The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 239 First Book Part 2

"Wait a minute, Lila. According to Mind-body dualism, the mind and body are two separate entities. However, as far as I remember, Yu Chin explained that in metaphysics, the universe is seen as a unified whole consisting of energy and consciousness that are interconnected and mutually influencing. Therefore, shouldn't the mind influence the body just as the body influences the mind?" Anton expressed his opinion.

"Moreover, the concept of mind-body dualism ignores the more holistic and integrative dimensions of human existence, which involve the unity of mind, body, and soul."

After that, one by one, the students of class A15 expressed their opinions. Some of the books they read could be forced to fit with what Yu Chin taught. However, the deeper they debated, the more the students of class A15 understood what fundamental magic was.

"If we consider mana as the highest entity in this world, then we can describe it as an individual unity. The concept of the body is only used in mind-body dualism, while the concept of mysticism is more suitable for describing in general what mana is..." Artur began to express his opinion based on the book he read.

Sometimes their discussion topics deviated far from what they intended, but as a result, the students of class A15 became more and more familiar with what their books taught. Slowly but surely, the outline of the introduction to fundamental magic began to form in their respective minds.

However, they all still couldn't come to the same conclusion. Each of the students in class A15 had their own thoughts about the topic of fundamental magic. The relationship between humans and mana was difficult to explain, and various books had their own perspectives and methodologies to explain it.

Artur realized that Yu Chin was not teaching them nonsense; he only had his own way of looking at the relationship between humans and mana. Then his question was, where did the classification of the closeness of mages based on Constellation Level come from?

When Artur asked this question, all the students in class A15 fell silent. If there was no basic reference to explain the closeness of humans to mana, how could they classify it?

"I know!" suddenly Dony slammed his desk and drew the attention of all the students in class A15 who were lost in their thoughts.

"What? Tell us," said Robert eagerly.

"The closeness between humans and mana cannot be determined by humans themselves, but rather based on what mana determines!" said Dony.

"What gibberish are you talking about?" Tony furrowed his brow.

"Ah! So that's it! Dony, you're a genius!" exclaimed Lila.

"Hehehe... you realized it quickly, Lila. You're smarter than me!" blushed Dony, praised by the beautiful Lila.

"Hey, hey, hey, you two, don't get too intimate. Quickly explain what you mean!" Arthur's hand felt itchy and wanted to hit someone.

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'll explain!" sensing the ill intentions of his friends, Dony quickly became more serious.

"Here's the thing, based on the books we've read and Yu Chin's explanations in class, I can conclude that there is no definite way to determine how close humans are to mana. However, humans have a classification system for their closeness to mana, determined by the constellation level."

"This reminds me of how humans can turn mana flow into constellations. Namely, by creating a connection with mana using mana potion as a catalyst. However, it's not the human who creates the connection, but rather mana itself."

"From this, I think classifying the closeness between humans and mana is not something that humans can do because it's not humans who form the connection, but rather mana. Therefore, the classification of the closeness between humans and mana is determined by mana itself."


All the students in class A15 were surprised to hear the theory that Dony put forward. They felt that there was something to argue or add to the theory, but the theory was too logical and perfect.

So, whether they liked it or not, all the students in class A15 had to admit that what Dony had said was true. It wasn't humans who controlled mana, but rather mana that controlled humans. Mana determined how far humans could go with it and how much power they could have.

A truth that was very difficult to accept.

Ordinary humans view mages as the highest class and the pinnacle of human achievement. However, in reality, mages are just mana slaves who must lick their master's boots to get closer to it.

For a moment, no one in class A15 could say anything. They were all lost in thought, realizing that even if they became mages, they would still be mana slaves.

"If that's the case, then what Yu Chin teaches and all the conclusions from the books we read are true," Lila broke the silence.

"Or what Yu Chin teaches and all the conclusions from the books we read are false," Artur countered, bringing back the silence.

"Cough... cough... guys, I think we've strayed too far from the main topic of discussion," Robert tried to steer the conversation back on track.

"Ah... Robert is right, at the heart of it, we're discussing what might come up in the upcoming exam," Lila clapped her hands.

"Hmm... based on our conclusions, what Yu Chin teaches isn't just empty words but rather his personal understanding of the relationship between humans and mana. As for fundamental magic, it's essentially the study of the relationship between humans and mana. Yu Chin interprets this relationship from a metaphysical and mystical perspective," Dony nodded in agreement.

The other A15 students continued the explanation based on their understanding.

"According to metaphysics, everything in this world is connected to each other in a relationship of action and reaction."

"Metaphysics views that everything in the universe is interconnected and forms a complete unity. There is no clear separation between humans, nature, and mana. Therefore, although humans and mana may seem to be two different things, in reality they are connected and one. Humans have a mana flow that allows them to adapt and be integrated with the mana in the world."

"Metaphysics considers consciousness as a fundamental reality that cannot be reduced to physical phenomena. Consciousness is also believed to be a powerful force that can influence the physical world. Therefore, it is through consciousness that humans can connect with mana."

"Metaphysics views that the mind and reality are closely related. The human mind is believed to be able to influence physical reality and create the desired reality. Therefore, although this relationship is built by mana, it is the human mind that is the reference for change and movement of mana."

"Metaphysics emphasizes the importance of personal experience in understanding higher realities. Mystical or spiritual experiences are considered a way to access knowledge that cannot be explained in words. Therefore, humans who have different mana colors can be said to have different experiences and understanding of mana. That is why even two mages with the same spell faction may not have the same mana color."

"Based on mysticism, the relationship between humans and mana is not a horizontal relationship but a vertical one, where mana is a higher entity than humans."

"Mysticism seeks a deep understanding of life, death, God, and human nature that is broader than what can be gained through physical experience or logical thinking. Although we cannot describe it logically, in this case, the closeness between humans and mana is not one-sided. Humans have a role in constantly trying to get closer to mana by strengthening their understanding of life, death, mana, and their own nature."

"Mysticism believes that personal and direct experiences with spiritual reality or mana are the best way to achieve deeper understanding. In mysticism, spiritual or mystical experiences are considered a path to deeper understanding of reality. Although I myself have never experienced it, I think that as the level of closeness between humans and mana increases, humans will be given more knowledge about the world by mana itself."

"In mysticism, individuals are believed to have the potential to experience unity with the universe and achieve deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and the universe. Therefore, the closer humans are to mana, the more they will merge with the world. That is why humans can change the reality of the world because they are the world itself."

At this point, all the A15 students have unified their understanding of fundamental magic. They have understood the outer layer of the true form of the relationship between humans and mana.

From this understanding, they can see the future when they become a mage. An invisible connection but can be felt with an entity that can be described as the personification of the world itself. They realize why mages are so powerful, the words that come out of their mouths can change the reality of the world because those words are not human language but the language of the world itself.

"Hmm ... I think we have come to a conclusion. We should return to class as the second lesson will start soon." Robert closed their long discussion by clapping his hands.

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