The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 447: Rebirth [3] – Full Rebirth

Chapter 447: Rebirth [3] – Full Rebirth

"First dragon tattoo has awakened, 9,999 more to go, put it to work"

Little Fei reminded as Min Hong urged the dragon tattoo which bolted towards its closest kin with blistering speed before slamming into it, transferring some blood onto it as the second one also roared to life; then it joined its partner in its mission to awaken the rest

The two dragon tattoos carried some blood to their nearest kin, and slammed into them as two dragon tattoos awakened simultaneously with a similar defiant roar

Then just like that, the four dragon tattoos awakened another four simultaneously, and then they became eight, and the eight also did the same, and so on

In less than five minutes, all 10,000 dragon tattoos had already awakened, and as if being pissed off by what happened earlier, they all furiously roared in tandem;


The roar was so heavy, potent and loud, that Min Hong who thought he could contain them within himself  subconsciously opened his mouth and let it out;


But this time, the dragon roar was accompanied by the cry of numerous beast species, as Min Hong made contact with his evil, bloodline

Then as if sensing the miserable state Min Hong's body was in, the bloodline took control as blood mist began to seep out of Min Hong's pores like vapor, before gathering about 20 meters above Min Hong's body...

Then after about ten to twenty minutes, it began to solidify into a blood diamond which began to shine, rotate and glitter with a glow that could be seen about 100 meters in every direction

"What is that?"

"I don't know, but from the way it is shining, it must be a lost treasure of some sort"

"Hey, am I seeing things or is that real?"

Another expert pointed at what seemed to be a glittering blood red diamond;

"Come on, let's go take a look"

"Wow, to think this treasure is so valuable it could be seen over 50 meters away"

"Hurry we need to get to it before others do, this might be our only ticket to leaving this damned place"

Just like that many experts saw the blood red diamond from afar and took to the skies on their flying swords as they rushed towards the glittering blood red diamond

In less than 10 minutes, over 300 experts ranging from Peak Dan Formation to Peak Nascent Soul stage were already gathered above Min Hong's corpse, and when they saw his bloodied state and several cuts over his body, they believe he was already dead;

"This guy looks like he was sentenced to death with a thousand cuts, don't you agree?"

"Ha Li, don't even think about swaying us with miniscule talks, we all know you are here because of this treasure"

"Yes, so what we should be discussing right now is who should take it home with them and how he would compensate the rest of us"

"Hmm hmm" Other experts agreed with the suggestion as Ha Li's face darkened considerably;

"Firstly, I was the one who got here first, and I should be the one who takes it home"


"You must be dreaming!"

"I saw it before you, I was simply too far away to get here on time!" Other experts retorted aggressively at Ha Li;

"We can always gang up on you and take this treasure as well as yours before using Ju Ma's suggestion earlier to reach a perfect compromise that would be suitable for everyone!"

A random expert spoke, and the moment he did that, the rest of these experts suddenly began to show the evil side of their personalities one after the other

Knowing that there was no way he would get what he wanted without bleeding for it [In terms of resources], an idea popped into Ha Li's mind;

"Alright guys, how about we do it this way"

"You all can take the treasure, and in return, all I want is this kid's corpse"

He compromised, and suddenly, the same idea struck the rest of the experts around;

"Come on Ha Li, why are you being so greedy"

"Of course we all know that since a treasure like this could appear around this little kid, then there are definitely more treasures in his possession!"

The expert who had countered Ha Li earlier did it once again, and as if the heavens was backing his statement up, a High Grade Spirit Stone suddenly fell out of Min Hong's body, and instantly, everyone present froze in shock, and within the time it took a hen to fart, they had all abandoned the blood red diamond and all turned to Min Hong

If such a treasure and spirit stone could randomly fall off this kid, what are the odds that he had loads of them left in his possession;

"Ha Li, are you trying to make fun of us?"

"Do you think you are the only wise one who had thought about taking this kid's corpse away!?"

