The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Chapter 93


Translated By Arcane Translations

Translator: FusionX



I have secured it.

This short letter conveyed a significant meaning to me.

When I shook the enclosed vial, a transparent liquid sloshed inside.

I had expected it, but I didn’t think she would actually try to harm Father.

If she had succeeded, it would have been troublesome in many ways.

Although there might have been some methods, if Father had fallen along with everything else… well, it would have been quite difficult.

I had warned Renold about this before.

Even though I had considered it the least likely possibility, if Yuria had moved like that and obtained the family head position first, things would have become complicated.

Of course, now that this vial was in my possession, such a situation wouldn’t occur.

However, I had no intention of letting my guard down.

I had only prevented the worst-case scenario.

Since the vial had been secretly diverted, I couldn’t use it as evidence, and it was just a preventive measure.

What I confirmed through this incident was that Yuria was quite desperate.

Although I would gradually understand why, it seemed things hadn’t gone according to her plans while I was away.

By now, news of my heading to the central region would have reached her.

I wondered what she was thinking and what decisions she would make.

It was still time to observe.

My response would change depending on Yuria’s movements, and the day I would leave the Moon Tower would probably be decided.

Although I had returned from the South, I was still postponing my return to the duke’s residence.

Renold’s letter didn’t just contain that short sentence.

It included a summary of what Yuria had been doing and the reason why I couldn’t head to the duke’s residence right away.

Yuria Taylor has summoned the nobles. It’s an invitation to a social gathering, but the purpose is to announce her intentions.

Political maneuvering will probably continue.

Rumors are circulating questioning whether there was an ulterior motive in going to the South with the church, so it might be better for you to hide for a while.

An ulterior motive, I didn’t think she would say that even knowing I had connections with the imperial family.

I didn’t understand why Kaitel didn’t respond to such words.

Perhaps he had no reason to kill me at this point, but why would he have a reason to kill me a year later?

I had thought he would use this since the reason for killing me was always related to treason, but the imperial side didn’t respond even knowing this.

Miragen was ignoring it, saying it was nonsense.

With the princess taking such an attitude, it would be difficult for me to do anything immediately.

Even if the nobles raised an uproar, they wouldn’t find evidence unless I made a move.

That was why I hadn’t headed to the duke’s residence.

If I went to the duke’s residence… it would probably be after everything had been successfully concluded.

Going to the duke’s residence now would be like walking into a tiger’s mouth.

There was no need to enter Yuria’s stronghold unless I was certain.

I think His Grace the Duke will move soon.

I’ll enclose his schedule, so I recommend you contact him secretly if you have anything to say.

Renold’s abilities were quite unexpected.

The reason I hadn’t thought of utilizing them until now was because there hadn’t been a situation that required it, but in this life, I was quite reevaluating Renold.

I didn’t know he would be this useful.

Should I say I had stumbled upon this?

I knew well what actions Renold had taken towards me.

However, I really didn’t know if it would be effective when those malicious actions were used in a slightly different direction, so Renold’s help was significant in things progressing more smoothly than expected.

The fact that I had even a small support base in the duke’s residence was probably thanks to the rumors Renold had preemptively spread.

Because of that, my reputation had improved much more than before.

If I had been just a weak and incompetent young master before, now it was at least better than before.

Although such a reputation would hold me back if I became the family head, I planned to work on it beforehand.

The obvious task of spreading bad rumors about Yuria and raising my own reputation instead.

I had no intention of becoming the family head in a fair and square manner.

Although I needed to secure legitimacy, that was ultimately just the result.

I had no intention of becoming a monster like Yuria.

Who would sincerely follow someone who had risen to power by killing people?

I put Renold’s letter in my chest and quietly got up to prepare.

From her perspective, I might look cowardly, but that was Yuria’s circumstance.

It wasn’t for nothing that I had brought back a relic from the South.

With Kaitel’s help, the situation would certainly improve more than its current state.

With the support of these three powers – the imperial family, the North, and the church – I wouldn’t lack legitimacy anymore.

Once the fight started, it would be Yuria’s side that would be in a hurry.

So what I needed to do was prepare before the fight.

To fight a battle that I would definitely win, I needed to meet the Crown Prince first.

My steps leaving the Moon Tower were light.

The preliminary skirmish might be starting now.


“So, this is the relic you brought from the South?”

Arwen, who had received a small spherical relic from me, muttered.

Her legs floating above the chair swayed back and forth, and her eyes narrowed as she adjusted the glasses she was wearing.

Although I had brought one of the relics from the list she had sent me, I thought it would be right to show it to her first.

There might be functions of the relic that I didn’t know about.

It shouldn’t be something that would hinder me in killing Kaitel later.

Even if it had such functions, if it was something I could overcome, it would be different, but it was most certain to ask an expert once.

Arwen, who had been examining the relic from various angles, shrugged and placed her hand on the table.

When the magic that flowed out touched the relic, a small light appeared along with a flame.

“Judging by its clear reaction, it’s definitely a relic of the Four Dragons. Given this shape, it’s probably the ‘Eye’, right?”

