The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 413: Pirates

Chapter 413: Pirates

"Well, why don't you go sleep in her room or the upper deck I am sure both places should be relatively empty, by now right?"

Min Hong was stunned at the response, it seems things might not go according to his hopes tonight

He reluctantly turned around and left with sad shoulders; just like a kid who had been given a NO answer by his parents

But just as he was leaving, a gentle force wrapped around him and dragged him towards the bed, whilst a slightly more aggressive force slammed the door shut

The princess then pulled him into her embrace, as she buried his face within the valley on her chest, like a baby...

But just as they were about to start anything untoward;


The entire shield trembled, and the impact was so hard that, Min Hong and the Princess fell of the bed onto the floor, as Min Hong swapped positions with the  princess and fell to his back hitting his head slightly, whilst the princess was cushioned by landing on Min Hong's chest

They sprung to their feet instantly [Yeah, this is no clich scene from telenovelas], as they ran towards the upper deck

On getting there, Gong Yi was already there, and right in front of them, was another flying ship, and though, it was not as fancy as theirs nor was it as sturdy as theirs, but it was at least three times larger, and from what they were seeing, it was made not for transport, or merchant vessel, but war

There were several holes at the lower deck which was made out of pure steel, and within these holes were cultivators attacking them from a very safe bunker

"Why are they attacking so weakly?"

Xiao Gui asked with a solemn face, as Gong Yi also added with more of a curious expression than worried;

"Just ramming that steel lower deck into us would be more than enough to send us plunging into the ground, and from this height, only few amongst us would survive"

Then after about a minute of silent pondering, Min Hong finally answered;

"I can only think of two reasons why they are doing this" Everyone looked towards him when he said that;

"Either they are just looking to plunder our resources, and probably capture us to sell as slaves Or, they-"

Min Hong had not even finished his conversation when everyone saw the princess float off the flying ship, as Sword Qi billowed out of her body, followed by the angry howling of a rapid spinning wind;

"You dare ruin the blissful moment I had spent a lot of effort to build!"

"You all must be tired of living!"


The wind howled loudly as the Princess compressed it into a giant longsword;



She stabbed the sword right through the hull of the metal flying ship, as the sword tore through it, before coming out on the other side, causing the ship to look like an impaled rodent ready for roasting

About three figures stepped out of the ship, floating mid-air whilst the Princess pulled out her sword sending the flying ship plunging down to the ground with several noises of people who were about to die screaming from within

"The princess is a saint stage expert!?"

Three of the group members simultaneously blurted whilst the rest were just stunned speechless, including Gong Yi

"Hehe We knocked on a frog's gate, and a beautiful swan came out to receive us, isn't this an overhaul, boss"

The old saint stage pirate on the left of the trio spoke towards the one in their middle;

"Hey bitch, if you come crawling and bow beneath boss' crotch, then we might let you live and serve his venerable self"

The old pirate to the right also added, whilst the middle aged man in the middle who apparently was their leader, stood there, at a higher position than the princess and the rest, looking at them from beneath his nose, with a ridiculing grin plastered on his lips, something which repulsed the Princess to death...

As a matter of fact, she really felt like beating the snot out of the tree of them, then have them drag their flying ship like mounts till they reach their destination

But just as she was about to react, everyone suddenly saw Min Hong beside her, whilst Gong Yi and the rest looked at the spot where Min Hong stood previously and found it empty

'That's definitely not ordinary speed But what is it?'

Gong Yi thought to himself as he began to look at Min Hong in new light

This guy just left their midst, and they couldn't even feel a ripple of breeze, or aura or even a slight surge in the surrounding energy

It was just like he was never in their midst to begin with

Min Hong got to the princess side and held her clenched fists, as the wind dissipated, followed by the disappearance of the Sword Qi in the area;

"You don't have to stain your hands with this filthy old ghosts"

"How about you let us handle them, and then you can decide on their punishments after we are done?"

Min Hong spoke audibly, but softly to the princess whose repulsive expression melted like butter on a hot pan as she gazed towards Min Hong

She nodded her head and retreated back into the ship, leaving Min Hong with his flapping dragon wings, as the leader of the pirate group who didn't even spare another glance at his fallen comrades look towards Min Hong and spoke;

"Hao, Chan, what do we have here?" The pirate boss spoke with an amused tone;

"Hnmm I see a wannabe hero who is about to die in vain" Pirate Hao answered;

"No, I already see a flying corpse!"


