The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 207 Lordo's Resolution

"Wait, sir! Our mission isn't over yet!"

From within the blue glass screen, Lordo with burning eyes and a booming voice said firmly.

"Lordo, What do you mea--"

"Our mission is to break into the enemy camp and seek information! We haven't entered the enemy camp yet and we haven't received any information!" Lordo replied by interrupting Swa before he finished speaking.

"Commander Lordo, your mission was to seek information and you have obtained the information. You have succeeded in finding out the intention of the mage army to enter the Bog forest" Swa argued.

"You're wrong sir! We haven't gotten any information yet! We only know the location of the enemy camp and asked headquarters about the Detection Array!"


"Let us finish our mission, sir!"

"Lordo! What the fuck are you talking about! You want to enter the heavily guarded mage camp! Didn't you hear Claire's explanation of the use of Detection Arrays?!" this time it was Goku who snapped before Swa could speak.

He was so angry when he heard Lordo's words, Goku got up from his seat and hit the table in front of him.

Lordo smiled seeing his ex-partner getting angry. But soon his eyes filled with determination again and his voice came out loud, "Yes, I hear what the Detection Array is. But, so what? We are the Reconnaissance Team, it is our job to break into the enemy's heavily guarded base and seek information inside it."

"Are you suicidal!?"

"No! We are warriors and warriors do what we must do!"

"Lordo! Stop talk fucking nonsen--"

"I still remember what Ku Moku say that time! In front of many sylphs and In front of our Queen! He says: If sylph can possess mutated animals then you will have their powers and no longer need to be a human pet.

At first, no one believed Moku, we, sylph just obeyed because didn't want our queen to sacrifice herself. Some of us even booed him from behind saying 'a delusional orc'"

Lordo was just one of the sylphs who came that day. The historic day when Nerphyl shed tears for the first time in front of them.

Like the other sylphs, Lordo's heart ached when he saw Nerphyl cry. But they couldn't do anything, they were just the weakest monster race. Even a small rabbit is capable of killing them.

That's why when the sylphs heard Moku's words they booed him. They are afraid of high hopes that could destroy them, so they reject him.

Refusing to look ahead and trying to be content with their pathetic state. Become humans' pets and live under their control forever.

Maybe they will lose their self-respect...

Maybe they'll just be toys to be dumped when their master gets bored...

Maybe they should sacrifice their beloved queen, the queen who is always there in the darkest of times for them, the queen who loves them so much...

But at least they can live, right?

That's what Lordo and the other sylphs thought.

"But he is right!

Nerphyl, our dear Queen of Sylph evolve!! She became a mutated animal that the monsters had been running away from in fear. She fought at the forefront of tearing apart the enemy's bodies that even the strongest monster race, orcs, lost to.

Sylph is no longer the weakest monster race, Nerphyl has become a new monster that is much stronger! She became something never before seen during the long history of the sylph race, a Druid."

When Nerphyl changed to her mutated animal form all the sylphs present saw that. Whether seeing it in person or seeing it from other sylph recordings, they only felt one thing at that moment, pride.

Pride never before existed within the weakest monster race. Pride that has been buried in their inferiority complex. And Pride they never imagined to be able to feel.

On that exact day when Nerphyl tore the Quadruple Arachnid apart with her fangs and claws, all the sylphs screamed in their hearts.

I'm a sylph and I'm proud!

"And he says: Nerphyl join us! Let's fight destiny and this world together!

He acknowledged us and rightly we acknowledged him! We are warriors! Our enemies are not only humans but destiny and the world itself!"

The words that the sylphs had so far regarded as mere words that Moku used to enslave them. But in reality, Moku never looked down on sylphs, only they felt themselves inferior to other monster races.

When Nerphyl fought in her mutated animal form alongside the other valkyries, the sylphs realized what Moku's words really meant.

Moku says that sylphs are warriors! Warriors who are proud of their strength! A warrior who sacrificed for his friends! A warrior who is not afraid in front of his enemy!

And Moku promises to give them the most passionate fight in the whole world! The fight against destiny and the world! A battle where the sylphs are the troops!

"That's why I won't back down from this mission. Moku isn't wrong! His assumption won't be wrong! I will sacrifice myself to make his assumption the truth!

It's true that this mission is very dangerous and we will be killed for it! But, so what? Isn't this what a warrior is looking for?! Die in battle! Reunite with our brothers and sisters at The One's side! And fight together forever in The One's Heaven!"

If Moku is wrong then all his words could be wrong.

Then in that way, the sylph can just turn back into a human pet!

Then in that way, the sylphs could just return to being the weakest monster race!

Then in that way, Nerphyl might just come back to kill herself for them!

Then in that way, it's possible that sylphs aren't warriors!

"It's impossible for Moku to say something nonsense!

And in this mission, we will show you all that's the truth!!"

Lordo promise it! This is Lordo's Resolution!

All the monsters in the headquarters fell silent. No one was able to say anything after hearing Lordo's Resolution. They were unable to open their mouths in front of a warrior who had decided to sacrifice his life.

Goku clenches his fist so hard it hurts his palm.

Vivi who saw blood flowing from her husband's fist could only hold it. Their gazes met and Vivi saw through Goku's eyes that her husband had lost a second time. Lost to Lordo's Resolution.

But someone who had just been silently watching everything suddenly stood up. In an undeniable voice, he said, "I approve of it! Do what you must do.. O Lordo the sylph warrior!"

All the monsters turned to Moku who spoke loudly, none of them were able to refute his words. In front of them was a person who made the impossible possible. The leader who brought the slumped monster species into a proud species that could raise their heads before the world.

"Yes, Ku!" Lordo replied.

"Goku, Boku, prepare for your second evolution! Iathra takes on the task of leading the Reconnaissance Team from Swa! Mige, Swa prepare yourselves for the opening of the Inner Eye and the first evolution! Lesnen, bring all the carcasses of mutated animals you have collected and work with Luna to make Mana Cream!

Announce that the sylphs who have been able to perform the Vithaen Possession Art gather in the east side of the kingdom! Announce for the goblins who have been able to perform the Mana Cream Cultivation burial ritual to gather in the east side of the kingdom!"

Order after order Moku issued like an undeniable ultimatum. Quickly all the monsters took down all of his orders and started broadcasting them throughout the Wilwatikta Kingdom. Those who received direct orders immediately stood up and readied themselves.

"May we battle together in The One's Heaven!" Moku slapped his chest hard.

"May we battle together in The One's Heaven!" The monsters all clapped their chests loudly.

"May we battle together in The One's Heaven!" Lordo clapped his chest and shouted loudly.

Lordo's resolution reminded the monsters of the true meaning of their existence. Not to survive, not to fight against humans, and not to hide either.

They are there to fight.

Fight against destiny and the world itself.

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