The Messenger of Death

Chapter 322: kymani's territory ii

Chapter 322: kymani's territory ii

After traveling in the sky for over 3 minutes, Xander's lightning started to dissipate. He had been using his bloodline QI to keep the lightning going for a while and was starting to reach the limits of his bloodline QI.

['This new technique takes a lot of blood QI.'] Xander thought.

['But it is worth it now, apart from Lex you are another trump card.'] Alex pointed out excitedly.

['What about me? I'm the only one whose bloodline QI has reached the third and final stage of the Blood Awakening stage, and I'm not a trump card. I don't blame you, you don't have eyes for greatness.'] Al complained, dissatisfied that Alex refused to recognize him.

Alex ignored Al.

The streaks of lightning that wrapped around Xander disappeared one by one, reducing quickly as his bloodline QI couldn't keep the lightning active anymore.

"I think it's time to go down," Xander mentioned and focused his sight on the ground as he was still shooting through the air, albeit slowing down.

['Wait, how are you going to get down from this height safely?'] Alex asked, the excitement clouded his thoughts, making him forget that they would need to get down. They were kilometers up in the air, apart from being surrounded by lightning, they were also surrounded by clouds.

['Haa, I bet you didn't think about that now, did you?'] Al was kind of happy that there was such a flaw in Xander's new technique.

Lex only chuckled at Al and Alex. He understood Xander best and knew that this kind of flaw wouldn't hinder him from using this technique again if needed. So there was no use in asking him questions like the one Alex asked.

Xander ignored Al and Alex's ranting that was going on in his head. From afar, Xander saw two waterfalls and he quickly used his eyes to trace the plunge pool of the waterfall. He found out that the plunge pool of the two waterfalls was interconnected.

He quickly decided that he was going to land in the pool, at least the pool was going to cushion his fall to some extent.

With what remained of his blood QI, Xander used it to control what was left of the streaks of lightning that had been carrying him. He made the lightning change its trajectory completely.

Xander made the lightning advance towards the waterfalls, aiming for the plunge pool

"Hey, what's that?" One of the naked women by the shore of the pool pointed at the lightning in the sky.

"It looks like lightning, a weird one at that." Another woman, barely clothed, said after she observed the lightning a bit.

Suddenly, they saw the lightning change its trajectory and was heading towards the pool. Out of caution the women that noticed the lightning warned the rest in the pool. If the lightning hit the water whilst they're still people in the pool, they might get electrocuted, to what extent? That they were not sure of.


The women in the pool had already made their way out of the water before the lightning reached the water.

Warm steam enveloped the surface of the pool where the lightning landed. Tiny streaks of lightning flashed randomly on the surface of the pool.

In a few seconds, hundreds of dead fishes floated to the top of the pool, Xander's lightning had electrocuted them to death.

Not knowing what was going on, many of them looked up in the sky, expecting a storm of clouds or some kind of sign that it was going to rain. Contrary to what they were expecting, the night sky looked normal.

Those that were looking at the place where lightning had struck could see some kind of movement happening around that area. As if someone was coming up

Before the lightning struck, Kymani sensed the lightning in the sky. She could tell that its shape was peculiar and its presence in the night sky stood out if one focused on it. Kymani then saw the lightning slowing down, which started to make her feel uneasy.

Then came the sudden change in the trajectory of the lightning, it made Kymani jump off the bed in a hurry because she knew that the place where the peculiar lightning was heading to is within her territory, a place where her girls could be.

Upon arriving, to Kymani's surprise, and to the surprise of all the women there, a wet, good-looking teenager emerged from underneath the water. His wet black hair stuck to the sides of his face while water dripped down his defined chin. His burnished, yet fair skin glistened while being wet, the water only exaggerated Xander's looks, and it made him look more attractive than usual, even to these women.

"He's wearing the academy's uniform." One of the ladies pointed out, bringing the attention of the rest to the uniform Xander was wearing.

It was at this moment that Kymani realized something. 'Is this the kid that they said was heading towards Jarja's territory?' She wondered. Kymani could tell from Xander's aura alone that he was the one that Scar was talking about.

"You are the new prisoner aren't you, Nirvana realm boy?" She asked knowingly

Just after Xander landed in the pool, he sensed that there were a lot of people watching him, and from the aura, some of them were releasing, he could tell that they were all Sky realm cultivators.

Coming out of the water, his eyes were greeted by the sight of naked women.

['Woo!! Wee!!'] Al screamed. ['Is this paradise!? How did this many women get into this forest? Are the women in this world prone to crime? Because if they are, I am a crime waiting to happen. Xander, switch with me.'] Al couldn't control his perverseness at the moment.

['No please, Xander, don't do anything like that.'] Alex pleaded immediately. He was unable to imagine the things Al would do and say if he took control.

['Hey!! Don't be a cock-block!'] Al warned.

['Xander, I'm begging you, please don't switch with Al.'] Alex pretended not to hear Al and continued to plead with Xander.

While Al and Alex were bickering, as usual, Xander was thinking of what to do at the moment. He had even ignored what Al and Alex had been saying. ['They are all Sky realm cultivators.'] Xander pointed out, shutting both Alex and Al up.

['Oh, then they must be fiery as hell, just how I like my women, Hahaha!'] Al refused to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation that they were in, all he wanted at this moment was to bask himself in the embrace of these naked women.

Then Xander heard a lady talk about his uniform and then he looked at her. ['Ewww!!! Xander! Look elsewhere, I don't want to be in her embrace!'] Al said in disgust, to him that lady wasn't up to his taste. And then Xander heard another comment again, a more direct one, it was Kymani's question

"You are the new prisoner aren't you, Nirvana realm boy?" She asked knowingly.

Xander turns his attention to the owner of the voice. ['If she wasn't so muscular, I wouldn't have any issues with her. I guess we can't all be perfect in this world, after all, no one is as gifted and talented as I am.'] Al sighed.

Despite his narcissistic comments, none of them were in the mood to entertain Al's craziness, they were already used to him. Even Alex held his replies to Al's comments to himself, not wanting to give Al the chance to say more by giving him a reply.

Xander only looked at Kymani with a stern and cold expression, and weirdly, it only made him look more attractive to some of the ladies present.

Kymani stared at Xander, masking the astonishment that she was feeling inside of her, for him. What shocked Kymani wasn't his looks, but the fact that Xander had no lust in his eyes for any of the women present.

She could understand if he didn't feel anything while looking at her naked body, she has come across many people in the past that mocked her for the muscles on her body and said that she wasn't attractive, for herself she could understand. But for the beautiful naked ladies that were around her, Kymani couldn't understand why Xander felt nothing towards them.

In fact, he had only looked at the ones that had spoken and he didn't look at them like they were anything. Xander didn't even take a second look at any of them.

They could tell that he wasn't a gentleman, nor was he one that felt lust for them. This injured the pride of many of the women present, they started to feel weird standing naked in front of a teenager that doesn't take their naked beauty as anything.

Those whose self-esteem couldn't take such a jab unconsciously used their hands to cover their nakedness.

And in truth, Xander really didn't care about them at all, nor did their nakedness affect him in any way. To him, whether they were clothed or naked made no difference

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