Pirate Chan exploded towards Min Hong, as Min Hong used the Oblivion Dao energy to mask his cultivation base, before clenching his palms into fists as he flew over to meet the old man mid-air

"Haha ha, a mantis trying to stop a horse!"

Pirate Chan bellowed as they both approached one another like a heat seeking missile;


They slammed into each other fist by fist, as Min Hong was sent flying, straight into the upper deck of their flying ship;


He landed on the upper deck putting a dent with his body, as the rest of the group stared at him in shock, whereas Pirate Chan was sent flying about thirty meters off their current location;

"Taking on a one Star Saint Stage expert with a Dan Formation cultivation base This is total nuts I like it!"

Xiao Gui who apparently didn't know even till this point that Min Hong was already in the Spirit Realm of both cultivation paths, already had a total cultivation base power into the Nirvana/Samsara level

Min Hong bounced back to his feet, dusted his body;

"Wow, that was relaxing Again!"

But just before he could leave, he saw two figures walk up to him, and as he looked to his sides, he saw Xiao Gui on the left, and Gong Yi on the right;

"Hope you don't mind us joining the fun?" Xiao Gui asked as Gong Yi added from the sides;

"My body has been getting covered in dust over the past few months, and they ache for action"

"I and Xiao Gui would take on the leader whilst you have fun with the other one What do you think?" Gong Yi added;

"Then let's see who finishes first"

Min Hong replied with a smile as they looked up to the duo who were already pulsing with saint stage energy, Pirate Chan being at 2 Star Saint stage and the Pirate Boss rippling with 4 Star Saint Stage cultivation...

But if one should put other battle factors into consideration, then the total battle power of these two pirates should be around 4 and 6 Star Saint stage respectively;

Shuala! Huala! Shuala!

Wings flapped out of the backs of the Min Hong trio;

Min Hong's being a simple dragon wing, whilst Xiao Gui and Gong Yi were using the exact same type of flying techniques, since their golden wings were of the same color and radiated the same aura

They all erupted from the flying ship as they approached the duo floating mid-air

The Pirate Boss whipped out a great axe, whilst Gong Yi and Xiao Gui simultaneously whipped out two sabres and bellowed;

"Raging Terror!"


Sabre Qi burst out of their weapon, drawing a red, crescent shape which arrived in front of the leader at once; Metal and Earth energy surged out of the Pirate Leader's body as he bellowed;

"World Mining Axe Giant Split!"

Xiao Gui and Gong Yi blanched when they saw a massive Giant Axe more than five times the one this Pirate Leader was wielding appear mid-air and slash downwards aggressively;


The attack tore through the Gong Yi duo's attack like it was ordinary paper as the axe continued onward as Gong Yi and Xiao Gui looked towards each other as they nodded towards one another;

"All out?" Xiao Gui asked;

"All out!"

Gong Yi replied as they both erupted with their full battle power;

Now it was the Pirate Leader's time to blanche, because the duo were both billowing the energy of a 2 Star Saint Stage with Gong Yi's aura feeling very stable, signifying that he had been in this battle power level for a while, whilst Xiao Gui seemed to have just stepped into that level...

They furiously slashed for a second time simultaneously using the same 'Raging Terror' technique, and this time, not only did the giant axe made out of Qi shatter, their sabre strike continued onwards towards the Pirate Leader who bellow;

"Diamond Cage!"

Metal and Earth Qi surged out as wet soil and metal ore appeared out of the thin air before forming a diamond shaped cage around the Pirate Leader;



The 'Diamond Shield' technique shattered whilst the Pirate Leader was sent flying forty meters away

This wasn't just a simple 2 Star Saint Stage plus 2 Star Saint Stage equals 4 Star Saint Stage kind of thing

It was more like piling a 2 Star Saint Stage battle power on top of another 2 Star Saint Stage power...

But normally, if it was coming from the same person, it should at least result in an 8 Star Saint Stage cultivation base, but because it was coming from two different people, and their powers also couldn't sync perfectly, it dropped to the level of a 6 Star Saint Stage, which was just the level of the Pirates Leader's total battle power

"Good, let's see you defend this!"


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