The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 378: The New District 21 – Hong Dynasty [1]

Chapter 378: The New District 21 – Hong Dynasty [1]

"Hmph! You shall serve me for 15 months straight for that!"

She spoke looking in the other direction whilst stealing a glance at the kneeling Rin Chen;

"Your grace and mercy are immeasurable, goddess Ting Ting! This lowly servant shall do as he has spoken!"

Rin Chen replied as Ki Ting finally handed over her card to him

"You know he wouldn't do as he as promised right?"

Xiao Gui smiled at the shenanigans, this was one of the things that kept their group fun sometimes

"Hmph! He still has other usefulness!"

Ki Ting continued the act, as Min Hong looked at the group like a sneering gecko looking at the buzzing flies around it who were about to become food;

"Now to quench all their hopes!"

Min Hong and Little Ming thought to themselves as Min Hong stretched his hands into the sky and clenched it tightly, causing Little Ming to join in with a roar into the sky;

"Are you ready!?" Gong Yi asked as they all made themselves comfortable atop their hawk;

"Are we talking or are we racing!?" Min Hong replied smugly

"Alright On three Two One"


Min Hong had to admit, the nascent soul Hawk was cray fast, and was to be respected in its own right by others, but to himself and Little Ming, they craved its utter humiliation, which is why they didn't even move after the hawk had taken off; more like giving them a head start

Gong Yi and his group watched Min Hong and Little Ming grow tinier and tinier by the second until they were out of sight, and in that moment, a satisfied grin came upon their faces

"High Grade Flying Technique, here I come"

Rin Chen stretched his hands into the sky and grabbed the empty air before bringing his hand back to his chest

"Well, I guess he really did have more than enough merit points on him, and helping him take a few away would help him spend the rest wise-"

Ki Ting was yet to finish her sentence when a portal appeared about 50 meters ahead of them, and they watched Little Ming and Min Hong slowly and leisurely glide out of it

Their eyes went as wide as saucers, and they couldn't believe what they were seeing, even Gong Yi who boasted a strong mental fortitude had slacked jaws

They caught up to them and noticed that, they weren't even speeding; it was more like they were in cruise control, enjoying themselves

The Hawk pulled ahead once again and Little Ming asked;

"Are you ready for another jump?"

"Sure!" Min Hong replied as a mischievous grin appeared on Little Ming's face;

"We will wait for you at District 21 Don't take too long"


The moment Min Hong's statement landed, a portal appeared in front of Little Ming leading into the Void, and Gong Yi's group could clearly see the void within the portal and another portal which was within this void leading directly to District 21, and their jaws lost every ounce of elasticity and control it had as they stared at the mind buzzing phenomenon happening in front of them

Little Ming disappeared into the portal and it closed up leaving Gong Yi's group gob-smacked, and it took about two minutes, before they recovered from the shock, but even at that, silence reigned throughout the rest of the journey as no one could bring themselves to say anything in their defense

But all through it, Gong Yi had a smile etched on his face and the rest couldn't see it because he was standing in front of them;

'These silk-pants have finally seen someone who would put them in their place' He thought to himself as he took in a deep fresh breath

The group arrived at District 21 with slump shoulders and an aura of defeat surrounding them on all sides, and even the hawk could barely look up in shame

Then they saw Min Hong standing there waiting for them and munching on some spirit fruit; seemingly picking the behavior from Little Wu, and on his head was a small azure green serpent who Min Hong occasional give the fruit to, for a bite

The duo kept munching the fruit waiting for the leisurely flying group to arrive, after all, they had already lost the race from the beginning, where is the point in still flying at full throttle?

The group landed and Min Hong said nothing which only seemed to plunge them into a deeper abyss of shame

They walked towards the district gate and were stunned to see a placard or wooden slab with the words; 'Hong Dynasty' written atop it, but that wasn't what shocked them the most, it was the presence of two inner court enforcers at the gate, standing there upright and straight as a spear, with serious faces like they were auditioning for a guard job opening for the imperial crown prince

Min Hong walked up to them and they gave a bow as he leisurely walked past them into the district like it was his father's house

The group followed behind in silence and wonder of how Min Hong kept springing up surprises after surprises at them

Min Hong entered the district, and he had to say; the rest of the group truly took their job seriously, and it seemed the Treasure and Enforcement Hall Head were so scared of losing their reputation and face that they spared no resources to get him what he wanted

The entire district had been transformed, and there were no female or male district being separated, nope

What Min Hong first noticed was the wall and gate of the district, it was at least 50 feet high to prevent prying eyes from knowing what was going on within it, except they are elders who could fly over the building;

But even for that, they had set an illusion formation within the district that prevents anyone from above from seeing what was truly within the district, except the person had a 5 Star Saint Stage battle power

The walls had turrets with several newly recruited disciples wielding bow and arrow moving to and fro in it, then once one entered, they would notice that the district was somewhat misty, and Min Hong could easily tell that a massive Qi Gathering formation had been set up within the district

The floor up to the first building he encountered were just sand, and some basic smooth stones used to pave a path that led straight to the building, and from the outside alone, Min Hong could tell that the building looked like a barrack of some sort, and he could hear some noise coming from either inside or behind these buildings

He walked climbed the stairs leading to these building which was elevated about three feet from the ground level, and entered through its gates, he saw some disciples living their daily lives dressed in customized outer court attire

Then behind the building was a massive training ground segregated by weapon type and a round dueling ring or stage right at its center where two disciples were currently battling at full throttle

Min Hong saw three girls standing behind the ring dressed in white, and for some reasons, he could tell they were healers, ready to step in should anything drastic happen to the duo on the dueling stage

Then he also saw Dai He, Ma Dong and Xiao Chun; three of the top ten strongest outer court disciples guiding the rest of the disciples with their fighting experience and secret tactics

"Leader!" They bowed when they saw Min Hong but Min Hong simply smiled and waved;

"You may carry on We will be having a meeting tomorrow, so you guys must be present" He said;

"We will be there!" The trio replied and returned to their training

Gong Yi's group saw all this and just kept walking like they were puppets being controlled as wave after wave of shock battered their minds

How long has it been, and the entire place had been transformed to such an extent

They were almost doubting that they were still within the sect

Everyone saw him but didn't really know who he was, and despite the core court outfit on him and Gong Yi's group, they didn't even spare them a second glance as they went about their business, which was one thing that made Min Hong happy and satisfied

He didn't want anybody who fawns over status around him

He walked past the stage and saw another similar structure, also like a barrack, but this one though was smaller, was also way grander than the one he just passed, and the mist in the area seemed thicker and heavier, and they were grasses here, and some trees

He entered and saw male and female inner court disciples alike all going about their business, and walking past the building he met another training ground

Much more sophisticated, and precise than the last, and there were few disciples also on the dueling ring, as well as some healers, but there was also Kun Chao and Kun Lin guiding them with their fighting experience and secret tactics

Kun Chao saw Min Hong and smiled as he walked over

Kun Lin also saw them and walked over;

"Fei Hong!" They smiled happily;

"It's good to finally see you"

Kun Chao gave him a bear hug, whilst Kun Lin simply watched from the sides, all smiles;

"You really made us worry!" She added after the hug was done;

"Sorry to make you all worry, I was simply comprehending the Dao of Death"

Min Hong turned his hands around and they instantly went pale and bony, like that of a person who had lost all their life force, and with a thought, his hands were restored;

"But I am still very far off from reaching Intent Level" He lied through his stupidly white teeth

"You guys can go on with your teachings Keep up the good work"

He said as he walked towards the third structure which was a large mansion

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