The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 110: Conversation with the Family Head

Long Wanli looked at Long Xuan as he entered, showing a look of appreciation and smiled, saying, "Sit down, there's no need to be formal at home."

Long Xuan sat across from him with ease and first asked with concern, "Family Head, should we do something about Long Qilin? If he keeps going like this, he'll go bankrupt."

"Hehe! No need to worry about him. Winning the championship is out of the question, but building an expensive house might not be a loss."

"The better the materials used by the Sou Gu to build a house, the farther it can transport. His high-grade Spirit Stone house will have its time to make big money in the future," Long Wanli laughed.

Long Xuan understood then that the family had already accepted his proposal and was preparing to start the courier and escort business.

To undertake these businesses, they would need a bunch of high-quality houses.

One shouldn't think that the Sou Gu is just a cost-effective low-grade Gu insect with cheap construction costs.

The only thing cheap about it is itself. The houses it builds are anything but cheap; in fact, they might even be more expensive than those built by peak-grade Gu insects.

No wonder so many crazies have popped up in the family recently—Long Xuan had found the reason. The better the house is built, the more money it could potentially make.

At this moment, a crazy thought also arose in his mind: should he chop down the Fire Dragon Fruit Tree to use it for the Sou Gu's construction? He could just give up on everything else.

Long Wanli looked at Long Xuan and sighed, "You’ve already reached the Marrow Cleansing stage, haven't you? Breaking through the Marrow Cleansing stage with a Ten Absolute Body is certainly no easy feat."

"With your physique, once you break through the Marrow Cleansing stage, at least half of the family’s Marrow Cleansing Gu Masters won’t be a match for you. Our clan has gained another young expert."

After smiling contentedly, Long Wanli continued, "The Sou Gu you researched is excellent, worth at least a billion contribution points. Here's a contribution token worth one billion; keep it safe."

Long Wanli placed the contribution token on the table and slowly pushed it toward Long Xuan.

Long Xuan calmly took the contribution token. A billion was just a small goal for him now; this number no longer excited him.

"Since you've already broken through to the Marrow Cleansing stage, the family should reward you with a cave dwelling. Unfortunately, too many geniuses have broken through recently, and all the good cave dwellings have been taken."

"You'll have to make do for now. When a better cave dwelling becomes available, you can move in then. Rest assured, the family will prioritize reserving it for you."

Long Wanli smiled as he spread a large map on the table, slowly unfolding it. "All the places marked with an 'X' are already claimed. You’ll have to choose a spot on the outskirts."

Long Xuan nodded. He had already decided on a cave dwelling long ago—besides the mountain with the Spirit Spring, he had no interest in the other peaks.

Without hesitation, he boldly drew a large 'X' on the largest mountain on the map.

Seeing how quickly Long Xuan made his choice, Long Wanli was slightly stunned. After seeing his choice, his brows furrowed.

Although he had just said to choose an outlying peak, this location was too far out.

That location was merely included to fill space; if the paper wasn’t so big, it wouldn’t even have been drawn on the map.

No one in the family would choose that spot. The spiritual energy there was too scarce, and it was too far from the family’s territory. Even at the fastest speed of a Marrow Cleansing stage cultivator, it would take days to travel back and forth. If it were attacked by demonic cultivators, the family wouldn't be able to rescue in time.

Long Xuan is now the family’s potential treasure, a key figure to be protected. Long Wanli genuinely didn’t want him to choose such a dangerous location.

"Are you choosing that spot just because it’s the largest? There’s no need. Your Formation disk can’t possibly cover such a large area; if you can’t defend it, no matter how big it is, it’s not really yours."

Long Xuan replied, "Since I’m choosing an outlying peak, it doesn’t make much difference whether it’s far or near. I might as well choose the largest one to grow more spiritual herbs. Family Head, there’s no need to persuade me; my mind is made up."

In the end, Long Wanli didn’t persuade him further. After putting away the map, he said, "Managing such a large Herb garden might take up a lot of your cultivation time. Should the family assign you a batch of servants?"

The secret of the Spirit Spring was too important; Long Xuan dared not bring others up the mountain. Besides, having his clone do the heavy lifting was more than enough, so he quickly declined, "No need for now. That place has never been inhabited, and I’ll need a lot of time to set up the array again."

"During this time, even if I had servants, they’d be idle. When I really need help, I’ll select some then."

Long Wanli nodded; Long Xuan's explanation was reasonable, and he didn’t suspect anything.

The two then discussed some issues related to the Sou Gu's creation method. The reason Long Wanli had called Long Xuan over today was mainly to seek advice.

To solve a problem, one must start from the source. Since the family wanted to research how the Sou Gu could carry people, naturally, they first had to ask the creator of the Gu method.

Long Xuan, of course, held nothing back. He had long since stopped relying on guesses for his Gu creation methods; he had a solid foundation of experience and knowledge. It’s no exaggeration to say that when it comes to creating Gu Formulas, no one in the Far West can compare to him.

In the field of Gu insect research, he had a lot of valuable insights, and Long Wanli greatly benefited from the conversation, secretly labeling Long Xuan as a genius in self-created Gu methods.

The two didn’t know how long they talked until night fell. Only then did Long Xuan finally leave the pavilion.

