The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1236 The Creation of The Next Savior

Chapter 1236 The Creation of The Next Savior

Lory was woken up by a warm touch on her cheek, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed as if trying to complain then she heard a soft voice "My wife, it's getting late you're going to miss your breakfast"

Hearing a familiar gentle voice, Lory reluctantly opened her eyes lazily, and then Zhao Li Xin's handsome face greeted her with a dazzling smile.

"What's time is it?" Lory groaned while stretching his arm.

"Eight thirty" Zhao Li Xin answered softly.

Lory reluctantly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Seeing that Lory was awake, Zhao Lixin went downstairs and continued preparing breakfast for her but it was too late because Garrof and Lloyd had already prepared breakfast for Lory and Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin looked at them appreciatively without saying a word but Garrof and Lloyd were used to it and didn't think there was anything strange about Zhao Li Xin's behavior since they were already used to it.

After finishing showering, Lory went downstairs and saw Zhao Li Xin and the others gathered at the dining table but no one was touching the food, it seemed like they were waiting for Lory.

Lory also felt bad because he woke up late. "You don't need to wait for breakfast if you already have breakfast because frankly, my sleep schedule is very irregular," said Lory while sitting at the dining table next to Zhao Li Xin.

"It's okay, princess, we are also used to running in the morning before breakfast, so we are used to having a late breakfast," said Lloyd honestly because they were used to exercising before breakfast and this had become a habit, but they realized it. that Zhao Li Xin woke up earlier than them, Garrof He was the one who noticed that Zhao Li

"Mr. Zhao, I hope you don't mind eating porridge in the morning. I've separated the condiments if you don't like it." Lloyd could more or less guess Zhao Li Xin's taste.

"This is good, thank you...very much" Zhao Li Xin sincerely thanked him.

Lloyd's face lit up with joy. He knew Zhao Li Xin was not someone who liked to chat or make small talk, therefore when someone like Zhao Li Xin expressed his gratefulness it must be genuine. Immediately Lloyd's mood increased quite a lot, and his opinion about Zhao Li Xin increased significantly especially after he heard Zhao Li Xin's painting would probably held by the Azalea art gallery! 

After spending years with brutish men like Garrof and Jack, he felt Zhao Li Xin's presence like a refreshing spring in a desert, just when he wanted to enjoy his time he heard a loud slurping sound hitting his ear and immediately knew who the source of this sound was.

Lloyd glanced at Garrof cynically, but Garrof didn't seem to notice or was deliberately ignoring him. Lloyd clicked his tongue in annoyance. He wondered if no one in the Garrof family taught him how to eat, how could someone slurp porridge as if it was noodle soup? Luckily Princess Lorient and Mr. Zhao Li Xind didn't mind Garrof's bad manner.

As they had breakfast, they continued their conversation from last night.

"So Mr. Zhao thought they had tested the strength of this mutant beast" Garrof didn't think Zhao Li Xin's prediction was far from the truth.

"That would explain a lot but what are they being tested for? Could it be..." Lloyd swallowed his next words apprehensively.

"To make a chaos perhaps war" Lory's expression darkened.

"I still don't understand the point of making another war, why are they doing that?" Garrof grumbles in frustration.

All of a sudden on the television came breaking news and the voice of a reporter shouting frantically "Viewers a strange monster appeared and attacked the freedom festival in Everglade City at Dolza, everyone is in panic —" came the sound of a beast roaring followed by the sound of people screaming and running.

Lory stood up from the dining table and then rushed towards the television, she took the remote and increased the volume.

"That Beast, isn't that a wyvern?" anxiety engulfs Lloyd's face.

Garrof stares at the television with a troubled expression "Yes but it's not the same wyvern we know"

The beast was covered in vines and tree branches just like the Zhyger and Maren they faced before. The beast flew and attacked the people at the festival indiscriminately and the people's screams got louder and louder which made the beast even more violent. The Wyvern let out the fire breath toward the frantic people 

 soon after they were all burned like dry wood in the furnace.

"AAh help me - help me!"

"Everyone Move away!"

"My son - where's My Son!"

The color drained from her face as she stared at the horror before her and soon after the memory of that fiery night in the past came rushing in like a tide on the wild ocean causing her entire body to tremble.

Zhao Li Xin saw the change on Lory he immediately held her [Lory calmed down, looks at me] Zhao Li Xin squeezed Lory's face with little force he forced Lory to look away from the scene on TV.

Zhao Li Xin's dark eyes brought Lory out of the shadows of the past and gradually Lory's expression improved as her trembling slowly stopped.

[I'm here, don't be afraid everything is going to be okay...] Zhao Li Xin pulled Lory into his embrace and then gently patted her back.

