The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 225 Seraphine Power

Soren was the first to jump into action before the massive Behemoth Octopucolo, and his resolve was clear.

His gravitational strength caused the air around his clenched hand to bend and thicken as he propelled himself forward. 

With the assistance of Zareena's ethereal leaves, he soared towards the menacing visage of the monster, aiming to deliver a powerful blow.

Soren delivered a powerful punch just a few meters away from the monster's face, using the intense gravity and raw power he controlled to propel his right fist. 

His blow landed on the monster's face, sending its head reeling back from the force of the blow.


In a sudden and swift motion, one of the monstrous creature's tentacles hurtled through the air with incredible velocity, striking Soren directly and sending him hurtling backward like a cannonball.

His body propelled through the sky before crashing into the tumultuous depths of the ocean.

"That's what you get for charging ahead alone," Edumont commented.

His commanding gesture summoned forth a torrent of massive fireballs that materialized in the sky, one after another, their blazing forms cascading through the air.

Then, with a single motion of his wrist, he channeled their combined strength toward the towering monster and unleashed them simultaneously.

Octopucolo's malevolent gaze was fixed on the incoming onslaught of fireballs.

Its tentacles, which seemed like elastic, lashed out with incredible accuracy, cutting through the flaming projectiles as if they were nothing but smoke and mirrors.

The multitude of smaller heads adorning its tentacles unleashed potent bursts of water magic, disintegrating the flames and dissipating their destructive potential.

Zareena showed incredible skill as she whirled her golden leaves around the group, creating a shield for them and helping them to fly.

The mages dispersed in all directions as the ominous tentacles advanced, hoping to stay out of harm's way.

But unexpectedly, two or three tentacles swung forward with terrifying speed, aiming toward Zareena.

[Master, the bitch is dead for sure, fufu]

Golden leaves appeared around Zareena's right palm, morphing into a stunning sword-like structure in a brilliant display of her magical prowess.

With unmatched agility, she deftly evaded the incoming tentacles, gracefully dodging their strikes in midair.

As she swung her leaf sword with precision, the sharp edges sliced through the tentacles effortlessly, severing them like delicate cuts of meat.

[Damn it, that bitch is strong]

Aizel's sharp gaze remained fixed on Zareena's mesmerizing display of leaf manipulation.

His logical mind raced as he tried to figure out the riddle of the golden leaves. Were they solely the result of wind magic, or did they hold some deeper meaning?

[Master, maybe you can let Daisy have a chat with the princess about it. They both share the same affinity, after all. Who knows, the princess might share something]

Great Idea,"



The constant pressure finally got through to the Behemoth Octopucolo, and it roared in anguish. 

With a swift motion of its humanoid arms, the creature commanded the very waters of the ocean to tremble and quake.

The surface swelled, two colossal waves rising like mighty tsunamis, their immense power aimed directly at the ship where the group stood.

Those on board were stricken with terror at the sight and prepared for the oncoming attack.

Sekki suddenly burns with flames as Aizel's determination sours to find a way to save the ship.

Seraphine suddenly appeared in front of them, floating down to the water's surface with grace. With an ethereal presence, she poised herself, her spear touching the surface of the ocean.

In a display of unwavering determination, Seraphine's hair fluttered like a bright banner. 

She let off a tremendous shockwave that reverberated through the atmosphere. 

Her unwavering power abruptly stopped the two towering tsunamis that were threatening to engulf the ship. 

"DO IT NOW" Seraphine shouted.

"On it," Edumont replied. 

He challenged the power of the rushing tsunami by quickly drawing his sword.

With steady resolve, he slashed through the imposing wave and neatly divided it in two.

Droplets of rain fell from the sky and splashed back into the ocean as the water split beneath the impact of his blow.

Black energy whirled around the tip of Raven's staff, and a menacing vapor emanated from it. The wispy black smoke strands merged into a thick cloud that obscured the monster's face.

The thick blackness adhered to the monster's face, blocking its vision and shading its ominous eyes. 

Is that darkness power, smoke, or shadows?" Aizel thought.

[Master, I think darkness]

The colossal beast thrashed and writhed, its massive form sending surges of water crashing against the veil of darkness created by Raven.

Every mighty blast that emerged from its mouth was like a raging tidal wave trying to wash away the lingering fog. The crashing waves twisted and contorted the dark clouds, but Raven's smokescreen held firm.

Like a heavenly comet, Zareena soared through the sky, a trail of golden leaves following behind her.

She quickly closed the distance between herself and the massive beast's right arm. 

Shimmering and multiplying, the golden leaves surrounding her right hand became a gorgeous, long blade of ethereal beauty.

As if guided by a divine force, she swung her sword with unparalleled swiftness, cleaving through the monstrous appendage in a blaze of golden light.

The arm, once a menacing threat, fell to the ocean with a thunderous splash, sending water waves through the surrounding ocean.

"NOW SERAPHINE" Zareena shouted.

Seraphine stood calmly on the surface of the lake, her spear spinning gracefully as the sunshine caught its polished metal surface. 

She took a charging stance in one seamless move, her gaze fixed on the monstrous creature in front of her.

Her motions across the waves were a captivating show of speed and precision as if she were a divine dancer. 

The ease with which she rode the current of the water was comparable to Aizel's lightning-fast sprints; it was as if she had tapped into the very essence of the elements themselves. 

Seraphine charged forward with an unyielding will, her spear leaving a trail of ripples on the surface of the water that reflected her strength. The ocean's churning and swelling were a direct result of the rising energy field around the weapon.

As Seraphine got closer to the towering beast, she raised her spear and aimed its deadly strength at the monster.

Water gushed forth, resembling the gaping maw of a dragon that was as big as the monster's head, and rushed with unrelenting power toward the beast's chest.

Then suddenly, she took a long intake of freezing air, and the water dragon turned into a crystallized ice dragon in an instant of pinpoint accuracy.

The frozen entity pierced through the monster's chest, emerging triumphantly from its back, leaving a frigid path of destruction in its wake.

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