.

“I agree. If you can’t explain yourself, I’ll send Chan-Hwa and Seung-Ji to the first round.”

Yeo Sunwoo supported Park In-Tae.

From anyone’s perspective, Yeo Min-Ji was in a position where she had to back down.

However, she straightened her shoulders and spoke confidently.

“The Bone Lord Wyvern. You know the new raid boss that appeared in Märchen, right?”

“Yes, I do.”

It was a hot topic on YouTube recently, so how could he not know?

“It was Jeong-Hoon who single-handedly defeated that raid boss.”

The room buzzed with excitement at her bombshell announcement.

The protagonist of HoneyTube was Jeong-Hoon?

“No way… So Honey 1 was a member of our guild?”

“He soloed a raid boss without even reaching 3rd class advancement…?”

“I-Is that true?!”

Yeo Min-Ji nodded.

“Yes. And with the Genesis Sniper providing cover, I believe there’s a good chance of success.”

The Genesis Sniper.

The hidden class as known as the “Covert Sniper,” whose location was never revealed and who could handle opponents with various skills.

“Is that so? Then what will you do if you don’t achieve good results?”

Yeo Sunwoo, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke.

As if she had been waiting for this, Yeo Min-Ji spoke up.

“If Hoon and Yeo-Na don’t achieve good results in the first round, I’ll step down from my position as an executive and become a regular guild member.”

Yeo Min-Ji’s bombshell declaration left everyone, including Yeo Sunwoo, staring at her in a daze.

“…That sounds like you’re very confident.”


Yeo Sunwoo stroked his chin as if intrigued and then held up five fingers.

“Fifth place. If you don’t make it within the top 5, you’ll be demoted to the lowest rank in the guild and have to do all sorts of chores. Do you still feel the same way?”

Fifth place.

Achieving fifth place among all the famous guilds was like reaching for the stars.

Yeo Min-Ji’s face hardened slightly at the absurd proposal.

“No. Let’s make it first place.”



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