The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 385: The Split

Chapter 385: The Split

"If you want to stay over for the meeting tomorrow, I will send someone to come show you your room" Min Hong offered as he stood up to leave;

"There's no need for that, I will be here first thing tomorrow morning."

Gong Yi calmly refused as his Hawk descended and flew him away, as Min Hong went to find Si Ling to relieve some stress and exhaustion

Min Hong followed Si Ling into the kitchen and grabbed her from behind causing her to reveal a coy smile and slight moan because of where his hand reached for

Min Hong was very happy and was in a great mood at this moment, and since the ladies are still somewhat reluctant to deal with him, he decided to have his two maids once again

"Master, let me drop these and I will come take care of you in your chambers"

Si Ling spoke with a moaning bedroom voice, as Min Hong squeezed her plump rear end, smacked it hard causing it to jiggle and wiggle and Si Ling to shiver with mixed pleasure and blush

Min Hong went to his room and laid on his bed, stripped naked with a thought and waited for his two pleasure toys to come give his Little Hong the pleasure of its life

He shut his eyes and waited with a smirk on his face as he began to rethink how his gamble and negotiations had gone today;

'Hmph! Gain entrance into the super sect, more like they will be begging me to join their ranks'

Min Hong thought to himself as he brought out another spirit fruit and began to munch it still with his eyes closed, and then he sensed a lady walked in gently and stood at the entrance looking at him in shock, something that gave Min Hong pleasure that caused his massive shlong to twitch

Then another walked in, and just like the first, she also froze at the entrance, but then a third came in and Min Hong realized something was wrong; there should only be Du Si and Si Ling, but then everything clicked;

"What do you guys want?"

"District 21 is now completed, and you guys should get ready to move over"

Min Hong spoke with a nonchalant tone, and the smirk on his face had already disappeared at this point

He understood that he had begun to feel detached at every one of these ladies around him, and even the relationship between himself and his two maids was something based on pure lust and lechery, and even though the duo loved to regard him as their lover, it was more like a level of servitude to them;

Like they would scramble over to him and allow him to use their body for whatever he felt like, and there was no way Min Hong was going to love people who are as shallow as them, even though he was currently shallower

Min Qing burst to instant tears once she heard Min Hong's question, and more particularly the end of his statement, Qing Tan also couldn't hold back his tears whilst Min Rou was still able to gather herself together and remain strong

The sound of cries around Min Hong instantly soured his good mood, as he sighed and wondered how things actually escalated to this point, but he believed he wasn't to be blamed, because truly like Little Ming had said, everyone was bound to change and some would leave and others would stay behind, whilst they will be some who would hover around the edge, refusing to leave but also not ready to stay

Perhaps, this was what actually stirred Min Hong's feelings against these three ladies

They were the three most important women in his life, but when he needed them the most, they actually weren't there for him, and to top it off, they then became part of those who hovered on the edge; if they had left, Min Hong wouldn't have blamed them, and if they had stood by him, it would have been better, but they didn't

He got tired of the entire scene, and dressed up in thought as he left the bed and prepared to leave, but just as he reached the entrance, Min Rou spoke;

"Leave us"

Min Qing and Qing Tan were stunned, and Min Hong would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised also, but since she has spoken, Min Hong out of sheer respect and nothing else, he decided to stay behind and listen to what she had to say;

"Why are you doing this?" Min Rou spoke like there was a lump of metal within her throat;

"You should go straight to the point, I have a lot to do and don't have time for this"

Min Hong spoke flatly without any shred of emotion which caused tears to finally drop from Min Rou's eyes as she snapped;

"What!!? You are in so much hurry to fuck your maids!?"

"Watch your tongue young lady!" Min Hong growled deeply at her causing her to burst into more tears;

"What have we done to deserve this"

"How are they much better than us who have been with you since day one?" Min Rou broke to the floor and began to sob;

"Because you guys left when I needed you all the most, and they were the only ones who stood by me" Min Hong answered as a matter of factly;

"Perhaps you have forgotten that you wouldn't have reached this stage if it weren't for our sacrifices"

Min Rou added as Min Hong simply laughed lightly;

"Good I guess all I have to do is finish repaying you all for that, and you will leave me alone, right?"

"Alright, let's see You died for me, and I brought you back"

"I also made you stronger than you have ever been and even gave you a body that will allow you reach the potential you have never dreamt about"

"So, let's say 200,000 High grade spirit stones should complete all that"

"As for Min Qing, it was more like her relying on me after the first three days of our escape, and as for her, I also helped her awaken her bloodline which would have remained forever dormant, took falls for her on several occasions and even gave her a life she would have found very hard to live"

"I allowed her refine her meridians and solidify her cultivation with an ancient aura, which by the way, I was able to obtain by risking my life"

"Let's say 300,000 High Grade spirit stones should do the trick for her"

"As for Qing Tan, I have taken nothing from her and most likely 100,000 high grade spirit stones should be enough"

"I will have Min Qing take out 600,000 high grade spirit stones and leave the balance, and you three can go live you lives, mother" Min Hong spoke flatly without remorse

He also didn't know why all these were happening, but he just didn't give a rat's ass anymore at this point

Love was supposed to be enjoyed and filled with happiness and bliss, but recently, it seemed that being around this love had become frustrating, depressing and stifling and he craved a breath of fresh air

He wanted his heart, mind and soul to be free, but these three ladies have recently become life guzzling vines that were not only choking the happiness out of him, but also replacing every good thing in his life with pure stress

"So, you no longer want us around you anymore?"

Min Rou wept as she stood up to hear the decision that would define the final straw of their decisions

"I'm afraid so"

Min Hong spoke still without any emotions whatsoever, as Min Rou left the room, and the moment she locked the door, Min Hong felt the last shred of love and emotions within his life leave with her

He instantly became empty



Dead within

"You fool, why have you done that, you idiot!"

Daniel blurted as Min Hong growled back in response;

"You had better know your place, otherwise I might just shove you into my flame nascent soul and throw you out to face the incoming tribulation lightning!"

Daniel was utterly stunned, and it was the same for Little Fei who couldn't even believe how things were turning out to be the way they were

Min Hong sighed as a massive headache began to pummel his head; Bang! Boom! Crash! Min Hong fell to the ground in pain as the table he was hoping to prop himself with gave way causing all the cutleries on it to fall to the ground

The Min Rou trio heard and thought he was just throwing tantrums as they finally left

But just as they left, Si Ling came into the room to have her master plunge out all the juices in her depths, only to find him on the floor, face first and unconscious

Instantly, she rushed over to him, and carried him, but at this point, Min Hong's face was extremely pain riddled, and he was in utter and sheer agony

Si Ling placed him on the bed with his head on her laps as she screamed out for Du Si who rushed into the room and also began to panic when she saw the state Min Hong was currently in

"Go bring some wet clothes, he's burning up!"

Si Ling screamed Du Si out of her panicked state as she rushed to get some wet clothes


Everywhere in the outside world began to gradually darken, as all beings were instantly thrown into a state of utter shock

For those clans, sects, alliances and bloodlines who were inclined towards the light, it was worry and fear; but for those who were inclined towards the dark, it was sheer joy, anticipation and almost like Christmas

These people had several shouts of joy all over the plane as they saw their children and descendant begin to show symptoms of their bloodlines being awakened, and even the elders and the old ghosts who had previously found their cultivations stagnate began to feel a surge within their bloodlines that rippled across their cultivation and pushing them towards another breakthrough...

Though most could, but others couldn't; that didn't deter these people though, because the world had just begun to darken

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