Seeing Long Qilin still staring wide-eyed at the Sou Gu building houses outside, he shook his head helplessly—this kid was beyond saving.

In the end, Long Xuan didn’t disturb him and quickly left.

He had completely forgotten how obsessed he was with watching Sedge Moths build houses in his past life, even more so than Long Qilin.

After leaving the Family Head’s residence, Long Xuan headed straight for the Treasure Pavilion.

To avoid complications, he decided to exchange the peak-grade Gold Spirit Stone and peak-grade Fire Spirit Stone that day before someone else did.

Not only the peak-grade Spirit Stones, but the Five Elements Reversal Formation also required a vast amount of precious materials. Since he had plenty of contribution points, he decided to gather the remaining materials as well.

However, doing so would empty out nearly half of the Treasure Pavilion. Don’t underestimate the value of a billion contribution points in the Long family—such a vast fortune made even him hesitate...

As for Long Xuan’s true body at this time, after spending half a month sweeping through the market, he finally headed straight for Di Xin’s residence.

That’s right, the one looting the Long family's Treasure Pavilion was none other than his Fire Clone. Even the Family Head hadn’t noticed the deception.

After all, looting the Long family's Treasure Pavilion was such a high-profile act, it was best left to his Clone. He decided that his true body would no longer appear in the Long family.

In the past half-month, his true body had been sweeping through the market, frantically gathering materials for the Five Elements Reversal Formation, visiting stalls, and participating in auctions and trade fairs. He spent spirit stones like water, and the pile of spirit stones he had accumulated was shrinking visibly.

Yet, even after half a month, he hadn’t found any sign of peak-grade Spirit Stones.

The entire market didn’t have a single peak-grade Spirit Stone, not even at the Qian Clan Chamber Of Commerce. This showed just how rare peak-grade Spirit Stones were.

At this point, Long Xuan could only pin his hopes on Di Xin. For this reason, he had frantically raided the stone gambling shops of the various major families.

Remembering how interested Di Xin was in spirit-enhancing pills during their first transaction, he had his rabbit and Clone refine a large batch of spirit pills, and then confidently headed to Di Xin’s residence.

It’s worth mentioning that his Clone replicated everything about him, including the Five Elements attributes, so all his Clone could refine pills and control the Divine Ice Flame, even without Fire Spiritual power.

After copying his true body’s alchemy experience, each clone had a very high pill success rate.

So Long Xuan was a true pill-making powerhouse.

As soon as he arrived at Di Xin’s residence, she came out to greet him.

“You really have no fear of death, do you? Still daring to run into my formation! Or are you so arrogant that you don’t even consider my formation a threat?” Di Xin said bluntly as soon as they met.

“This shows my trust in your character, believing you wouldn’t kill for treasure. Let’s talk inside.”

Long Xuan didn’t consider himself an outsider at all and walked straight in, treating her fearsome formation as nothing.

He found a spot with tables and chairs and sat down.

Di Xin was stunned when she saw him emitting the powerful aura of the Marrow Cleansing Stage. She didn't expect that he had also made a breakthrough. With the powerful combat power of the Ten Absolute Bodies, it was no wonder that he was not afraid of her.

Here is the translation of the provided text into English with good grammar and the correct terms:


She slowly walked over and sat down across from Long Xuan.

However, when she saw Long Xuan using his sly eyes to look around her Herb garden, she was immediately filled with frustration.

This person probably wants to cause trouble in my herb garden again, right? Last time, he nearly plucked everything clean, and it took a long time to restore it. Di Xin was as alert as if facing a great enemy.

“Speak! What do you want this time? I don’t do business for less than ten billion,” Di Xin asked directly.

Long Xuan reluctantly withdrew his gaze. Di Xin had restocked again. He saw many rare spiritual herbs that made him covet them, and he couldn’t help but want to make them his own.

These spiritual herbs were so rare that they were nearly extinct. They couldn’t be found on the market at all.

“Then I’ll get straight to the point. I need peak-grade spirit stones. Do you have any?” Long Xuan asked, looking into her eyes.

Di Xin was now his last hope. If even she didn’t have peak-grade spirit stones, then the task of setting up the Five Elements Reversal Formation would be indefinitely postponed. The Five Elements Reversal Formation would not be completed anytime soon.

Without this deadly formation for protection, he wouldn’t feel safe guarding the Spirit Spring. This matter could not be delayed. Long Xuan looked at her with expectant eyes.

After taking a sip of tea, Di Xin said, “I have one earth-attribute peak-grade spirit stone and one water-attribute peak-grade spirit stone. Which one do you want?”

Hearing this, Long Xuan’s eyes lit up. As expected, she’s a little rich lady. The entire marketplace didn’t have peak-grade spirit stones, but she actually had two in her possession. Di Xin really didn’t disappoint him.

“I want them both!” Long Xuan said eagerly.

At the same time, he placed a book in front of Di Xin and said again, “How much of the materials listed here can you provide?”

Despite his frantic sweeping of the marketplace over the past half month, spending nearly all his spirit stones, there were still quite a few materials he hadn’t collected.

The Long Clan’s treasury allowed him to trade contribution points for some, but the rest he could only obtain from Di Xin.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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