The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 398: Making Amends [1] – Sweet-talking Min Qing

Chapter 398: Making Amends [1] – Sweet-talking Min Qing

"I know a lot of responsibilities already rests on your shoulders, and I am truly sorry for having to add more to them"

"Don't say that sect leader, the Desert Sun Sect is a very vital piece to my current goal, so it is only normal that I do everything in my power to protect my best interest"

"Alright, since everything has been settled, don't let me delay you any longer, you can go do as you wish" The sect leader permitted

Min Hong left the sect leader after a little bit of more conversation as he flew into the skies, wingless [Without Saint Stage Cultivation either] and just about half a minute after he took to the skies, a portal appeared in front of him as Little Ming drifted out of the portal and Min Hong landed atop her as she flew towards the outer court without Min Hong's consent

Min Hong took note of the scenario, but decided not to comment as it seems Little Ming knew where his heart was at that moment

After two minutes of no-portal flight, Min Hong finally arrived at District 21 which had been revamped, even better than the last time he was here

As usual, the first set of people he met were the Ma Dong trio, and after entering the inner part of the district, he saw Kun Chao and Kun Lin, but from what he could sense, there was a little aura of melancholy/tragedy in the area

Min Hong frowned slightly, and without understanding what had happened, his heart began to race slightly, and the more he approached the faster his heart raced;

"What's going on?"

Min Hong asked the moment he reached the Kun siblings, but the Kun duo simply passed on the training to their next in command before responding;

"This isn't something we can speak about in public"

Kun Chao, for the first time in a while had a solemn expression whilst he responded to Min Hong

Kun Lin on the other hand seemed emotionally dead, as she didn't even speak a word and simply allowed her brother to do the talking

After they left the middle region of District 21, Kun Chao finally blurted;

"It is Fei Qing"

Min Hong's heart skipped a beat as he simply waved his sleeves covering everyone with a silvery shimmery light, and by the time they all came to, they were already within his apartment;

"Take me to her!"

Min Hong's tone changed as Kun Chao hurriedly led Min Hong to the room where Min Qing had been locked up, and when Min Hong got to the room and saw the Mu Twins standing guard in front of the room, he asked;

"What happened?"

"Fei Hong, you are back, we have been to the core court about five times since you left this place but we have been unable to reach you" Mu Bai spoke hurriedly as Min Hong repeated;

"What happened!?"

"It is Fei Qing"

"Don't make me repeat myself!"

Min Hong's tone was already rising as Mu Li finally summoned the courage to speak;

"It seems something bad has happened to her"


Min Hong felt his heart seize for about five minutes, as everything in the area became blurry

He staggered backwards and fell to the floor, still conscious, but barely so

He clutched his chest as he groaned and spat out a mouthful of blood

He felt giddy and lightheaded like an UFC fighter who had just been given a solid sucker punch

The Mu and Kun siblings rushed over and examined him, and after realizing that he only had a bout of heart attack, they simply gave him enough space and fresh air to help him recover

After about half an hour, Min Hong came and the entire scenario was narrated to him;

"It all began when the moon refused to set and her bloodline aura erupted"

"We thought it was just the difficult part of her bloodline awakening, thus, we decided not to influence it and simply locked her within this room till she had completely awakened it" Mu Li began;

"But after the sun came up, we tried to go check up on her, and when the door was opened, we were left dumbstruck with a rare phenomenon"

"We noticed that the room was already filled to the brim with pitch black water that was a dark as the blackest nights, but we were also able to make out the flaming figure of Fei Qing within it"

"But that was all it was; a figure covered in purple flames"

"We tried entering to pull her out, but the farthest we reached was a few feet into the room, and the black water began to suck out not only out breath, but also the life force of everyone that went into it"

"Xiao Chun had almost lost his life twice, while I and Mu Li have also been pushed to out limits several times in the past one week"

Mu Bai added from the side as Min Hong listened attentively, and after a bit of more explanations of the strange phenomenon they have witnessed, Min Hong finally ordered them to open the door for him to enter, and when they did, he finally understood what these guys were talking about