“If I didn’t bring the wrong one, it should be sufficient.”

“From what I know, it’s a relic that nullifies magic-based attacks. I wonder if it’s okay to give this.”

“I deliberately sought it out. It just means not using magic, right?”

Nullifying magic didn’t mean blocking magic.

Even if I used magic when using a sword, what was nullified was only the sword aura.

It was nonsense to say that I, who had seen the ultimate sword technique, couldn’t kill Kaitel just because I couldn’t use magic.

If I couldn’t kill him because the magic was nullified, it would mean I couldn’t kill him alone in the first place.

At least as long as I held a sword, there was no one I couldn’t kill.

Even against Verod or Adele, killing them was possible.

Kaitel’s physical abilities weren’t as excellent as one might think.

Of course, they were above average, but it meant he wasn’t an opponent I couldn’t kill now.

If I gave him such a relic, wouldn’t it clearly convey that I wouldn’t harm him?

Logically, someone planning to kill him wouldn’t give him such an object.

Arwen nodded as if she understood my words, and the reason Kaitel needed the relic was to use the evil thoughts of the Four Dragons.

When I asked about that, Arwen, who had been looking through some papers for a moment, carefully opened her mouth.

“The sure way to extract the evil thoughts is to destroy the relic, but research on extracting them without destroying it has probably progressed. If I found it in a few days, they’re not fools, so they must have figured out that much.”

“So they intend to use the relic as it is, and use the evil thoughts separately?”

“The evil thoughts of the Four Dragons basically induce destructive impulses. Would it be easier to understand if I said it’s a kind of adrenaline? It’s similar to adrenaline, but it’s superior in that the user remains relatively calm.”

I tilted my head at the word ‘calm’, but soon I thought I understood what she meant.

It means impulses arise, but one isn’t completely taken over by them.

That was an even more dangerous state.

If actions were impulsive, gaps would appear, but if reason remained in place, only enhanced abilities would remain.

Considering the power contained in the evil thoughts as well, the idea of using the evil thoughts itself was quite dangerous.

It was also unknown what effect using the evil thoughts would have on the Four Dragons.

Arwen, who had been staring at me for a moment, slightly moved her lips.

“Maybe they’re trying to use the Four Dragons themselves. If it’s resurrection, that would be a problem, but we can’t know for sure yet. For now, giving away the relic is the priority.”

“Is it possible to resurrect the Four Dragons?”

“…I’m not sure. It’s not something I’ve considered until now, so I’d have to calculate based on the influence of the evil thoughts.”

Arwen couldn’t answer that question easily.

The immediate conclusion I knew was ‘impossible’.

Although there was a possibility that the Four Dragons’ seal might loosen over time, the possibility of a seal placed directly by a god being broken was also extremely low.

Even if one used the evil thoughts, it was just using them from a single relic.

Not the whole, but just one.

Even Arwen herself couldn’t grasp whether that would have an effect.

What could be done immediately was to deliver the relic to Kaitel.

Through that, to more firmly establish the support of the imperial family, and further to challenge for the position of family head.

Worrying about the future was less important than the immediate present.

The possibility of the Four Dragons’ resurrection?

Of course, it should be considered, but there was nothing more foolish than stopping to consider such an almost fictional possibility.

Calculating that was Arwen’s job.

When I handed over the payment for this job, Arwen’s shoulders flinched.

“It’s… much more than I expected.”

“It’s a difficult task after all, and I’ll need more information in the future.”

Renold alone wasn’t enough.

There had been enough time to find out about Yuria’s movements and actions, but still, there was a need to push harder.

Arwen, who was looking at the box full of gold coins, swallowed for a moment, then carefully hugged the box with her arms.

I knew well that she was living in poverty.

How much could she earn selling potions in a general store?

Although my circumstances within the duke’s residence weren’t great in many ways, there was no problem in mobilizing funds.

I could afford to pay this much.

“So, what do you want me to do? Should I proceed with research on the Four Dragons?”

“No, this time I’d like you to watch Yuria Taylor a bit.”

“When you say watch, it sounds like you want me to monitor her.”

“Isn’t that what you’re best at? I think monitoring would be easier than gathering information.”

Arwen smiled bitterly for a moment, but I could clearly read the confidence in her eyes.

🚨 Important Notice 🚨

› This text was ripped off from .

› Please only read it on the official website.

); }

She was more skilled than anyone in magic related to illusions and space.

If Arwen could provide me with information that was uncertain from Renold, at least I wouldn’t be caught off guard.

It was time to move.

Although I would probably have to move quite busily for a few days, I didn’t feel any desire to complain about it.

Rather, I should say I was a bit excited.

How Yuria would respond, and when all of that was thwarted and even the goal she had aimed for her whole life failed.

I was most looking forward to seeing what reaction she would show me then.

Yuria and downfall, I thought they were truly mismatched words.

It was even more amusing that I would be the one to create that future.


[Translator Notes]

[looks like shit is spicing up]

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Status: OngoingType:Korean NovelAuthor:AryatArtist:FusionXReleased: 2022Native Language: Korean


There were women approaching me, who had decided to die.





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