Ju Ma also joined in the opposition as Ha Li's face darkened the more

He knew these guys were just being shameless; if they really thought the boy had lots of treasure on him, would they have been fighting him over the blood red diamond looking treasure?

Ha Li also cursed his luck for letting the spirit stone roll out when he was just about to make a major overhaul;

"For what you have done Ha Li, you only have two options" Ju Ma continued;

"Leave or die!"

He added with a grim face as he pulled out a sabre from his storage ring;


"Ha-ha ha-ha You all think you ca really stop me if I want to take everything away from here!?"

Ha Li laughed hysterically as he pulled out a spear, and instantly, he became one with his weapon;

"One with World!?"

Some of the experts were slightly petrified about what they were seeing and subconsciously took three steps backwards

Others who weren't moved on bit also pulled out their weapons as they got ready to fight it out amongst themselves, but just as the fury amongst them reached its pinnacle, a voice suddenly spoke out of nowhere;

"Puny animals, selfish and greedy... You all cannot even come to terms over anything..."

All of them froze in shock as they looked around looking for the person who just spoke

Min Hong who was using his spirit sense to cause his voice to come from every direction scared them out of their wits with a simple shout;


Most of the experts jolted in fright, and all of a sudden, everything hit them like a massive tsunami of realization;

"Alright then, since you all cannot settle this matter, allow me to settle everything for you..."

"Wait This isn't right!"

"Who in their right senses would kill someone with such level of treasure and still leave everything behind?"

But before they could finish processing their thoughts, the blood red diamond exploded into a blood mist and scattered over all the 300 experts, seeping into their body from every possible opening as they began to choke and trash around like fishes taken out of water

Then when the blood mist which was no more than 10 mL came out, he brought every single shred of Life force, Vitality and cultivation that was within this experts out and entered straight into Min Hong's body, and then, to the terror of these experts, they saw Min Hong's cut begin to disappear with a speed visible to the naked eye;

Badump! Badump! Badump!

Min Hong's heart began to pulse and palpitate as it began to pump the blood, vitality and life force it had just received into every corner of Min Hong's internal body that might be lacking them




These experts began to scream and shriek miserably as they saw the product of all their years of hard work and banditry begin to leave them in a matter of seconds, the regret, the pain, the terror they were feeling was something Min Hong's bloodline really relished in...

Then as a result of that, the more these feelings permeated the area, the more Min Hong began to sense that the amount of these vitality delivered by the blood mist became purer and more potent, and in less than ten minutes, Min Hong was done devouring all these guys, and the only things left were dried up bony corpses which could disintegrate at the slightest touch

Min Hong's racing heart beat gradually slowed down and his eyes snapped open once again, revealing his pitch black eyes with blood red serpentine slit within it;


Min Hong's Peak Awakening stage aura erupted and blasted every shard of dust and dirt in his immediate vicinity away, blasting the bony corpses to dust and blowing them away, causing the environment to look as if nothing had even happened

Then he sat back on the ground cross-legged and waited;

"Here it comes!" Little Fei warned and then;


Wind began to whip around Min Hong and continued to gather momentum until it became a raging whirlwind, and then;



The wind ignited and just as if an atomic bomb had been set off, a massive explosion rocked the entire area to the extent that its tremor could be felt over 70 meters away from Min Hong's current location

Then if one were to look at Min Hong from a safe distance, they would be able to see the image of a phoenix bird made by the dust being whipped around by the wind

This phoenix had its wings folded in a protective manner, and after ascending to a certain height in the sky, it spread its wings wide and released a deep cry;


A massive soundwave rippled outwards with Min Hong being in the center, ripping everything it came in contact with into shreds with the power, momentum and force of a Peak Saint Stage expert

Then the phoenix opened its wings and spread it wide, as the image of a Dao Tree with about ten Dao Branches appeared on the tree...

But strangely, there were only nine nascent souls sitting cross-legged about Dao Tree, with each one sitting atop of their respective Dao branches, except for the Void Dao Branch which seemed to have no nascent soul sitting on it.

[All these were excluding the invisible Rebirth Flame Dao Branch and Rebirth Nascent Soul]

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