The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 151 Tough Fight [The Crypt - Part XXI]

- POV Freya -

I had just stuck my katana in the end of the snake's tail and smashed the fox's head to the ground. So far I had managed to reduce their HPs quite a bit but I was far from done and I couldn't deny the fact that this fight was complicated. Thanks to my system, I was stronger than a normal level 40 and most of my attributes exceeded theirs but it was anything but easy.

So far, the new skill I had unlocked was very useful and I didn't know how but I handled it naturally. However, one of my arms was still covered in ice to stop the effect of the acid which to be honest had hurt like hell. I also had, it would seem, a few broken ribs and thanks to my resistance, the pain didn't bother me that much.

When I had used my blood thread skill, I had discovered what the counter was for, which had appeared along with my new system. In reality, it was my blood, which I used every time I wanted to create threads that gradually reduced the number displayed. I didn't know how to make the gauge go up or what would happen if my counter fell to 0 but I didn't want to try it.

I was standing in front of the fox I had hit a few seconds ago and it was starting to get up with a growl. Still in my Demon form, I held out my arms on either side of my body and conjured up two large ice spikes. The next moment, one was flying at the reptile and the other at the grey canid at full speed. The snake had its lower body pierced while the fox had one of its tails.


[ Envious Snake (Demon)

HP : 50 050 / 100 000 MP : 36 000 / 50 000 ]


[ Greedy Fox (Demon)

HP : 67 000 / 110 000 MP : 40 000 / 50 000 ]


The fox had managed to move sensing the danger and instead of being pierced in the belly, one of its tails had been impaled. Like its companion, it was now on the ground and was scrambling to get out of the trap as quickly as possible. The fox was so agitated that after only a few seconds, it freed itself, but not without leaving a part of itself in the process.

[ Greedy Fox (Demon)

HP : 61 700 / 110 000 MP : 40 000 / 50 000 ]

Blood flowed profusely and the four-legged Demon no longer growled but yelped as it tore off its own tail to free itself. This left the three-tailed fox with only two tails as its yapping filled the room. As quickly as I could, I didn't give it time to do anything as I threw myself at it to punch it in the stomach with all my might.

With no time to react, the grey Demon was about to crash into the snake that had managed to get out of the way, leaving a piece of itself behind as well. The two collided violently against the black walls of the room, sending a multitude of shiny black stones flying.


[ Envious Snake (Demon)

HP : 48 950 / 100 000 MP : 36 000 / 50 000 ]


[ Greedy Fox (Demon)

HP : 52 920 / 110 000 MP : 40 000 / 50 000 ]


As I watched them crash into the wall, my arm trapped in the ice began to manifest. The pain was almost gone and I could feel pulses coming from that limb proving that my blood and mana were flowing better. While the two Demons were embedded in the wall, judging that she could talk for a few seconds, my little sister spoke up.

[Your arm should be out of danger from the acid, I can slightly feel your mana draining from our bond. However, finish it quickly, you still have about 100,000 HP left but you're not safe from a reversal !]

*Yes, and then I feel that my arm must rest even if it is out of danger...*

As I answered Kira, I shook off the ice holding my left arm to reveal my skin that had turned red and burned. It was the first time my body had received such a scar and I didn't know if it would go away but I didn't care. I could move it slightly but it was still shaking.

[Aren't you going to use it ?]

I could feel my arm going numb and unlike my body I felt as if I could not control it completely. I didn't know what the acid was made of but my arm that had been dipped in it hadn't disappeared thanks to my strong body but it needed a rest. As I moved my arm slightly, I answered Kira with the utmost sincerity.

*Not at the moment, I feel like I haven't recovered enough. If I decide to use this arm I might have problems later*

[Trust your body]

Besides, my instincts were telling me not to force it as I could damage it more than anything else. I could feel my tissues slowly reforming thanks to my mana circuits and it was an important process that should not be disturbed. Besides, I didn't want to rely on my arm, which at any moment could fail me at an important moment, so I preferred to continue not to use it unless I had to.

*My body is healing itself, I'll let it do its job*

[To be more precise, your mana circuits are repairing your arm inside, the tissues, the nerves that were damaged. So it is indeed wiser not to overwork it]

My body was very strong and without my level and attributes my arm would most certainly have melted but that didn't mean I hadn't been injured. The acid had formed small, almost invisible holes where the liquid had slightly penetrated before slowly eating away at my arm from the inside. At that moment I had frozen my entire limb and stopped the gnawing process but I could still feel the effects.

*Its element is extremely powerful considering its level is lower than mine. Even the fox's lightning is not as devastating on my body...*

[It's not that surprising, this element is not easy to fight, especially if it has a slow effect. It reminds me a bit of Nixia's black flames that will be able to reduce everything to ashes the more she evolves]

It all happened in just a few seconds and as I nodded, watching the fox and snake rise to their feet, Kira's voice answered me. Suddenly, another burst of acid came straight at me as the fox disappeared again. The two demons seemed even more enraged than before and preparing new threads of blood with my right hand, I stood ready once more.

[ BLOOD : 60 / 100 ]

I was using all my physical abilities and senses to avoid these waves of acid at all costs by getting closer to the snake, but it was no easy task. At the same time, the fox was throwing lightning bolts at me that were passing closer and closer to me. It was no longer circling around me like before, but using its element and speed to be elusive, appearing and disappearing all the time.

