The Original Seeker

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Time is slowly passing away, and I live a life of training Reiki, doing experiments and learning every day. Even the original entertainment of reading novels is gone. What kind of online novels can look better than the cultivation life of becoming the protagonist?

Although other people think this kind of life is quite boring, at least Bai Mo enjoys it. training Reiki has slowly improved all aspects of his body. For a person who has fully accepted the settings of various online novels, there is nothing better than watching itself become stronger day by day, but the soaring appetite due to training Reiki has brought some troubles to Bai Mo, but fortunately, he is not a poor family, so he can still afford it.

Therefore, Bai Mo often complains about why there is no energy-rich monster meat or other heavenly treasures in this world, otherwise he does not have to eat a lot of ordinary meals every time, which causes the frequency of going to the toilet a lot. Every time he went to the toilet, his classmates in the laboratory would ridicule Bai Mo to pay attention to temperance, and he would be troubled when his kidneys were weak.

Bai Mo doesnt care much about others laughing at him, but he is worried that this will attract the attention of others, which will increase the risk of his secret exposure.

In order to solve this problem, Bai Mo decided to look for a variety of high-energy foods, such as compressed biscuits, high-energy military rations and so on. He bought a bunch of things to test and found it really helped. At least the frequency of going to the toilet has decreased. The classmates in the laboratory no longer laugh at him, so the daily food has changed from a large amount of ordinary food to a variety of high-energy foods. Fortunately, Bai Mo is not short of money, otherwise he will have to start worrying about food expenses.

It stands to reason that if you lack exercise and eat a lot of high-energy food every day, the rate of gaining weight will be amazing, but in fact, except for the more muscles that are basically invisible to outsiders, Bai Mos body shape has hardly changed. The only change that outsiders may notice is that Bai Mos skin, which had deteriorated because of often staying up late to read novels, became tender and smooth.

Of course, no one around would care about the skin problems of an otaku. Moreover, Bai Mos appearance is just ordinary. He belongs to the kind of guy who cant find any characteristics in the crowd. Naturally, there will be no girls paying attention to him. So even if he has been practicing for a whole month, Bai Mos body is happening after such a big change, it did not arouse anyones attention.

During the half month of getting the new sample, Bai Mo did not slacken in the laboratory. He further carried out various tests on the first piece of Reiki stone that was about to be exhausted. In the previous tests, After Bai Mo knew that the main component of the Reiki stone was calcium carbonate, he basically tried it once in the follow-up tests as long as it didnt involve pickling in order to prevent destroying of the stone.

With 20 degrees Celsius as one level, Bai Mo tested the heating temperature for 40 level. He tested the Reiki stone from 200 degrees Celsius to 1000 degrees. He found that in addition to the slight increase in the rate of Reiki energy release, and there was no breakthrough discovery, and because the stored Reiki was about to run out, Bai Mo didnt dare to continue the higher temperature test.

Next, freezing, high pressure, and spectral analysis were tested one by one, but still nothing was found.

Bai Mo reluctantly paused the experiment first, and then went to the library to make up for relevant knowledge.

When he was in the library, Bai Mo noticed that his comprehension and memory abilities seemed to have improved a lot after practicing, and the painful knowledge that had been memorized in the past has become easier to learn.

Bai Mo slowly turned over the universitys biology and medical textbooks. He knew that with his own personality, he could only explore the path of future evolution alone, so it was very important for him to learn relevant knowledge.

At least until he has enough ability to protect himself, he will not disclose the secrets of his cultivation. As for the bottom line of the open secrets that Bai Mo has set for himself? That is, to be able to carry a nuclear bomb hard and suffer minor injuries at most

Bai Mo always feels that without the premise that one person can attack one country and cannot withstand the most powerful weapon of mankind, publicizing these basically means that he will be caught by a group of big men who are crazy for strength for longevity and become a white mouse which will die one day for no reason. Bai Mo, who has been deeply influenced by the worldview by online novels, estimates that the lower limit of the upper class of society is very low. He is afraid of death and does not intend to risk exposing himself, so he has to step by step to avoid becoming a white rat of others.

Great, today is September 3, 2016. It has been 40 days since I first started training Reiki. It seems that a new ability has appeared in my body. Although the effect of the ability is a bit strange, do I want to celebrate?

Bai Mo teased himself boredly.

After more than a month of practice, Bai Mo discovered that his eyes had an ability. His eyes could achieve a short-term perspective effect under the condition of high concentration.

Bai Mo also tested this ability privately in his dormitory. A single use of the perspective ability can last for about half a minute. In fact, it starts to feel uncomfortable after 20 seconds, so he has to insist on his will. Generally, after using it for 20 seconds, you have to rest for half an hour before you can use it for the second time, and after using it three times, your body will lose a lot of energy and lead to a straight decline in physical strength. But if you only use it for one or two seconds at a time, you will probably be able to use it for 70 to 80 seconds in total, and you will be overstretched.

Why would I awaken such a pitted ability Obviously I am such a good person, I have never thought about peeping. And why the ability is not a combat-type ability, see whether this ability is In any online novel, there are abilities that can only be found in perverts. How can they not be a mainstream combat ability for controlling electricity and controlling fire. Bai Mo thought.

Forget it, I still accept the reality obediently. Although it is not a combat ability, countless power novels have this truth-there is no weak ability, only weak users. I still think about how to use this ability reasonably. Well, anyway, the combat ability is not very useful in this peaceful era. In addition to eliminating the function of peeping, I should be able to go to the casino to make money. If dont do too much, it can be used as a long-term source of income. Moreover, the urban series of novels also have the most classic gambling on stone bridges. I can use this ability. I have the opportunity to go to Burma to pretend to make a fortune

Just as Bai Mo was thinking about his perspective ability, Bai Mos cell phone rang, he saw that it was Zhao Jiasens WeChat and he habitually spoke:

Bai Mo, do you have any clues about the recent research on that sample?

Zhao Jiasens voice suddenly awakened Bai Mo from his reverie.

Fortunately, it is the voice of WeChat rather than the call, otherwise I may not have time to react immediately. Bai Mo was startled.

Bai Mo replied: Professor Zhao, I have done a lot of further detailed tests on the sample you asked me to test, but I still havent found any special properties. I guess I need more samples to test.

Zhao Jiasen did not doubt either, because he also knew that doing an analysis of the properties of unknown materials was originally a job that required a lot of experimentation to try his luck, and the amount of samples consumed must be a lot.

You can just contact Yue Hai directly. I have most of the samples with him.

Okay mentor.

After replying to his mentor, Bai Mo began to call Yuehai.

Hello, Senior Yue Hai, I am Bai Mo who you helped send samples to the laboratory last time.

Oh, its Junior Brother Bai Mo, is there anything wrong?

Its like this, the instructor said that he put the material that I need tested on your side. When is it convenient for you to bring it to the laboratory?

Those stones

Okay, no problem. Tomorrow, I will bring all the samples in my hands over to you, so that you dont always say that you dont have enough samples when you do experiments.

Thank you senior, sorry about trouble you tomorrow, I will invite you to have a meal when I have a chance.

Well, then Im waiting for your invitation.

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