The Messenger of Death




Flying through the air as fast as he could in the Lower plain realm, Bram was still on hot pursuit.

At this point, he was fed up with the cat and mouse game that he was forced to take part in because of the people that were pursuing him.

He had passed through almost every part of the Lower plain realm. Shapeshifted into many people, animals, and beasts. Even if he was able to throw them off his track at times, they always found a way to track him down.

"Bram! Can you hear me?" A subtle voice transmitted to Bram's mind as he was shuttling through the air.

"Sakura! Where in hell have you been!? You were supposed to come here 30 days ago!" Bram transmitted back.

"It is not my fault. I arrived here 30 days ago but got caught up in a big event that I had no say in. I was forced to take part in it. Master might think we've already been caught or killed." Sakura replied.

"Where are you now?" Bram inquired.

"The Western Continent. I want to investigate a place there."

"No time for that, I'm heading there now. I have a bad feeling. This has been going on for too long and their patience might have gone thin."

"Okay" Reluctant to let go of this chance, Sakura had no choice but to agree with Bram. "Let's meet up at the capital city. It will be easier to get rid of them in a crowded place."

"On my way."

Bram was right, someone dangerous was heading his way. This person had abilities that could easily counter his unique ability.

This person being Amir, alongside an elder from his Sect, had already received the coordinates of Bram's position.

"Uncle, that should be the person father asked me to capture right?" Amir pointed at the silhouette that was fast approaching them.

"Yes, that should be him. According to the reports I got, he should be in the form of a little girl donned in purple clothes." The man Amaal sent to watch his son, replied.

"Let's get this over with, I have to go back home and take care of my garden." Amir boorishly said as he buttoned up his green overall.

"Remember, don't take it over the top. And don't change the terrain of the Lower plain realm much, that might put us in trouble." The man warned.

From a distance, Bram saw Amir watching him leisurely. Bram felt his stomach churn and his sight blur.

'What's going on?' He thought in confusion.

Forcefully, Bram's body began changing back to its normal form.

In shock, Bram stopped where he was and looked at the boorish Amir from afar. "Who are you?" Bram asked from where he was. His voice crossed the distance and reached Amir.

"I'm Amir, my father sent me to capture you and I like flowers." Amir replied naturally.

"Are you the one doing this to me?" Bram inquired as he began getting an alternative escape path ready. He put his hand behind his back and started to inscribe in the air.

"Yes, I am. And it is quite easy to do. You see, all I have to do is overwrite the uniqueness within the QI you have refined and then give out a command of mine.

It's like mind control, but not exactly. For example, I can overwrite the original command given to your lungs. A human breathes subconsciously, I can make your lungs stay still." Amir rambled.

What Amir said to Bram is in fact the truth. He could easily overwrite anything or anyone that has the cognitive ability or a semblance of it. Amir is like a human supercomputer that can hack another human.

Be it QI, Runes, machinery, and so on, he could take control of it. The shocking part of his ability is the reality that it didn't need QI or anything as fuel. Amir doesn't even need to be a cultivator to utilize this ability of his.

However, he needed to cultivate so that he could raise the limit on his ability. Despite his ability not needing QI as a catalyst, when QI is involved, his ability is greatly amplified.

The only downside about his ability is that it affected his state of mind. At times his mind regresses to that of a 5-year-old. Sometimes he gets Amnesia.

Sometimes, Information and knowledge about things he never read up on pops up in his head and messes with his brain.

To avoid these from happening, Amir had to avoid using his powers and do a lot of things. Things like gardening, something repetitive and didn't require him to give much thought to.

That way, when he has a relapse, even if his mind is not aware, his body will be.

Amir then did as be stated in his example, he made Bram's lungs stop working.

"Ugh!" Bram choked, unable to make any sound nor breathe as his lungs has been deactivated.

The inscription that he was making behind was interrupted.

"See?" Amir had a harmless smile on his face as if he wasn't the one choking Bram.

'I need to get out of here quickly.' Bram thought Immediately. He had just realized how terrifying the person that was sent to capture him is. Bram quickly retrieved an encapsulated talisman from his storage ring.

Bram then let go of encapsulated talisman and then it exploded.

The Talisman itself was just a Talisman that could create shockwaves, but with the assistance of what it was encapsulated in, after amplifying the shockwave Talisman, it will be able to injure a person's Spirit. And if it is a person that hasn't reached the Spirit condensing realm, the person will most likely perish to the shockwave.

Bram used the shockwave to throw himself far away from Amir. He gambled on the possibility that Amir's ability had a range of effect and once he was out of it, he would be able to breathe again.

But for Amir, this meant nothing to him. He immediately reconfigured the shockwave before it reached him and turned it into thousands of butterflies.

"Amir, don't overdo it!" The man beside him said. "Creating life out of nothing always causes a relapse for you!" He said angrily.

"I know, I couldn't resist it. Let's just go after him. I'll end it before he gets the chance to escape again and before I experience a relapse." He added.

Over at the Celestial plain realm, in a luxurious skyscraping palace, The Prince that fought with Al sat in front of a white curtain.

"That's all that transpired, mother." He had just finished explaining to his mother all that happened in the Lower plain realm when they were competing for the Midas petal.

"Who is this peasant that got to the Midas petal before you did? And how is it possible that he has a supreme primordial bloodline!?" A calm voice echoed from behind the white curtain.

"Prince Curtis, are you certain that he's not from the Golden Crow Royal family?" His mother questioned.

There were only 2 Supreme Primordial bloodlines in the entire Celestial plain realm, which are The Phoenix Royal family and the Golden Crow Royal family.

These two families were always at each other's necks, always fighting to be the true overlord of the Celestial plain realm. However, the Phoenix Royal family has always been a step ahead of them.

"I am certain, mother. His flames didn't destroy, instead it devoured." Prince Curtis said after a while.

The flames of a phoenix replenishes, the flames of the Golden Crow destroyed and the flames of a Dragon devoured. While they were aware of the nature of the first two flames, they couldn't figure out the third one.

After all, Dragons don't exist in the 3 plain realms, or so they thought. It was another Primordial beast that they believed to not exist. As it was rumored that Dragons were the favorites of the Heavens even amongst other favorites.

"I have already issued out a bounty on his image and I included a bit of his information. I put a thousand Purple Energy crystals as the reward. There should be people that will go after him the only problem is that he is the disciple of an important person from the Claus clan." Prince Curtis revealed.

"That might be troublesome in the future." His mother mentioned.

"I made sure that no one would know that the bounty was issued by someone from the royal family."

"Good," His mother praised.

In another Location on the Celestial plain realm, near the territory of the Sky Fox Race.

"Sir Dragnel, the Master asked me to deliver this to you. A woman stepped into a cave with a paper in her hand.

"Leave it there." A grumpy voice replied.

The woman let go of the paper and it floated deeper into the cave.

"What is this? An Individual with a Supreme Primordial bloodline In the Lower plain realm? Hahaha!! This might be who I've been looking for. Brothers, you actually bestowed your bloodlines a human, one in the Lower plain realm at that"

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