The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 22.1

Chapter 22.1

Entrance of the Players (1)

[Lets gather the kids and get rid of the trash all in one go.]


[In any case, since the organization is in a right mess at the moment, we do need to make an example by disciplining someone. Ever since the incident at the nightclub, Ive had a feeling that the Guma gang overwhelmed us too easily.]

[Fuck. Really]

Song Dae-Ak regained his cool upon hearing Noh Gil-Siks calm tone.

He might have been smoking a cigarette, as we heard him take a few deep breaths.

[Also, if by some chance Hyungnim gets nabbed by the police, we need to make sure that our foundation survives in order to ensure our future.]

[Thats just how it is.]

[If we overturn their VIP Party, well throw a hitch into those bastards plans and its the easiest way to leave the lasting impression that were not nearly over yet. I believe that now is the time for us to show this attitude.]

[Well, it will definitely give those sons of bitches a headache.]

Rather than Song Dae-Ak, doesnt it feel more like Noh Gil-Sik is the boss? His brain processes things really quickly.

Mong-Doo muttered with admiration.

I also agreed with him.

With his impressive skill at judging gains and losses, he outshone Song Dae-Ak by an embarrassing degree.

It seems that the reason why Song Dae-Ak could maintain his organization for such a long time was because he had an outstanding eye for talent.

From Dal-Gon to Noh Gil-Sik, and his other extremely loyal subordinates.

In a way, that was also a strength.

[However will Ma Eun-Tae be at the party? It will be a waste if only the grunts show up.]

This was something that we were also worried about.

The security experts that Madam Shim had talked about were likely to be the Guma Gangs guys.

Although the Gogo Nightclub Incident also left them with a lot of casualties, so they shouldnt have many men left.

Theyll probably just scrape up whoever they have left and send them to the party.

Thats why I thought that there was a probability that Ma Eun-Tae would show up as well.

Of course, we could count it as a success if we managed to capture just the customers, Song Dae-Ak, and the remnants of his gang.

[Ill find that out.]

[Do you have a good idea?]

[I know someone who will be attending the VIP Party. With his help, I can find out if Ma Eun-Tae will be in attendance. And if Ma Eun-Tae wont be coming, then I can ask my friend to arrange it so that he is.]

Thats crazy.


This was such a lucky coincidence that we were struck speechless and left with goosebumps.

Mong-Doo and I nodded our heads like crazy before giving each other a high five.

It couldnt get any better than this.

[Theres someone you know? Who?]

[I told you about him before. From when I first visited Exodus.]

[Ah. That guy. Didnt you say he was the CEOs cousin?]

[Yes. Thats right.]

CEOs cousin? Who could that be.

Hm. Well. I cant really tell.

It might be because it was a private conversation, but I couldnt understand half of what they were saying.

However, so what.

The overall flow of the situation was going in our intended direction.

[Okay. Got it. Get the kids together.]

[Yes sir. Also, as the police are keeping an eye on the Guma Gang, well have to get our hit in quickly and get out as fast as we can.]

Hm. So theyre going to use hit-and-run tactics.

I wonder if they have something special in mind?

I wanted to continue listening, but their conversation stopped here.

Mong-Doo and I sent a message to the Team Leader, who was still watching over the drugs.

Letting him know that Song Dae-Ak had decided to make his move.


At an international hotel located in the center of Seoul.

As a luxury car parked in front of the entrance, the attending bellboy approached to open its door.

At the sight of my elegantly coiffed appearance, he hesitated slightly.

It was a familiar reaction.

Even though my skin had chapped due to hard work, Go Ji-Huns looks hadnt faded in the slightest.

Just as Mong-Doo and I were about to get out of the car.

Excuse me, sirs.

We could see Chief Kims uneasy look reflected through the back mirror.

The hands clutching tightly onto the steering wheel were trembling slightly and his shoulders were hunched stiffly.

So he had managed to drive all the way here while in such a state.

Make sure to drive home safely. Thank you for driving us here today.

Everything will really be okay, right?

Ha ha. Youre such a worrywart. Im just going in to do some work.

You cant let yourself get hurt.

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