The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 921: to blame

  Chapter 921 Blame

  Who is Xie Tiao, after a second thought, he understood what was going on, and asked, "Yesterday, how long did the Empress stand in front of the Leshou Palace?"

"I heard it was said that it was established for an hour. Our family thought, if it wasn't too long, how could it be like this? Besides, the empress is not young, and the prince is older than other children. Let alone an hour, it is If you stand still like that, you can't stand a cup of tea."

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the panic of the emperor and Xie Tiao fell in people's eyes, but the empress dowager stood on the steps and was angry, without any nervousness or anxiety. People think too much.

Fang Palm is the chief **** of the Leshou Palace. Seeing that the food was not good, he hurried over, "The Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager is uneasy. You are an old ancestor in the palace. If you can go to sit in the town, the Empress Dowager will get well as soon as possible." stand up."

Zhang Quanjin also came forward, "Empress Dowager, according to my ministers, Eunuch Fang's words are reasonable. The Empress Dowager is still young, and she is raising her first child. I am afraid that the fetal position will be unstable if she doesn't know the severity. .”

The empress dowager took a deep breath, felt a little more at ease, and stretched out her hand towards Fang Palm, "Go, Ai's family will go and have a look. The empress dowager is not in the palace. The empress dowager is indeed too unconscious. What was damaged was the royal blood."

  Based on the meaning of these words, if something happens to the empress, it will be the empress' fault.

  After the Empress Dowager left, discussions started in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and there was a straightforward humane voice, "It is simply unreasonable, and ordinary small families are not like this!"

  Although he didn't speak clearly, everyone could tell that he was blaming the Empress Dowager.

   "Yanqing, this statement is not good. If you are humble, you should not judge respect, and if you are young, you should not judge the leader. If there is really a remonstrance, then it will be written."

  Zhang Minghe stood aside, lowered his head, facing the dragon chair, with a respectful look, Zhang Quanjin glanced at him, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

  He is looking at the future, what can Zhang Minghe please?

  Zeng Shiyi walked to the door, and said to the **** guarding the door, "Please ask the **** to ask the Holy Will, shall we continue to wait here, or leave the court first, and go to our own business?"

  The father-in-law saw that the hall was in a mess, and the two factions of empress dowagers and empress dowagers at each station were about to fight, so he quickly lifted his feet and ran to the harem.

  Walking halfway, I happened to see Lu Yan coming head-on, and hurriedly knelt down, "Master, Mr. Zeng asked whether the court meeting will be held today or not?"

As Lu Yan walked towards the south study, he said, "Go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony and say, the emperor has ordered that today's court meeting be here first, and order the cabinet elders to write a report on today's court meeting. .”


  The **** went back in a hurry and conveyed the order. Zeng Shiyi glanced at Zhang Minghe, Zhang Quanjin and others, and said, "Several cabinet elders, let's go to the cabinet with me to discuss the value of the house!"

  Chi Yude walked at the back, waited until the cabinet was on duty, each sat in his own seat, the armchair of the first assistant was empty, and the four of them looked at each other with complicated eyes.

Zeng Shiyi, as the second assistant, Xie Tiao was not there at this time, and he had a decree, so he had to take on the heavy responsibility, "Let's discuss it first, we don't know how the disaster situation is in Zhejiang, someone suggested just now, send The imperial envoys have passed, and the household department is now... Originally in a serious deficit. The money from the household department is from when the emperor fought in Xiliang and Beiqi. Repair the Western Wall."

   Having said this, Zeng Shiyi suddenly had an idea, if he could sit in the position of chief assistant and meet such an emperor, there should be no suspense in his name going down in history a hundred years later.

  For a while, his tone became a little tougher, "What do you think about the imperial envoy?"

  Seeing that Er Zhang didn't speak, Chi Yude said, "I recommend Gao Mengzhu!"

  Gao Mengzhu?

  Zhang Minghe opened his mouth, but before he spoke, Zhang Quanjin said, "Gao Mengzhu? Is that the censor named Yanqing?"

   "That's right!" Chi Yude said, "Gao Mengzhu, styled Yanqing, was a Jinshi in the seventh year of Shoukang, a scholar in the later middle class, and entered the Metropolitan Procuratorate after six departments observed politics."

   "Mr. Chi Ge really knows Gao Mengzhu like the back of his hand, he even knows exactly which year he was a Jinshi!" Zhang Quanjin said.

  Seeing this frivolous person, Chi Yude was already displeased in his heart, and responded with neither soft nor hard, "Could it be that Mr. Zhang doesn't know the ins and outs of his colleagues in the court?"

  Zhang Quanjin was very displeased, "I don't agree with the appointment of this person. You elders also saw it in the Hall of Supreme Harmony today. Gao Mengzhu was really rude to the Empress Dowager. How can such a disloyal person be reused?"

  Gao Mengzhu studied under Wang Ke'an, and he is a rising star of the Xin'anli School.

   Zeng Shiyi glanced at Chi Yude. Although Chi Yude was in the cabinet, he never talked much. However, he has always been willing to take on what he should express.

   Zeng Shiyi remembered that Chi Yude was Wang Keming's younger brother, and according to seniority, Gao Mengzhu was Chi Yude's younger brother.

   "Who to choose depends on the holy will in the end. We don't need to argue here. If the two elders Zhang Ge have a candidate to recommend, you might as well report the name."

  Zhang Minghe raised his head and glanced at Zeng Shiyi, disgusted that Zeng Shiyi intentionally or unintentionally compared him with Zhang Quanjin, but it's not easy to say such words directly, or he would directly offend both of them.

"At present, the imperial court is really short of people. In the past two years, not only those who keep their filial piety have been taken away, but all the vacancies have been filled. The slightly older people in the Imperial College have been sent to the western border and the north. Even so, It’s still not enough. In my opinion, we might as well let those rich and powerful children come out and do something.”

   Zhang Minghe's old-fashioned and stately words made people alert. After a long time, Zeng Shiyi asked, "I wonder if Mr. Zhang Ge has a suitable candidate?"

"In my opinion, Zheng Jingyan of the Princess Dagon's Mansion is very good. He has military merits. A person like him is born rich and powerful. He has a high vision and will not be greedy for that little money. Most of the food allocated by the court can be paid for." In the hands of the common people, secondly, it is also a good time to see all kinds of things in the world, which can be regarded as an experience."

  Zeng Shiyi couldn't understand this, Chi Yude also frowned, picked up the teacup and sipped it slowly, as if he didn't hear it.

  Zhang Quanjin said, "In this way, it happens that I also have someone to choose. The son of the Qingyunhou Mansion is also a powerful person, and it happens to meet the conditions that Zhang Ge said."

   It turns out that this is where the foothold is. Zeng Shiyi looked at the two pictures, and he felt that he wished he had thought too much.

   "If there is no objection, then I will draw up a statement and send it to the emperor as soon as possible!"

   The first update!



  (end of this chapter)

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