The entire room was flooded full of trench waters, and there was no inch of space that wasn't filled with the pitch black waters

Then Min Hong pressed his hand into the formed streaming pitch black water, and felt a rubber like resistance; just like the one he felt when he helped Min Qing to awaken her bloodline

He pushed inwards with his body cultivation alone, and after entering about ten feet towards the flaming figure at the center, he activated his bloodline, and instantly he felt a connection towards the flaming figure floating in the middle of the room, and the only thing he could sense from these emotions were; Heartache, Agony and utter loss

Min Hong's heart felt a pang of guilt as he activated his 'Dawn Sovereign Bloodline' before pushing in once again, but all these only made him traverse halfway towards the flaming figure, as the emotions he was sensing from the flaming figure began to grow stronger, whilst Min Hong shook his head in self ridicule

It took Min Hong about two days before he was finally able to pass his own emotions towards the flaming figure;

"Hey little empress, would you please let me in?"

Min Hong sent a mental message as gentle, fragile, apologetic and romantic as possible, and just as he did so, he felt the flaming figure tremble whilst the restriction the pitch black water was placing on him reduced a little, allowing him to approach the flaming figure...

Then after about half a day of sweet talking and apologizing, Min Hong was finally able to reach the unconscious flaming figure, and from the level of emptions that was surrounding the figure, Min Hong almost smacked himself to death as he finally caught her with one arm and embraced the flaming figure deeply

Then he felt the figure twitch once again, but this time, the pitch black water began to recede back into Min Qing at a blinding speed, and just as it reached the hugging duo, the pitch black water latched onto Min Hong's consciousness and dragged it along into Min Qing

Min Hong once again appeared beneath the pitch black trenches where Min Qing and Sirena resided, and he saw a Min Qing with loose, disheveled hair, sitting there with her chin on her knees and her arms holding her legs tightly to her body as possible

He couldn't see her face because her wet twelve feet long hair was covering her, but he could still make out occasional whimpers and sniffing, as well as droplets of tears that sent ripples across the pitch black water they were currently standing on

Whenever the ripple passed Min Hong, he would sense a portion of Min Qing's agony, as he walked as silently and least interrupting as he could afford towards her

Then when he got a close to her, he saw her body tremble in surprise whilst her weeping seized, seemingly out of the same surprise

Her head elevated slightly, but she still didn't completely look up to him, causing Min Hong to give a wry and helpless smile; this, right here, was one of the traits Min Qing had that made her irresistible to him

This childish/innocent/nave set of behavior was one of Min Hong fetishes with min Qing, thus, he approached her and when he reached her, he knelt and tried to touch her, but Min Qing simply turned her back to him without saying anything, but Min Hong understood what was going on, and to him it was a bit of a relief

This wasn't anything more than the last bout of resistance girls show to someone they truly love but aren't willing to easily let off the hook, and thus, he was able to narrow his tactics to a more precise standard;


"I'm sorry my queen I truly am"

"I know there is no excuse for saying all those stupid and hateful things I said"

"I didn't know what came over me, but I made a promise to you once before, and I still feel the same way about it"

"I admit I was stupid, hateful, impetuous and utterly beastly for all those unreasonable things I said, and that is why I am here"

"I love you my queen I miss you I crave your return into my embrace I thirst for you by my side"

Min Hong began to blurt out every romantic statement he could come up with as he finally managed to touch Min Qing on the back, but she still shrugged his hands away;

"I utterly meant it when I told you no one can ever take your place in my heart, and even after all those stupid things I did, it still doesn't shake your position from the most important person in my life"

"I wish we could go back to the way things were before I awakened my bloodline"

The moment Min Hong made this statement, Min Qing's stuck up figure relaxed a bit;

"I don't mind If it means I have to forfeit everything I have to achieved up to date to do so; I don't care about that anymore"

"I would gladly have another Qi deviation if that is what it takes for me to be with you once again"

After he said this, Min Qing could no longer hold herself back anymore, as she turned around and latched onto him like a leech who had found a human with 7 billion liters of blood

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