The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 214 The Space-Time Laws Of The Mind Realm

Boku opened his eyes and saw the same gate he saw during the first evolution. But this time there was a large creature standing in front of the gate.

The creature had a golden body, a white face, and red wings. Its beak is like that of an eagle, but its body is like that of a human. Every inch of his body displayed an unimaginable power.

With his sharp eyes, he looked at Boku.

Boku knew who this celestial being in front of him was, the ruler of the Mind Realm, Garuda.

"Congratulations on successfully opening the second evolutionary gate and reviving your stabilizer room"

Before Boku could collect his voice, Garuda's great voice rumbled.

The echo vibrates every cell in the body of the person who hears it. Making the flowing blood swish, they churned at the voice of an extraordinary being. The hairs on his neck stood up as if it was afraid to look lazy in front of the ruler of the sky.

Boku shuddered in fear.

With frozen facial muscles and stiff lips. Boku stammered.

"T...Than...Thank you!"

Garuda examined Boku from head to toe. Even though Boku couldn't read the expression on the bird's face, for some reason he felt Garuda was satisfied with what he saw.

"Do you want to ask something?" kata Garuda.

"N..No" Boku stammered.

He still couldn't control his body which was shivering with fear. Even though he knew that Garuda did not intend to harm him, his body's natural reaction could not be stopped like he saw the creature at the top of the food chain.


Boku swallowed his saliva harshly.

He can see the movement in Garuda's facial muscles that pulls the corners of his lips upwards. It looked like he was smiling but once again, Boku couldn't read the expression on his bird's face.

"Okay then... As agreed by Moku, every orc race that arrives at Hargo Dalem must pay sin of sloth to me..." Garuda stopped here and squinted at Boku "Did you already know this?"

Boku's face turned pale and his body shivered with fear. Every movement made by Garuda made his heart beat so fast that it wanted to come out of his chest. If it weren't for the cold sweat running down the back of his neck, Boku would have thought that he was deeply in love with Garuda.

" already explained it to us" Boku struggled to answer.

"Good... I don't need to explain anymore. Then let's start the payment process." After saying that, Garuda's wings flapped. Boku saw one of its thousands of red feathers vibrate violently.

"Wa..wait a minute!" Boku pushed his voice out so it sounded squeaky.

"What is it?" Garuda stopped.

"Huft.. huft.. huft... I evolved and climbed Mount Lawu together with my brother. But when I got here I didn't see my brother anymore" Boku said quickly before his courage disappeared.

Boku and Goku did their second evolution together and they managed to activate the stabilizer room at the same time. But at this time Boku was alone with Garuda at the top of Hargo Dalem.

He didn't see Goku at all and there was no way Goku had opened the second evolutionary gate before him.

"Your brother? Oh, do you mean a big orc with a lecherous face?" said Garuda lightly.

"Y.. No? uh... yes" Boku hesitated because he thought Goku's face was not lecherous.

"He's also asking the same thing as you! Hee... he has the same worried expression as you" Garuda chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? What I mean is the brother you're talking about is standing in the same place as you".

"hah?" Boku gasped and looked right, left, and behind him but he found nothing but a white floor and darkness around them.

His body got goosebumps not understanding what Garuda meant. Did Goku get killed and become a ghost?

Before he screamed and made himself a laughing stock, Garuda explained what he meant,

"Hmm... You don't seem to really understand the concept of the Mind Realm. Didn't Moku explain it to you? Well... That kid doesn't seem like someone who can explain something complicated well..."

"Since the beginning of time, there have been three elements that govern the world. These three elements act in their respective realms and keep them in balance.

The three elements are Astral, Mind, and Spiritual.

The Astral Element maintains the world you've been living in, where all things are balanced, every time there is an action there will be a reaction. All things become visible with your five senses and can be closely observed.

The Mind Element is me and I am the Mind Element, we guard the world of shadows, ideas, fiction, illusions, and dreams.

We take care of all the things the astral being can imagine and put them together and then throw them back into the astral realm.

You will find it in the form of ideas and thoughts that you will later process and think about so that you can make a booster for the progress of your civilization.

The Spiritual Element is where we all come from.

I was not given knowledge of that element and I could not enter into that realm. Just as a painting cannot live and become a third dimension being."

"So, what you see and feel right now is not the original form of the actual form. All of this is only what you imagine as the true form.

The perception of space cannot be separated from the law of time.

Someone can be in a place because he is at the same time. So it could be that someone is somewhere and we don't see him because he is not at the same time.

It is time and place that govern the laws of existence in the Astral Realm, but the same laws do not apply in the Mind Realm. As I said before, Mind Realm is a collection of ideas and thoughts.

Everyone's ideas and thoughts are different, even the same body doesn't necessarily have the same mind. Therefore two individuals with different thought waves could not possibly meet in the Mind Realm.

The only way to be able to meet each other in the Mind Realm is to become a Mind being or create a place in the Mind Realm and then connect with the thought waves of the person you want to meet. Hargo Dalem is my place and Mind Realm is my home, that's why we can meet in this place.

Do you understand now why even though you and your brother are in the same place you can't see each other?"

Garuda looked at Boku with great anticipation, he was like a child waiting for a gift from his parents after answering a difficult question. However, Boku could not understand what Garuda was saying at all.

He felt himself to be one of the smartest orcs but right now he felt like he was talking to Luna as she explained some really complicated stuff. All of Garuda's words only entered from his left ear and left his right ear without leaving the slightest trace.

"aa..errr... No?"


"Okay, forget it. Your brother is fine, you will see him again when you guys return to the Astral Realm. Now it's time for me to collect my payment"

This time Garuda, who was frustrated, didn't take long to pull out a feather on his wing. The feather flew into the air and dived quickly to stab Boku's body. Boku felt as if his intestines were being pulled out of his stomach but the pain only lasted for a moment before disappearing.

Along with that, he lost something of himself but he didn't know what it was. Remembering Moku's previous stories, Boku knows that he has lost the Sin of Sloth. In the future, he will no longer be able to sleep and feel peace.

Garuda's feathers that had turned gray stuck back into his red wing. If you look closely, there are two gray feathers all over Garuda's red feathers indicating that Goku has also lost his Sin of Sloth.

"Open the gate," said Garuda in a commanding tone. He took a step to the side and made way for Boku to open the gate.

Boku, still feeling weak, limped towards the evolution gate, and with both hands, he pushed it open. The bright light shining on his body made him feel refreshed again.

Something had changed inside Boku but he didn't have the chance to feel what was different before his consciousness faded away.

Garuda's faint voice was heard from behind,

"Welcome to the Mind Realm"

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