The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 416: The Love-Smitten Princess

Chapter 416: The Love-Smitten Princess

"Take this"

Min Hong flicked his wrists and a green chain appeared in his hand;

"Tie him to the mast of the ship"

He ordered, as Tong Tian took the chains and asked;

"What if he wakes up?"

"He won't be waking up anytime soon"

Min Hong reassured as he looked to the ongoing training session

The battle between the Gong Yi duo and the Pirate Leader didn't continue for too longs as Gong Yi and Xiao Gui used the strongest attacks in their arsenal, to knock him out

Apparently, Xiao Gui's sound attack was continuous in the sense that, any time the sound of metal striking, blocking or scrapping another metal rang out during their battle, it ends up making the Pirate Leader giddy headed, no matter how much he blocked his ears or tried to prevent it, and as a result, he had lost the battle the moment it began

To Min Hong it looked like the first sound attack Xiao Gui used paved an express path for further sound to travel through, and its seems the ringing in the Pirate Leader's ears was being amplified and piled on top of each other with every blocking or scrapping sound that rang out, and as a result, the Pirate Leader was winded throughout the entire fight

If he chose to block the attacks, then he must bear the brunt of having another high pitched sound tear through his eardrums and make him giddy headed, and he couldn't dodge these kids attacks, because they were being backed up by Saint Stage level of power...

Moreover, whilst their Qi might quickly run out due to the difference between the natural energy from the Mortal Realm of cultivation and that of the Spirit Realm, the giddiness in the Pirate Leader's head ensured that, asides the fact that he couldn't maximize his combat abilities, his attacks also missed on several occasions, whilst the youths in front of him kept piling damage upon damage

Min Hong made a mental note about Xiao Gui's sound attack and began to formulate a way of beating it within his mind

The duo came aboard the ship with the unconscious Pirate Leader, and tied him with his compatriot by the pole

"Hold on a bit!"

Min Hong told the rest of the group and before they could ask what was going on, he dived off the boat like an expert swimmer and descended to the ground level

He reached the ship wreckage and saw some dead bodies, but also discovered that about three of them had managed to escape, but he knew they couldn't have gone far, and that was because all the valuables and resources in the ship were gone, and as pirates, they usually had a lot

He spread his spirit sense outwards to cover the distance of about 20 miles in every direction, and because he had merged his Oblivion Dao with it, every single living being that came under the scape of his spirit sense could not tell, as they couldn't even feel the slightest ripple in the natural flow of Qi

A minute later, Min Hong sound the trio, and despite their severe injuries, they still managed to struggle towards a certain direction, and from Min Hong's deductions there must be a settlement in the direction they were headed...

It might either be a small tribe, village or town, but he knew the first thing these guys would be looking for is a healer, and finally a place to lay low should their uncaring Pirate Leader decide to come looking for them because of the resources and treasures they have stolen from him

Min Hong didn't take five minutes before the two Nascent Soul stage experts were in his hands, unconscious, as he made his way back to the flying ship

He dropped them on the ship and told Tong Tian to tie them up with the rest, before he went over to them and took away their storage rings

"We will all tender every resources in our possession tomorrow, and we will find a way to split them all to efficiently strengthen the group"

Min Hong spoke before they could ask as he headed to the lower deck, but straight into the princess' room, because Ki Ting coming over to his room was proving a little too frequent even though it was only twice, and he couldn't trust himself to keep his  hands to himself should she continue down the path

Ten minutes later, the Princess came into her room to find Min Hong there; everyone had rushed out the moment they heard the explosion, and most of them didn't lock their doors;

"Hope you don't mind my intrusion?"

Min Hong asked a little politely with a tinge of apology for invading someone's privacy without asking;

"It's fine moreover, I like it here with you around"

The Princess though blushed still managed to blurt out her feelings to him, Min Hong was initially stunned, but later on he grinned slightly, it seems everything is working according to his plans

The princess climbed onto the bed beside him and once again pulled his hands into the valley of her plump chests

Min Hong them moved in closer and gave her a tight hug, with all of him, pressing on all of her from behind

The princess waited for a bit before asking;

"How did you manage to kill that second pirate?"

