The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 108: In-Depth Development of the Suo Gu

How should this ability be deeply developed? What if we use the Suo Gu to transmit information over long distances by tying paper strips to it?

If it can be used for information transmission, can it also be used for escorting valuables, sending messages, or even for logistics? If the house it builds is large enough, could humans crawl inside and achieve long-distance teleportation? Could we trap enemies inside a small house and directly teleport them to a dangerous location?

With Long Xuan's imaginative thinking, he quickly came up with several ideas for developing this ability without much hesitation.

His eyes sparkled with excitement as he contemplated his ideas. To verify his thoughts, he began experimenting with the Suo Gu, interfering with its house-building process and testing its abilities in various ways.

After three days, Long Xuan roughly understood the limits of the Suo Gu's abilities.

Through his research, he discovered that all the small houses built by the Suo Gu are connected to a space called the Void Realm.

The Suo Gu can enter the Void Realm and travel to small houses that are extremely far apart in the real world.

This Void Realm exists in reality; it wasn't created by the Suo Gu.

All Suo Gu share the same Void Realm, and they can encounter each other within it.

The Void Realm is vast, a gray, misty world where any living creature that enters one of the small houses built by the Suo Gu will become lost in the Void Realm, making it nearly impossible to return.

Therefore, the idea of Gu cultivators using small houses for long-distance teleportation is currently impractical.

However, inanimate objects can be carried by the Suo Gu for long-distance transport, message delivery, and even logistics.

Using this ability, the Suo Gu could easily start a business in escorting valuables, sending messages, logistics, or even food delivery. These would all be highly profitable ventures.

Moreover, this ability is highly effective for transmitting information, making it very suitable for intelligence work.

With the Suo Gu's instantaneous teleportation, traditional methods like carrier pigeons or flying insects for message delivery could be rendered obsolete.

Long Xuan took a deep breath, fully aware of how valuable this ability was. The wealth the clan could accumulate from this was unimaginable.

The Suo Gu is worth at least one billion contributions, maybe even more, though the family's maximum contribution limit is just one billion.

It wasn't really a loss; after all, the family allowed him to learn all sorts of secret techniques for free, so he saw it as repaying the favor. Besides, a stronger clan could only benefit him.

Unexpectedly, although he had no intention of earning a billion contributions (otherwise, he would have had to embroider another dragon on his body, which would have been quite painful), it seemed unavoidable. He smiled wryly.

After putting away the Suo Gu and its two small houses, Long Xuan finally set off towards the Long Clan.

After becoming a Gu cultivator at the Marrow Cleansing Stage, his speed using the Star Stepping Technique became even faster. It used to take him half a day to reach the Long Family at full speed, but now he could reach the place in just one hour.

As soon as he entered the Long family's territory, Long Xuan noticed that the place was bustling with noise. His timing was perfect, as today happened to be the day of the Earth Master Competition.

However, by the time he arrived, the competition was already halfway through, nearing its end, and he had missed the registration deadline, making it impossible to participate.

Intrigued, Long Xuan decided not to rush in handing over the Suo Gu formula to the family. Instead, he headed towards the competition area to join in the excitement.

The competition was being held in a clearing on the outskirts of the family grounds. When Long Xuan arrived, the next match had not yet begun, so he sought out Long Qilin to ask about the previous matches.

Seeing Long Qilin's frustrated expression, Long Xuan immediately knew that the earlier matches hadn't gone well and that he probably hadn't won the championship. If Long Qilin had won, his joy would have been evident.

"Really? I gave you the spiritual soil from the Empress's tomb, didn't I? That's mid-grade spiritual soil. Even with your Earth Master's evolution into a spirit Gu, you still couldn't win the championship?" Long Xuan asked in surprise.

Long Qilin glanced at him helplessly and said, "The family organized this competition to encourage more people to refine Earth Master, so spirit Gu were not allowed to participate, to maintain fairness."

"If spirit Gu were allowed, the elder's Earth Masters, which have already evolved into rare Gu, would also be eligible to compete, and then we wouldn't stand a chance."

"The competition rules only allow ordinary Earth Master to participate, so I haven't let mine evolve yet."

"The Strongman Cup and the Pushball Competition are over, and the championships were all taken by Long Ziyan again. I was beaten by her once more."

Long Xuan gave him a sympathetic look. It seemed Long Qilin was destined to be the eternal runner-up, never able to escape this curse. He wondered if this would leave a psychological scar.

Patting Long Qilin's shoulder, Long Xuan comforted him, saying, "No worries, victory and defeat are common in life. Isn't there still a tug-of-war match?"

