The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 380: Craving Battle

Chapter 380: Craving Battle

"Oh About that" Mu Li frowned slightly;

"What happened?" Min Hong also frowned;

"That guy has been training like crazy for the past three days without sleeping, eating or even bathing!"

Mu Li let out a frustrated and defeated sigh;

"We have tried to convince him on multiple occasions; the only time we pushed a little too hard, he turned us into training targets." Mu Li added with a sigh;

"Alright, I'll go talk to him, you can return to your tasks" Min Hong consoled Mu Li

The after a bit of more talks, Mu Li left to continue his tasks, and since Min Hong would have to walk past the training area to get to his apartment, Min Hong saw Tong Tian in the distance, and he couldn't help but pause and watch

Tong Tian was there sweating like all his pores were bustling springs

His clothes stuck to his body and his extremely toned body bulged through his sweat soaked dirty outfits

The musky smell of a true man permeated the entire area, assaulting everyone's sense of smell, but actually intoxicating Ki Ting who looked at Tong Tian with a seriously flushed face

She was flushed to her neck region and downwards

Her heart tugged, and in that moment, she made the most important decision in any woman's life

Even Gong Yi couldn't help but nod his head with respect

He had seen Tong Tian battle Min Hong, but if this guy trains as much as he is currently doing very often, then even the skies won't be able to hold him back

Gong Yi could sense sheer determination, anticipation and grit from this youth

His energy pulsed over the area, and every Dao and aura that didn't belong to him seemed to have been suppressed all over the training ground

This phenomenon showed the intense level of hard work and lifeblood this guy had put into a short three day training, and if Gong Yi could be moved to such an extent, there is little to be said about the others or the smitten Ki Ting

Min Hong was also deeply impressed as Little Ming's voice sounded within Min Hong's mind;

"Master, I don't mean it in an offensive way, but minus your talent, you wouldn't even hold a lit matchstick to this guy's blazing sun"

"Yeah, I absolutely agree with you" Min Hong spoke absentmindedly as he reviewed himself

He had been much of a slacker for a long time now

Back when he was within the Min Family, he had been the hard worker, a training addict who always caused his grandfather and mother to have no rest

He craved to be trained and hurt back then....

But recently, all of that seemed to have vanished, and though having an OP cultivation technique is good, but it did nothing to his personal battle experience

Min Hong reached an understanding as he watched Tong Tian;

'What would he become, if there was no Daniel to help him cultivate his mind, soul and heart?'

'What would he be if there was no Little Fei making researches on what he could do with all the techniques, Daos and Divine Abilities available to him?'

'How weak would he have been if there was no 'Eye of Infinite Dao', OP cultivation techniques, or the experts residing within the 'Realm of Creations'?'

He thought about the 'Pagoda of Ascension', and in that moment, he craved some beating

He craved intense training

He wanted blood coursing and pumping aggressively through his veins

He felt like battling till his arms and legs become jelly like

He wanted the old Min Hong back, and in that moment, Min Hong had the craziest idea ever and his heart trembled at where the thought came from

Little Ming felt it a little bit and asked;

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just had a little bout of enlightenment" Min Hong lied once again

Tong Tian's staff bolted into the sky before landing on the stage;


The staff sunk a few inches into the ground as a spider web of cracks spread out in every direction, and on looking up from the staff, everyone realized Tong Tian had also seen them and was now looking at them all with a straight face that radiated impunity and called for any type of challenge;

"Fei Hong! You have starved me of of a good beating for seven days How do you plan to repay me!?"

His voice was low but almost made a shockwave when they resounded around this enclosed training area as Rin Chen felt his head become slightly giddy

"Hmm!?" Gong Yi's brows shot up in astonishment

He also felt the force and power that followed that statement, and he knew Tong Tian didn't do it on purpose, but his aura was just so full and vibrant at this point that he could no longer contain it

Min Hong walked over with a smile and encouraged;

"Go and get a deep, long, hot shower and when you return I will help you breakthrough" Min Hong beamed a smile at Tong Tian who was looking mildly stunned...