"I got carried away by Gong Yi and Xiao Gui's tactical familiarity, and the pirate attacked me from my blind spot..."

"But luckily, I had my grandfather's protective treasure on me, and it had the power of a Peak Saint Stage expert infused within it, so the pirate got killed by it"

"It is a pity it was a one-time use treasure though"

Min Hong gave the lie he had premeditated, and also used the 'one-time' part of his statement to prevent the princess from asking about the talisman;

"If you don't want to tell me anything, then just say so You don't have to lie to me"

The princess spoke without looking back, but Min Hong could tell that she was serious from her tone;


Min Hong tried to say something but was cut off by the princess once again;

"My relationship with you is already playing fourth fiddle, do you want to build it on a foundation of lie too?"

Min Hong became speechless at this point, as he remembered what Daniel once told him;

'There is no way a man can hide the truth from a True Woman', thus Min Hong sighed in defeat before asking;

"How did you know I wasn't telling the truth?" The princess the snuggled deeper into his embrace before responding;

"If you had not said you were carried away by those two's tactical familiarity, I would have believed everything you said"

"But even though I have only known you for a bit, I know you are not the type that gets carried away by anything during battle..."

"It was then I suspected that your entire response might as well be a lie Am I right?" The princess revealed as she ended her statement with a question;

"Yes, you are"

Min Hong admitted defeat as he hugged her tighter, this seemingly young princess in his embrace might be a truly perceptive and keen woman, and that is one of the traits he loved in a woman;

If she was just about Min Qing's age, or possess Qing Tan's level of innocence, then he would have put off all pretenses and marked her as his;

"So, you have a total battle power of a Peak Saint Stage expert?"

The princess almost figured out Min Hong's total battle prowess, and if she already thought that way, then it made everything easier for Min Hong who didn't want to tell her about everything;

"Yeah, you are right"

Min Hong said after he gave a defeated sigh to convince the princess that she had found out his secret

The princess grinned to herself as she turned around to face him and added;

"I know I am yet to reach that stage yet, but your secrets are safe with me"

She said before planting a kiss on Min Hong's lips, whilst Min Hong praised her a little;

"You know how many people would want my head once they find out that I have been on the same bed with the Princess of the strongest Super Clan in the Empire"

"Not to mention us cuddling and kissing whilst you are only wearing your- you know what I mean"

Min Hong spoke with a grin whilst the Princess blushed furiously before hitting him in the chest with a playful anger, a girlish part of her that Min Hong found interesting;

"Then if you are so scared of them, why are you still here"

The Princess pouted in playful anger, acting like a spoilt daddy's girl, and Min Hong found that very adorable as he pulled her by the waist closer to himself, as they were hugging so tightly, they almost swapped bodies;

"I have told you that anyone who wishes to prevent you from being happy would have to step over my dead body" He said with conviction but as soft as possible;

"Are you trying to say you make me happy?" The princess asked as Min Hong replied with a question of his;

"Don't I?"

He said with a fake stunned expression as he separated his body a little from the princess who grabbed him instantly and pulled him back onto her as she cuddled into his embrace before answering;

"You do make me happy, and I wish things would get better between us from now henceforth, or at least, I will be satisfied if things stayed this way"

She said as Min Hong looked at the previously high and mighty princess settling to be another man's fourth woman or wife, and he knew there and then that, though he had yet to quench her pride, he had still made a good head-start

Thus, he brought her face up to his with his hands, and saw the princess' rosy cheeks and princess Jade-green eyes which was drifting between his own eyes, lips, and avoiding Min Hong's eye contact

Her breaths were already increasing and irregular as she began to exhale warm air through her mouths indicating that the princess at this point was in heat

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