The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 228 Cliques Part 3

Artur, Hani, and Jemah moved together to cover each other's direction of attack from Milton's servants. They knew they were outnumbered so guarding each other backs was the best way. For that with a triangle formation, Artur, Hani, and Jemah started their party that morning.

Jemah went first and broke the enemy formation with his larger body. Divide the enemy before they can surround the three of them.

Artur found that there were two men in front of him, he didn't know who they were serving but from their appearance and skin color, Artur guessed that they were from Badakar House. The right opponent for Artur considering of the three people, Sharad is the person he hates the most.

Not because of his annoying face but because of his eyes that radiate the most arrogance. He didn't even notice Artur was in the conversation earlier, maybe to him, Artur was nothing more than flying dust.

He had prepared himself to be looked down upon by the nobles but being ignored like an air hurt Artur even more. Because he couldn't possibly curse Badakar House, Artur intended to take out his frustration on these two servants.

The first servant that enters Arthur's range has a larger body. It seemed he deliberately stepped forward to give room for his comrades behind him to move. The nobles who used sneaky ways against commoners like this irritated Arthur even more.

Artur quickly kicked the first servant's knee, causing his balance to be disturbed. His fist, which had been drawn earlier, shot fast and aimed at the servant's nose. But quickly the servant tilted his head and managed to avoid Arthur's attack.

But this wasn't Arthur's first fight, he knew not to use all his strength for obvious attacks. Because of that, Arthur quickly withdrew his hand and managed to elbow the servant's head. His disturbed balance and a precise elbow on his head made the first servant tumble forward.


Before Artur could celebrate his victory a pain racked his cheek which was hit by the second servant. He came suddenly taking advantage of Artur who was preoccupied with the first servant. But Artur gritted his teeth and retaliate with a right kick to the second servant's chest.

He tried not to fall or move too far from his position. If not then the back of Hani and Jemah will not be protected. Right now the two of them were facing twice the number of enemies Artur was currently facing. But they remained calm and used their martial abilities very well.

Compared to Artur who only knows how to punch and do mediocrity-feinting, Hani and Jemah really fight adeptly. Even though their punches weren't as strong as their master's, every servant who was hit will break one or two teeth.


Artur once again had to take a punch to the face, he began to feel that his enemy was really aiming for his face. Artur felt that he had a pretty handsome face because of his mother's genes, but maybe his annoying father's eyes invited his enemies to focus on them.


Before Artur could return the servant's punch, the sound of glasses clinking was heard throughout the meeting room.

"I think it's enough!"

Like the ocean missing the moon, all chaos suddenly stopped. Everyone turned toward the source of the voice as well as Artur. He wasn't someone who could be stopped with words but that voice had such power that he had to follow it. Cold sweat ran down Arthur's back as he seemed hypnotized.

A young man with thick curly hair holds a wine glass in his right hand which is still shaking from colliding with a spoon in his left hand. His skin does not have a white color like Artur and Robert's but looks a little yellow when exposed to the meeting room lights. He wore a black tuxedo with a bow tie.

His immaculate style was a complete contrast to the theme of class A's meeting where the aim was for young people. His eyes that seemed to be closed and that wide smile made Artur shudder. Like there was a sharp sword hidden behind his friendly face.

Hani and Jemah also stopped, they stood beside Artur with the same wary eyes.

"Yin Wuhan, how dare you use insect incantation on us!" Milton also stopped yelling at Yin with a face full of anger.

"Whose that guy? Insect incantation?" Artur didn't know what those words meant.

"He is Yin Wuhan, heir of the Wuhan Clan," Jemah answered Artur's first question.

"Heir? And what is Insect incantation?"

"Yep, he is the heir of the Wuhan Clan. The Mana Ruling Family chooses their heir based on their ability as a mage or rather their potential. Not only the grade of mana flow but also physical abilities, intelligence, and so on. When an heir is already chosen, they will be allowed to learn secret spells that can be used by humans even if they are not yet a mage. And the Wuhan Clan's secret spell is Insect incantation." Hani explained in more detail.

"What? A spell that can be used by those who aren't mages?" Artur's hunch was right, the Mana Ruling Family still kept secrets that they didn't share with the public.

If the public knew there were spells that could be used without becoming a mage then they would be better off learning those spells than having to buy very expensive mana potions. But the question is why did the human alliance still let the Mana Ruling Family have this secret?

"Well... actually this isn't a big secret but it's only known by a few people. Most of the PSA graduates have this secret spell and teach it to their direct descendants. So the one who's actually keeping this secret is not the Mana Ruling Family but the human alliance itself." Awni, who returned to join them, answered Artur's confusion.


Without thinking long, Artur knew why this secret spell was not known by the public. It was to make sales of mana potions not decrease.

"Hehehe.. you make that kind of face again!" Awn laughed.

"Milton, I'm sorry I have to use insect incantation, I'm just afraid that your child's play disrupts the class A meeting. We'd better end this petty squabble and start focusing on the real event. After all, class A isn't only filled with you guys and I think the show was already quite entertaining," Yin said with a mix of seriousness and joking in his words.


"What do you think Robert?" before Milton could get angry again, Yin turned his question to Robert.

"I just defended my friend," Robert answered briefly without a smile on his face.

"... I have no intention of disrupting Class A's meeting," Robert paused for a moment before continuing to answer.

After that, he turned around and rejoined together with Artur and the others. Milton could only see Robert from behind without saying anything, his hands tightly clenched to hold back the anger that wanted to overflow.

Milton turned to Yin who was still smiling kindly then snorted and rejoined his goon. Artur thought Milton wasn't done yet and chose to ignore Yin but it seemed like the heir of the Wuhan clan had something that made him have to step down.

"Do you think that Milton is afraid of Yin?" Kira asked as if she could read Arthur's mind.

"Is it not?"

"No, you are right. Milton is afraid of Yin, that's because he is not an heir of his family."

"What do you mean?"

"As I said before, secret spells can only be learned by an heir of the family. But the heir of the Lewis family is not Milton. So right now if Milton chooses to fight Yin then he will definitely lose."

"Ah!" Arthur was completely shocked to hear this.

"In that case, haven't the two of you learned any secret spells?"

"Nope, my heir of my family is my older brother. Right now he is at the forefront with his troops," Awni answered first.

"I am not an heir too, it will be my little sister. Right now maybe she is playing at home," Kira told him about his part.

"Ah.. I miss little Fanny, She is so cute...."

"Stop it you pedophile, don't ever approach my sister more than 5 meters!" Kira hit Awni hard in the ribs.

"uggh... but you are the prettiest !!" feeling pain, Awni immediately take oath as hard as he could.

Artur ignored the lovebirds who were flirting with each other in public and turned to Robert who had rejoined them. "How about you Robert?"

"Gaht family heir is me. Well... I'm the only child in my family. But my father hasn't taught me the secret spell, he said the secret spell will only make me depend on them and forget my physical training" Robert answered.

"Ah.. those sound like the words of the world's strongest human," Arthur nodded.

"Alright, since the troubles and small fights are over we should get back to the real agenda. Let's start Class A's meeting!" Yin spread his arms like appointing himself as class A's leader.

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