"You know all male Gu cultivators, while she knows only female Gu cultivators."

"She's unbeatable in individual strength, but tug-of-war isn't a one-person game. Individual strength can't determine victory in a team event. You'll definitely win this round."

Long Qilin forced a bitter smile, shaking his head. "You probably don't know yet, but there was an accident in the tug-of-war match."

"The combined strength of ten Earth Master was too overwhelming, and the family didn't have a rope strong enough to withstand it."

"All the ropes snapped, and even iron chains were no use. The tug-of-war competition has been completely halted, and the family elders still haven't come up with a solution."

"This competition might be canceled altogether, so there's no hope of me beating her."

Long Xuan was taken aback, realizing that he had arrived in vain, having missed all the matches.

"No worries, this competition will be held again next year, right? Just win it back next year. By the way, I've been in seclusion breaking through to the Marrow Cleansing stage, so I've been out of touch. How did the clans resolve the incident in the ancient tomb?"

This was the question that Long Xuan was most eager to get answered.

He had to know the situation clearly.

Once he handed over the Suo Gu formula and received his billion contribution points, he planned to immediately begin setting up the Five Elements Reversal Formation.

If the outside world was in chaos, with the possibility of war or an invasion by foreign forces, he couldn't afford to be out in the open, and setting up the formation would have to be postponed.

Long Qilin shook his head and replied, "I don't know much either. The information is coming in too slowly."

"I only know that the clans who sent their Gu King clones into the tomb, even when caught red-handed, refused to admit their wrongdoing, apologize, or compensate."

"Since three parties were involved, they formed a three-against-three standoff, so no one was really afraid of the others."

"Our clan, though it only sent in a Marrow Cleansing stage Gu cultivator's clone, technically violated the rules too, so we're also keeping a neutral stance, not daring to pick sides."

"Because our family is neutral, the situation outside is balanced at three versus three. The Miao clan's old patriarch lost his favorite grandson and will never let this go, so things are chaotic outside, with frequent skirmishes."

"But since our family is neutral, our territory is at peace, and we can safely hold all kinds of competitions."

Long Qilin suddenly grinned mischievously, "Hehe! While the other six clans are constantly fighting and exhausting their resources, our clan is preserving its strength and growing steadily."

"After this, we'll have closed the gap with the strongest families, maybe even surpassed them."

Long Xuan couldn't help but marvel at how cunning the Long family was. While the other families were at each other's throats, the Long family was sitting back and watching, even having the leisure to hold competitions. And it was the Long family that had instigated this mess in the first place.

But knowing this, Long Xuan felt relieved. Since the flames of war hadn't reached the Long family's territory, he could proceed with his plan to set up the Five Elements Reversal Formation without worrying about running into trouble.

Since the tug-of-war match was likely canceled, Long Xuan lost interest in the spectacle.

After chatting a bit more with Long Qilin, he found an excuse to leave. While everyone was busy watching the competitions, he headed straight to the Long family's mission hall.

At this time, the mission hall was almost empty. Taking advantage of the lack of attention, Long Xuan quickly dropped the bag containing the Suo Gu and the Suo Gu formula into the box under the long-term mission board and then nonchalantly left.

Now, all he had to do was wait patiently.


Half a month later, in the council hall.

The atmosphere in the council hall was strange, with a group of old men engrossed in watching a Gu build a house, all with eager expressions, completely absorbed in what they were watching.

It's unclear what was so fascinating about a Gu building a house that captivated them to the point of obsession. They had been in the council hall for days, watching the Gu build a house.

Among them, the Grand Elder was the most engrossed, his eyes bloodshot from staring. Suddenly, he pulled out a branch emitting a life force from his storage bag and, with a smile, placed it in front of the Gu.

The Gu’s eyes immediately lit up upon seeing the branch, showing extreme excitement. It quickly grabbed the branch, eagerly contemplating where it should place it in its new home.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Long Wanli exclaimed, "That’s a branch from the Earth-Grade Spiritual Herb, the Ancient Tree of Life! Are you seriously using it to help a bug build a house? Are you out of your mind?"

Everyone gasped at his crazy behavior, looking at him with confusion. Had he gone mad watching the bug build a house?

The second elder sighed and said, "Are you still not giving up? After countless experiments, we’ve proven that the house of the Suo Gu insect cannot transmit living beings. The idea of using it as a substitute for a teleportation formations is very difficult to achieve."

"The technique of building the house relates to the stability of entering the Void Realm, while the materials used for the house determine the transportation distance. No matter how high the grade of the materials, it’s impossible for it to carry living beings."

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