The grey Demon seemed to be teleporting ever faster and I could feel its presence, its aura that perfectly conveyed its rage coming closer without being able to pinpoint it precisely, busy avoiding the acid. The snake's attacks had also become faster and more precise, and my mind, though working at full speed, was almost in overdrive. As I jumped, Kira's voice echoed in my mind but it was too late.

[Attention !]

As a huge acid projectile came from my left, I created a wall of ice to block it, but just as it was rising up to protect me, the fox appeared. It had arrived so quickly and I had not had time to turn around that its huge mouth closed on my entire right side. This time, the ribs which were there and which had not yet been broken, cracked with an unpleasant noise followed by an intense pain.

[ Your skill: Pain Resistance (lvl 5) has been upgraded to lvl 6 ]

"Aaaauuuurrggg !"

[Feya !!]

Without doing anything, ice spikes came out of nowhere to strike the snake and the sides of the grey Demon and I knew perfectly well that it was Kira. They were sinking into its skin, blood was flowing but it still wouldn't let go. I was trapped in its jaw and I could feel its fangs sinking into my skin even though it was very strong. Against all odds the pain was bearable but I had to act fast, very fast.


[ Envious Snake (Demon)

HP : 30 950 / 100 000 MP : 27 086 / 50 000 ]


[ Greedy Fox (Demon)

HP : 36 000 / 110 000 MP : 33 803 / 50 000 ]


*No matter how powerful a being is on the outside, the inside is always more...fragile...uurg*

I wasn't going to pass out from the pain, but I could feel my skin tearing and my bones cracking in a way that had never happened to me before. Using the threads in my hand, I slid my good arm into its mouth as the pressure intensified. With a precise movement I sent all five of my blood threads into its stomach as I used the mana in my hand to create a ball as big as I could and drop it into its belly.

The effect was immediate and the fox, who had not wanted to let me go until now, made me fall from its mouth while rolling on the ground. Both our bodies hit the ground violently while our moans of pain grew louder. All my ribs on the right side were broken and now large bite marks were appearing on my stomach and lower back.

My clothes were torn and the black cloth was soaked with my own blood, which this time was flowing as profusely as my opponents'. We were all right on the ground and despite the fact that we had HPs left, we had a hard time getting up this time. Thanks to Kira, both Demons had been hit as hard as I had and now the first to get up would have a clear advantage.

[Freya I...I'm sorry I should have...been more careful I...I...]

My vision was blurry and my body was shaking horribly but I couldn't give up. My little sister's voice echoed in my mind as she shook, everything I saw she saw too and Kira panicked. My skin was torn and there were like three deep claw marks made by the fox's fangs.

*Don''s not your fault it's...uurg I'm the one who has to deal !*

"cough cough"

When the Demon's teeth had been in my skin I hadn't been in much pain but now that the blood was flowing I could feel the difference. I could feel an immense rage rising in me as I was angry with myself and struggled to get up. I directed this anger at the two beasts who had risen just as I had. As I finally stood, my aura flared even more as I addressed them.

"You want a beast fight ? I'll give you one !"

Blood was pouring from my mouth, from my wounds, and the pain was great, but I ignored it all and finally transformed into a wolf. Taking this form sent even more waves of pain through me as my broken bones changed shape no matter what condition they were in. My moans turned into growls as my red aura changed to become as black as my fur. Under the shocked gaze of these two monsters, I was now in my original form.

I was huge, and now I towered over the Fox and the Snake who were in no better shape than I was. Without further ado I rushed towards them as I felt my broken bones rubbing against my skin and my blood draining away little by little. With every step I took, a pool of blood formed, but I ignored all of these details. As I reached them, I started with the most dangerous with its acid and least injured.

This time it was my turn to open my mouth wide so I could sink my fangs into those hard scales. The reptile's body was covered in acid but I didn't want to back down. Using my "Demonic Cloak" skill I covered my body with my protective aura which then focused like a layer on me. I didn't know if it would work but I was trying my best to finish it off.

Plunging my fangs into the snake's neck, I bit down with all my might as I yanked. I could feel the acid but every time the pain came, I hurried to freeze the part of my mouth for safety. It was thrashing and swishing its tail which was also in a bad way, kicking up dust, opening its wounds and destroying the ground with loud thuds.

Like the fox, I did not let go of my prey while the wounded grey Demon looked at the scene with disgust and fear. After firing a good shot, finally, the green Demon, who could no longer defend itself, found itself with its head torn off and its body inert. I had just broken its scales and cut off its top with the sole force of my jaw.

If my fight had begun in euphoria, at this moment and for some unknown reason, I felt sad. With each blow I took, I felt a twinge of sadness that I only had when I was worried about my loved ones. It was a very slight and almost imperceptible sensation, but it was there and I felt it. The snake's blood flowed into my mouth as suddenly a notice appeared before me.

[ Counter updated - BLOOD : 70 / 100 (+10) ]

My counter, which was at 60/100 a few minutes ago, was back up and as questions crossed my mind, suddenly on my soldiers' side I felt a huge aura of rage coming from my left. The Demon that the Empire warriors were fighting was covered in fire and I could see two figures on the ground protecting themselves as the griffin was about to launch its attack and smash them to a pulp.

*Goddamn it !!*



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 40/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 41 000

HP : 41 600 / 150 000 MP : 42 610 / 75 000. BLOOD : 70 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

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