He had not told a single soul that he was at the tip of a bottleneck and no matter how hard he trained, he wouldn't just tip over to the next cultivation level

He had just broken through when he fought Min Hong the last time, and not only did the battle between himself and Min Hong solidify his cultivation base back then, it also pushed him further a little bit

Then after these three days of nonstop training, he had built on that extra push and have now reached another breakthrough point...

This meant that if he dueled Min Hong right now and broke through his bottleneck, then Min Hong would have heled him achieve two breakthroughs in the space of about three weeks

If things followed that pattern, then what would happen if he dueled Min Hong for two years, or six, or a dozen, what about if he followed Min Hong for the rest of his life?

The excitement from all these train of thoughts made Tong Tian flash off the stage into the apartment on the right as he went to freshen up

Min Hong walked to the center of the stage and stood in front of Tong Tian's buried staff

The staff was radiating extreme battle intent and was calling out to something within Min Hong in a blatant challenging manner

Min Hong smiled understanding what was going on as he muttered to the staff;

"You wouldn't have to wait too long to see her anymore"

Then he touched the staff, and the staff gave him a vibe of a not too close friend causing Min Hong to smile

When he fought Tong Tian in the 'Reaper's Lair', the staff had treated like a total foe

But now, it felt a little bit more accommodating as Min Hong walked past it

Min Hong released his physical body cultivation aura alone, and Tong Tian's aura and musky smell was dispersed, allowing the fresh and sweet scent of the garden to flow into the training area, as the sharp change in scent once again assaulted Gong Yi's group

Min Hong used his middle finger to flick the staff in different positions as he walked around it, inspecting it closely, and after a while, a smirk climbed onto his face

"If any one of you two can pull out this staff from the ground, I will forget about our bets earlier"

Min Hong spoke to both Ki Ting and Rin Chen who blurted in shock;

"You are joking aren't you?"

But after seeing Min Hong simply continue to look at them with the same smile on his face, they knew and understood there and then, that he absolutely wasn't kidding

Rin Chen walked up to the staff and Min Hong gave him space as Rin Chen exploded with a 6 Star Nascent Soul stage cultivation base power and yanked at the staff, but he was shocked to find out that not only did the staff not move half an inch, his hands also slipped from the sheer force he had pulled the staff with as he fell on his butt

Min Hong gave a grin whilst Little Ming simply laughed at Rin Chen till she rolled of Min Hong's head and fell to the floor whilst her body coiled and wriggled immensely from laughter

"Hmph!" Rin Chen snorted and stood up before adding;

"The staff is moist and my hand slipped, give me one more try!"

Rin Chen boasted as Gong Yi and Xiao Chun grinned at the situation; they were really holding themselves back by a strand of Huoyi's beard from bursting out in nerve wracking laughter


Rin Chen tugged and tugged, and even released some of his Dao aura all to no avail He used his leg and even slanted his body to pull the staff to a fall, but the staff still didn't bulge


A snort nearly fell out of Ki Ting's nostrils as she was nearing her limits and was about to explode in laughter, but for Little Ming, she was already in tears now rolling all over the dust free training ground

Xiao Gui had veins pooping on his forehead and was about to crack also, and when Rin Chen realized that he had been the focal point of other people's entertainment, he left the training area with slumped shoulders, as Ki Ting finally burst out laughing

She clutched her stomach as she laughed real hard, setting off a chain reaction with Min Hong, Xiao Gui and even Gong Yi who couldn't help but shake his head at Min Hong's ability to scheme

"Your turn!"

Rin Chen who was so flushed with shame blurted at Ki Ting who couldn't help but have another episode of laughter, before walking over to the staff

Rin Chen was the only person in the area who didn't realize that the staff had already awakened, and now possessed a weapon spirit

Though, Ki Ting also didn't know, but the nature of the bet gave her such suspicions;

"You don't learn quickly Rin Chen" Xiao Gui lectured;

"We have just been slapped in the face by the first bet, and you thought this one would be any easier?"

Xiao Gui couldn't help but laugh all through his lecture

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