The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 457: Clouds Of Doubt

Chapter 457: Clouds Of Doubt

Min Hong looked towards the elder and spoke;

"Now, it is our turn"

All the experts ignored everything else, and paid rapt attention as their faces turned solemn...

They were the crux of the entire battle, and a loss of the weakest expert amongst them puts about 200 of their men in a fatal life threatening situation, and that number would increase, the stronger the fallen one amongst them is...

Min Hong looked towards the men in the area and spoke as nonchalantly and leisurely as possible;

"I, Gong Yi, Xiao Gui, Ki Ting, Tong Tian, Rin Chen and Her would take care of the top ten strongest experts"

Min Hong gestured to the seven of them whilst referring to the princess as 'Her', and all the experts were shocked at Min Hong's claim;

"My aim is to have as much Saint Stage experts supporting the battle below as possible, and we would do everything within our power to ensure that we finish them off as quick as possible and then we can join their battle"

"But I also want a Saint Stage expert in hiding; just in case any unanticipated surprises comes up at the critical moment of our battle"

Min Hong added and despite thinking Min Hong was biting more than he can chew, these leaders chose not to say anything as they all felt they would lend a hand should they fall into any sort of trouble

"As for our secret expert, I have just the right candidate in mind"

Min Hong added before looking towards a certain direction, and when everyone traced his line of sight, they all nodded in apprehension;

"Me?" Jun Tao was surprised but not overly so;

"Yes As far as I believe, the only set of people who knew you have broken through into the Saint Stage are all within this hideout, so you will be our secret weapon" Min Hong explained;

"Now that leaves us with seven extra experts in the Saint Stage"

Min Hong looked over to Yu Min, the old man, the two tribe leaders and the rest of the core court disciples

"Bai Fan, your bugs would be very vital in this battle, and I also have four new recruits for you"

Min Hong added as he opened his hands and three ant queen plus one extra worker ant crawled out of his spatial ring onto his finger before he passed them on to Bai Fan whose eyes were wider than saucers;

"A-are t-they?" Bai Fan couldn't even speak clearly;

"Yeah, the four of them are all in the Peak Dan Formation stage, but possess Mid-Level Dan Formation battle prowess"

"I found them yesterday on my way back, and it was one of the reasons I returned late"

"I also allowed them feed on my cultivation and thus, they were able to reach such stage"

Min Hong added as the entire group, including the core court disciples and the princess once again gazed at him with an incredulous expression, but the princess was the first to recover with a subtle smile of pride

She was really proud of him, but Yu Min was busy calculating what a person's cultivation stage had to be, for them to be able to allow four ants suck out Qi worth of four Dan Formation stage out of their body in less than a day and still appear fine without any injuries whatsoever

Min Hong passed the three ant queens which had helped him gather his shredded body parts and also dug out his eyes over to Bai Fan whose face was so red with excitement that everyone could tell that they seemed to be delaying him with their talks

Thus, Min Hong gave him the permission to go and bond with the ants and experiment whilst they continued their planning as Bai Fan bolted of the platform with blinding speed going into the deepest recess of the hideout to experiment to his full potential

The reason why Min Hong had overslept the night before was because of Qi exhaustion, and the princess just realized it as she wondered within herself that whilst they were busy chatting and having a nice time, there were actually four bugs sucking the living hell out of her lover's Qi;

Though, the thought of being so close to four bugs made her cringe, the feeling of Min Hong achieving such a feat alone was much stronger than her cringes

Min Hong looked over to the rest and asked;

"Alright, how many Peak Nascent Soul experts can you all take down in a short period of time?"

"I can kill three of them in no more than ten minutes"

"Same" The two tribe leaders were the first to speak up;

"Ten minutes is too long, I was looking for a time frame of about a minute or two max" Min Hong responded;

"I can do two in two minutes" The old man added;

"I can do three in that time"

Yu Min also chipped in and Min Hong nodded his head before looking over to Su San and Pi Xi;

"You are all mandated to take three in a minute" Min Hong spoke with a tone that brood no argument or excuse;

"That's a piece of cake"

Su San spoke as she cracked her knuckles and Rin Chen cringed for some strange reason at the sight

The gentle Pi Xi simply didn't speak but the smirk on her lips told everyone that she had no issues with it

Yu Min looked at the group and almost shook her head in frustration; she was a Saint Stage expert and could only take on three Peak Nascent Soul experts in two minutes, but these girls who seemed to be her age mate and weren't even in the same cultivation level as her could actually take on three in a minute?

