The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 346: Battling Tong Tian [2]

Chapter 346: Battling Tong Tian [2]

Apparently, with the way things are going, this duel or spar between Min Hong and Tong Tian would surely be a spontaneous, and continuous one, filled with amazing techniques, tactics and reflexes, and the spectators didn't want to bat their eyelids, lest they miss a magnificent move




Min Hong and Tong Tian went at it for over ten strikes without rest, just bouncing on the ground or cage chains before bouncing back like pinballs and smashing their staffs into each other

The moment Tong Tian landed this time around, he sprung up once again and approached Min Hong, but just as he was about to reach Min Hong, he shot an Intent Level fireball at Min Hong, as Min Hong swirled his staff with rapid momentum and speed that the fireball was blocked...

But just as the flames cleared, Tong Tian landed with the greatest strike he had ever launched and Min Hong simply held his staff with two hands over his head and blocked;


The moment Min Hong blocked the attack, Tong Tian spun the staff in reverse like her was wielding a drinking straw and swung the staff from beneath towards Min Hong's baby factory;


The entire crowd were almost biting their fingers out of excitement and thrill;


Min Hong snorted smilingly at Tong Tians devious tactics as he simply brought his staff down in a blocking stance;


The staff collision lifted Min Hong into the air slightly as he reflexively threw his staff into the face of Tong Tian with great force

Tong Tian who was still wielding his staff with both arms saw Min Hong's golden staff magnify in his eyes aiming to land squarely on his face, thus, he had no choice but to drop his own staff and attempt to catch Min Hong's staff with his hands

He couldn't block due to the close proximity and neither did he have enough time to dodge, but as he dropped his silver staff, Min Hong caught it instantly, and just as Tong Tian was about to catch the golden staff ensuing in a weapon staff, Min Hong mentally bellowed;


Instantly, Little Bing the weapon spirit deviated slightly downwards allowing Min Hong's staff to slam into Tong Tian's belly, slamming squarely into the armor he wore beneath; Bang!

But Min Hong wasn't done, he tore through the air leaving several afterimages before smashing the silver staff in his hand squarely on Tong Tian's chest;


Tong Tian was instantly smashed into the stage ground, sinking about three feet into the ground, blasting several rock debris that scattered in every direction before smashing into the stage barrier and turning into dust

Min Hong caught his golden staff and landed beside the little pit with two staffs in hand

Tong Tian let out a huge sigh, as he rubbed his belly and chest, before jumping out of the pit to stand on both feet

He had little blood trickling down the corner of his mouth, and stared at the two dents in his armor, and heaved another relieved sigh

If not for the High Grade Silver Tier armor his clan gave him as a form of protection, he would have most likely been utterly defeated by that strike from Min Hong earlier

Min Hong threw his staff back to him before holding his golden staff behind his back with one hand, and stretching his other hand towards Tong Tian before making a 'Come on' gesture

The crowd erupted in deafening cheers as they were finally able to catch their breath after what seemed to be a long continuous and close call attacks and hair shaving defensive moves

Tong Tian also smiled slightly at Min Hong before nodding;

"That was well played I really didn't see that coming"

Tong Tian said as he stretched his back which was still sore from that crashing, then he grabbed his staff and slammed it into the stage ground as his hair floated in the air without breeze followed by a massive burst of energy that erupted from his body

The Ape shadow behind him stood on its feet and roared into the heavens as it slammed its fist into its chest, seemingly accepting Min Hong as a challenging opponent

The monkey shadow also stabbed its staff into the ground and bowed its head in a praying manner, but in the next minute, its eyes snapped open, and for some reasons, it seemed like Tong Tian had swapped from focusing on battling Min Hong with his Ape Spirit Ring, to battling him with his Monkey King Bloodline Spirit

Instantly, Min Hong also saw the runes on his staff light up one by one, and by the time it was done lighting up, the spear instantly vanished

If not for the debris that flew in every direction, Min Hong would have thought the staff became invisible, but as it turns out, the staff was just too fast...

But before Min Hong could do anything, Little Bing raised herself in a blocking stance over Min Hong's chest as a silver blur slammed into her, sending Min Hong flying into the cage chains and bouncing back, before slamming into Little Bing once again sending Min Hong into the air, as the staff finally appeared in a blur and smashed Min Hong into the stage;


Cough! Cough!

Min Hong sprang out of his two feet deep hole, his bones vibrating as the flexibility of his golden dragon bones rippled the aftershock of those collisions from his head down to his feet, before passing it into the ground causing a spider web of cracks to appear around Min Hong's feet

Min Hong could feel Little Bing straining and groaning in pain, he had purposely told her to use only a fraction of her true powers and seal of her Slaughter Dao

He didn't want any greedy eyes targeting either him or Little Bing

The crowd erupted into another cheer as they wowed at Tong Tian's comeback

"It seems his weapon has a spirit of its own, or perhaps, he is using the exact true weapon of the monkey king" Little Fei remarked within Min Hong's mind;

"I think the latter should be the case"

"I just asked Shen Bing and she confirmed that she didn't sense the presence of any spirit within that weapon" Min Hong replied;

"But how was he then able to control the weapon without touching it?"

Daniel asked, but they got their answer from Tong Tian himself whose body had now become hairy like a monkey;

"That was one of my bloodline abilities, now try this one!"

Min Hong looked to the source of the voice and realized that only the staff was left hovering in front of him and Tong Tian was nowhere to be found

But the hair behind his neck moved and instantly Min Hong fell forwards like a log of wood, face-planting himself into the ground before a zoom sound surged past him, using the momentum of his fall to roll over, he saw Tong Tian who had just missed, bounce back from the cage chains and approach him with a monkey kick

But just as Min Hong blocked the kick with his staff which somewhat made him take three forceful steps backwards, the silver staff came from behind, smashing into his legs, sending Min Hong into the air before smashing him back into the same pit Min Hong just crawled out from earlier

Now, it was Min Hong's turn to bleed from the corners of his mouth as his Black Star Skin [A.K.A outfit & armor] mended itself

Tong Tian then looked over to Min Hong and announced;

"Now, we are square!"

Then it was Min Hong's turn to crack his sore back and stretch

Tong Tian in this state seemed to possess a total battle power of a 1 Star Saint Stage expert

How about we settle this with our next move?" Tong Tian asked with his battle intent surging through the roof;

"I was just thinking the same thing Bring all you've got!"

Min Hong bellowed as his own battle intent surged wildly like raging storm and instantly, his 'Dawn Sovereign Bloodline' surged in purity up to 45 percent, but it didn't end there, the 'Eye Of Infinite Daos' sent a stream of energy into his body, mind and soul as Min Hong's total Heart, Mental and Soul power all solidified at the Peak Silver Rank stage...

Instantly, Min Hong burst forth with unprecedented impunity and sovereignty, all his Daos went up another Plane all solidifying in the Second Plane Law Level [This was because the Force Dao Min Hong comprehended earlier had taken some power from the rest to bring itself up to the Law Level]

Min Hong shut his eyes as he lost five of his six senses, becoming deaf, unfeeling and unsavory

Then his eyes snapped open and they were all white; obviously he was in hybrid 'Echo mode'

Min Hong's aura shot through the roof as he ordered Little Bing to let loose, restricting only her Slaughter Dao...

The moment that happened, Min Hong's aura shot up another 100 percent, due to the Dao boost effect of Little Bing being a Peak Grade Diamond Tier Weapon

Tong Tian, at this point gazed at Min Hong and yelled into the heavens, and now, not only was his Monkey King Spirit active, his Barbarian Ape Spirit Ring also came alive; obviously he was going all out

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