The Mighty Dragons Are Dead

Chapter 186: 0186: Setting Sail for Black Horse Island (Fourth Update, 10,000 Coins Reward Celebration 1)

Chapter 186: Chapter 0186: Setting Sail for Black Horse Island (Fourth Update, 10,000 Coins Reward Celebration 1)
This chapter comes with a bonus update as a reward for “Only truly invested when you pay to read.”

Little Wheat Village.

Grandini Studio.

Grandini, who had not bathed in five days, held in his color-stained hands a basketball-sized black sphere. His eyes were bloodshot, yet his gaze burned with intensity as if it could set someone aflame, “Success, I, Grandini, have successfully created a piece of magic equipment more precious than any gemstone equipment!”

He lifted the Calming Sea Pearl high, as if a scientist had brought Frankenstein to life.

“Its magic power coverage spans one hundred and eighty-two meters, and within this range, all the wind is silenced by the water attribute magic power. It should be called the Eye of the Storm, no, the Storm Dominator!”

Then, the next moment.

Waiting impatiently, Liszt snatched the Calming Sea Pearl from him, “Mr. Grandini, I am grateful that you have completed the Calming Sea Pearl for me. I will personally test its effects. Please have a good bath and sleep, and when you wake up, I’ll hold a dinner for you in the castle.”

Having said this, he motioned for Thomas to hand over a handkerchief and carefully wiped the greasy Calming Sea Pearl.

Grandini gazed longingly at the Calming Sea Pearl, his tone filled with regret, “It’s just one step away from matching a Little Elf Soldier. If only you hadn’t been so reluctant to part with that Wind Falcon, I could have made it the finest piece of magic equipment. It’s a pity, you’re too short-sighted.”


Liszt really wanted to punch him just to shut him up.

But he still instructed with the dignity of a noble, “Take good care of your teacher, Charley, and remind him to attend the banquet tonight.”

“Understood, Baron.”

Elkerson had completed the magic potion and left for Coral City with a flourish—the task of testing the Calming Sea Pearl fell to Marcus with his Wind Attribute Dou Qi.

“Are you ready?”


“Then let’s begin, Teacher Marcus.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Within the range of the Calming Sea Pearl, Marcus was not prevented from releasing his Dou Qi.

However, once he executed a Dou Qi technique, its power swiftly diminished; within less than a meter from his body, the Wind Attribute Dou Qi dispersed completely.

When Marcus cast “Multi-Arrow,” the Dou Qi attached to the arrows dissipated even faster.

“This is a troublesome piece of magic equipment. Within the range of the Calming Sea Pearl, I feel like I can only exert one-tenth of my full strength. The suppression is very strong,” said Marcus, furrowing his brow. He did not like this feeling.

Liszt’s mouth curled into a slight smile as he analyzed, “If you’re up close, it can’t prevent you from exerting your strength. It only weakens long-range Wind Attribute magic and Dou Qi.”

“Half of my strength lies in ‘Multi-Arrow,’ and it’s as if it completely nullifies my ‘Multi-Arrow,’” Marcus said.

Karl Ironhammer, who was participating in the experiment, asked curiously, “Lord, Mr. Marcus, why can the Water Attribute Calming Sea Pearl silence Wind Attribute magic? I’ve always thought that Water Attribute magic should counteract Fire Attribute magic.”

“The counteraction of magic is a complex subject of magical knowledge.”

Liszt was in a good mood and decided to clear up Karl’s confusion—actually, all of this was recounted by Grandini, and he himself hadn’t quite understood, but that didn’t prevent him from relying on his good memory to relay this knowledge.

“It’s not as simple as water being able to extinguish fire in reality, so Water Attribute magic can extinguish Fire Attribute magic. All magic originates from chaotic magic power, displaying various different attributes. By manipulating the structure of the magic power, you can achieve a counteractive effect.”

Then, he saw a look of befuddlement in Karl’s eyes, who, however, seemed to understand and couldn’t help but nod involuntarily, “I see.”

The experiments continued.

After three hours of exploration, Liszt had completely figured out the silence attribute of the Calming Sea Pearl.

Within a radius of one hundred and eighty-two meters, the wind, including wind attribute magic power, was directly silenced. However, the further away, the greater the attenuation. At the edge of the range, the silencing effect was much weaker. Using Marcus as a reference, at the edge, his Dou Qi could reach three meters from his body, but at the center, it couldn’t even reach half a meter.

No matter if he was employing the Ultimate Mystery Technique or ordinary moves, they would be silenced by the Calming Sea Pearl.

The surface of the Black Pearl was inscribed with magic runes, as long as one activated the Dou Qi to touch the magic runes, it would produce a confining effect, confining the silencing effect of the Calming Sea Pearl.

When using it, by touching the magic runes again, the confining effect would be lifted.

When the Calming Sea Pearl was placed in a pond near the castle, the previously rippled water surface, under the breeze, quickly became calm, with not a single wave visible.

It was only when Karl stirred vigorously with his longsword that the surface of the pond became rippled again.

“It cannot silence the movement of the water flow, therefore, during a storm, navigation will still be dangerous,” Marcus analyzed.

Liszt nodded, “That’s right, but by eliminating the influence of the storm, we can focus on dealing with the sea waves, reducing the risk of the ship capsizing.”

Overall, he was satisfied with the effects of the Calming Sea Pearl, “Today it’s too late, but tomorrow morning, taking the Calming Sea Pearl with us, we will set off for Black Horse Island!”

The next morning arrived early.

Grandini Truth, along with his apprentice Charley, had gathered with the Fresh Flower Caravan early on, getting ready to leave Fresh Flower Town.

“I hope we have the opportunity to collaborate again, Mr. Grandini,” Liszt earnestly saw Grandini off to the mainland. He didn’t like Grandini’s attitude, but he admired the other’s knowledge—truly teaching him a lot about magic without reservation.

“I hope for another collaboration too, Baron Liszt,” Grandini, having washed his hair and changed his clothes, regained the demeanor of a magician, put on his hood, hiding the expression on his face, “Then, I hope the next time we meet, you have already obtained the noble title you desire.”

The carriage started with a clatter.

The caravan left.

The sea voyage was also about to begin.

Butler Carter loudly reminded, “Thomas, remember to take good care of the master’s daily life and don’t be negligent in the slightest.”

Before Liszt, Thomas always showed humility, “Rest assured, Mr. Carter, I will diligently fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities.”

Carter turned to Liszt, bowing deeply, “Baron, may you return safely and successfully.”

“I will, Mr. Carter.”

Liszt, leading Douson, set off toward the dock under the watchful eyes of the servants, accompanied by Marcus, Thomas, and the Retainer Knights.

The day had not yet fully broken, and a streak of red emerged along the pale dawn sky.

Upon arriving at the dock, they found Goltai, Blair, and others, already waiting there. Captain Kostor was busy with his sailors, making the final preparations for the sailing.

Without any unnecessary chatter.

Liszt, along with the Retainer Knights, boarded the Fresh Flower Vessel, and after consulting with him, Kostor arranged for the sailors to take their positions. Moments later, hoisting the Red Tulip Flag representing the Tulip Family, the Fresh Flower Vessel, under the waved goodbyes of Goltai and other officials, slowly drifted from the dock, propelled by its oars.

Navigating towards the depths of the azure Sea of Azure Waves.

Once the ship had entered deep waters, Captain Kostor immediately bellowed, “Set sail!”


The sails caught the wind, and with the gusts billowing, the Fresh Flower Vessel cut through the sea, leaving behind frothy twin wakes.

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