While the chaos in the news continued, not long afterward a group of security teams came to stop the wild animals which unfortunately did not match the wild animals because as a result there were victims of other wild animals that were wild.

Because the situation seemed to be losing hope, suddenly a man in a glistening white armor and silver robe bumped into the wild animal and managed to stun the wild animal. The animal gave a long roar but the man did not tremble, he swung his long sword then jumped into the air and cut one of the animal's wings causing the beast to fall to the ground with a loud sound.

Zhao Li Xin and the others were waiting for the wild animals to return them, but what they expected did not happen.

The animal still didn't want to lose and ate its only remaining wing while trying to stand up, but the man in the silver house didn't stay still either.

The man bravely swung his sword and cut off the animal's head, but the animal continued to writhe as if it refused to die, which horrified those who saw it.

When everyone was filled with fear by the appearance of The Saintess with a white dress fluttering in the wind along with her long platinum blonde hair shining under the golden sunlight, she looked like an angel sent down from heaven.

The saint clapped his hands as if he was praying as soon as the beast stopped moving, the next thing happened the tree branches became dry and withered into flower petals, and after that, the wyveryn beast carcass returned to normal.

The saint slowly opened her eyes and then looked at the silver armor knight walking towards her direction with firm steps, once he was only a meter in front of the Saintess, the Knight knelt on one knee before the saint like a knight declaring his loyalty in front of his princess.

People instantly cheered and they were chanting the name of the Saintess. The beautiful young saintess smiled shyly as she was led by her knight to the other place while the sounds of cheering still did not subside and the reporter made sure she reported everything with an excited face.

"So that's what they want" Zhao Li Xin muttered with eerie smiles.

"Mr. Zhao?" Garrof and Lloyd look at Zhao Lixin simultaneously.

Zhao Li Xin sneered "It seems they wanted to create another Savior"

Not only Garrof and Lloyd even Lory stare at Zhao Li Xin incredulously. After knowing the enemy's motives Zhao Li Xin felt more relaxed.

"They want to replace the Lucient family, but they realize that this cannot be done unless they create the same situation...a hopeless situation with only one power as a hope."

Garrof's face turned ashen "But that's impossible right, I mean King Lucas and his Archknights won't let their plan succeed—"

"Yet, we heard nothing from Harland this past few months" Lloyd looked at Lory worriedly

"Maybe this has something to do with why the Harland Kingdom suddenly closed down"

Without further explanation, Lory understands what Lloyd means. Lory was increasingly convinced that something serious was happening to Lucas because otherwise how could they are no reaction from Harland, and the only thing that could distract Fred and the others was if something really bad happened to Lucas.

"Is there no other way to contact one of the Archknights?" Zhao Li Xin hated seeing Lory in distress.

Hugo shook his head, "No, the King's Army limits relations with outsiders so some trading companies or others that have special permission to carry out their activities have to be extra careful when communicating with outsiders."

Lory rubbed her cheeks and sighed, "It's not important, I'm sure they don't know what happened in Cestine Palace, even most of the King's men don't know what happened, Fred and the others won't let information about the king leak anyway "Lory knows the Palace operation during emergencies since she experienced them several times.

"So what's our plan now your highness?" Garrof looks expectantly at Lory.

Lory pondered for a few minutes then took a deep breath "I guess that the next plan is to spread terror to cause public chaos and after what the saintess and her knight performance, many people will turn to the S.A.I.N.T. organization for help which means elevating their fames and influence in the world"

"Do those vile people not care about the lives of the people at the festival, aren't they citizens of their country, is it possible that the S.A..I.N.T. organization would be that heartless?" Lloyd clenched his fist.

"Unfortunately this is only the beginning, my gut tells me that more creatures like that will start appearing all over the world..." Lory's face hardened as she saw everyone exuberating at the Saintess and her gallant Knight, she knew this was the result the enemy wanted.

"Can we stop it?" Garrof frown.

"Well, not only can we not kill it with our own strength, but we also don't know where or when the creature will appear," Lloyd's voice hinted with frustration."Then what should we do? we can just stay still and do nothing!" Garrof complains.

Lory suddenly cuts in "We must find Ethan Hamilton, he must know something very important that forced him to leave his family"

"I called Dirty Finger I mean Jason!" Garrof left with his phones.

"I called Jack, he might know something" Lloyd then left as he proceeded to call Jack.

Lory watched them leave in a hurry and then turned to Zhao Li Xin "I should call Hugo to see

how far his investigation about Ethan"

Zhao Li Xin smiled the caressed his cheeks [Lory, I think I need to go as well...]


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