She now felt slightly ashamed for saying she could take three experts in two minutes earlier like it was one basic achievement

"We will do two each in two minutes"

The two Saint Stage tribe leaders weren't willing to be left behind, and though, it would take everything they had, they believed they could do it;

"Fantastic, that means 21 of their Peak Nascent Soul experts should fall every two minutes"

"Jun Tao, you are mandated to take only one Peak Nascent Soul expert a minute If you take any more than that then you might blow your cover"

"Alright, now that we have sorted that out, it is time for the distractions Do we have any Wind and Earth Dao experts here?" Min Hong asked;

"Almost every expert within the Land of Stones are all Earth Dao users" The old man chimed in;

"But our lady is proficient in both at the Eight Plane Intent Level" The old man added;

"I do have a Law Level Earth Dao" Xiao Gui revealed;

"Good, but we would be busy with the top ten experts and I want us at full strength when the showdown begins" Min Hong responded;

"I do have a Law level Earth Dao" Pi Xi added;

"I do too" Su San added

"Great, then that should be all If anyone else has anything else to say, then they can speak now"

"What do we do about the numbers?"

The Dark Stone Tribe elder brought up the elephant in the room as Min Hong simply chuckled slightly;

"Oh, about that Don't worry, you will see when we begin"

Min Hong added with a mischievous smile, and the elders were starting to feel skeptical, because it seemed like Min Hong was a mad man and was just trying to drive them to their deaths, but that wouldn't benefit their mission in any way, thus, they looked to Jun Tao

Jun Tao was the only one they were truly familiar with amongst all of them who was just and not on the side of the Diamond Crust Mercenaries, and thus, if anything happened, he would be the one they hold responsible

The old man on the other hand didn't have any problems; his only concern is to protect Yu Min, and as long as she is safe, he didn't care if the world burns or the heavens fall

After a little bit more talks, they all separated back to their places

They had spent two solid hours on the extra meeting, and now that they were done, they could all return to get themselves in peak shape

The tribe leader went to gather their tribe members, whilst Jun Tao also followed them to ease their worries

Yu Min and the old man went to gather their own men and also prepared them for what is to come based on the outcome of their meeting

Min Hong also looked towards his puppets and have them move outside the hideout to guard the entrance

Pi Xi took Tong Tian, Su San grabbed Rin Chen as they went to give themselves a final shoving before the battle, but Min Hong was caught between the princess and Ki Ting who stuck around, and as a result, he chose to head into his apartment, alone

The princess then floated gracefully into her apartment, whilst Ki Ting also returned a little depressed

Xiao Gui and Gong Yi saw the situation and chuckled awkwardly to themselves, that problem was for Min Hong to solve, and they also returned to their apartments to get themselves in Peak conditions

Min Hong entered his room, sighed slightly and shut his eyes

The first thing he did was to enter the 'Realm of Creations' where he met with Little Wu, Little Lin, and Little Bing who told him that Old Man Li hasn't been around much in the last three weeks;

When they noticed Min Hong was being concerned, they told him that Old Man Li usually sent a bolt of lightning to his hut once in the morning, afternoon, and night as a sign that he was okay, and that Min Hong had just missed the afternoon bolt by an hour

Min Hong simply shook his head as he felt things are starting to get mysterious around here

Little Wu then reassured him that Min Hong's welfare was still his top priority within this place, and once he discovers something out of the ordinary, he would instantly alert him

Little Lin had grown much stronger and she seemed to be returning to her peak due to the intense training she and Little Bing had been going through

Min Hong on the other hand didn't tell them about the upcoming battle since he came here to seek some answers himself, so he left and opened his eyes

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