The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 338: The Prophecy

Chapter 338: The Prophecy

Thus, the only option left is a clan, and from the strength and potential talent of your line up, a Super Clan to be precise, and I only know of one Super Clan who is female concentrated, has the warrior-like physicality of your guards and addresses every one of its female members by their surname; The Cui Super Clan"

"The strongest and most elusive Clan in the entire Dogon Empire"

"It is an honor to be graced with your presence Princess Cui."

Elder Long explained, and from the slack jaws of the three guards, it was obvious that he had hit the nail on the head, or by the side, but either ways, the nail was now bored into the wood

Little Ming had a smug expression on her face from the beginning of the expression to the end, whilst everyone within the room subconsciously increased and deepened their level of respect for Elder Long

"That was so accurate that it still feels surreal"

"Here I was thinking it was because of the several slips my guards had made throughout our journey" Princess Cui heaved a deep sigh;

"It was the slip for me" Min Rou confessed;

"Me too!" Elder Yun and Little Ming also chimed in simultaneously;

"But our master can figure out what you had for breakfast by looking at your footprints"

Little Ming blurted out of smugness whilst the already awed guards thought it was true at least they gave it a possibility

"You must be from the Long Super Clan, Elder Long Am I right?" Princess Cui chimed in intellectually

"What!?" This time around, the person who reacted was one of the two odd people in the room; Kun Lin

She knows nothing about anyone or everyone within this room except for Min Rou, Min Qing and Qing Tan, thus, when the conversation was going on earlier, she could only read everyone's reactions and used it as a yardstick to understand what was going on...

But at the mention of having someone from the Long Super Clan in her immediate environment freaked her out to the core

Though her Clan is also one of the top 10 Super Clans in the Empire, she had never heard of the Cui Clan before, and as a matter of fact, little to no information about them were available anywhere, and only very important people even know they truly exist

In the case of other citizens of the Empire, anytime they hear something about the Cui Clan, they always consider it as a false information because not only did they not know the name of the clan, the clan itself was nowhere to be found...

Even the mercenary guild alliance of the entire Dogon Empire had once combed the entire empire in search of their domain, but still couldn't find it

Thus, it was considered that the sect doesn't exist and was simply made up, and some even thought it was the Imperial Clan that took the number one spot, and for some reasons decided to lie that the spot belonged to someone else

There also a selected few who also thought the number one spot was empty because the position was reserved for the Nomad Long Super Clan for when they finally decide to join the Dogon Empire

This was the belief of the Kun Super Clan where Kun Lin came from, which was why she was so freaked out that someone from the so-called strongest clan in the Dogon Empire was under the same roof as hers

From the common belief of everyone else in the Empire, wherever the Long Super Clan goes, they must surely be known; either by their battle thirst or arrogance or dominance

One way or the other, you must always feel a negative impact anywhere you find the Long Super Clan

But now not only as she figured out the name of the strongest Super Clan in the Empire, which was a news that was even stronger than the mission she and her brother were sent here to achieve

But she knew without a shadow of doubt that such information was something that had to be sealed within her belly, otherwise, she might end up having her blood spilled should she ever spill such a secret

"How did you figure that out?"

Elder Long wasn't surprised, rather, he was just impressed by this princess and wanted to understand the extent of her intelligence

"Well, because only someone from that clan would be unfazed and even boldly relate with me after knowing where I am from" Princess Cui spoke blatantly before taking a sip of juice from her cup;

"Wow, this is so good Mother would be impressed" She complimented Elder Long simply acknowledged her response

The Cui Super Clan were just like the Long Super Clan, with the only difference being that, whilst the Long Super Clan flaunt their strength by conquest and wars, the Cui Super Clan feels the rest of the world are so weak that they don't want to have anything to do with them, including the Imperial Clan itself...

The from the information privy to strong clans like the Long Super Clan, the Cui Super Clan had decided to surround themselves with a spatial barrier that not only shields, but completely cuts them off from the rest of the world

No one knows how they enter or exit the spatial barrier, but it was obvious that they usually do, otherwise, a Super Clan of their heritage which had been here almost as long as the Dogon Empire itself, would still have a primitive culture and way of dressing, which by the outfits of these four wasn't the case

Their arrogance and impetuousness backed by the true power they possess

Even the Long Super Clan couldn't boast of defeating it

They might all end up at a stalemate after suffering nigh irrecoverable losses, which is something they would rather not do

After all, even though the Long Super Clan loves conquest, they weren't mindless barbarians who just charge into battle, without knowing the possible outcome and incurring severe losses, otherwise, they would have perished long ago

Boom! An explosion so strong that the aftershocks reached Min Hong's apartment erupted from the direction of the Reaper's Lair that caused Min Qing to jolt with concern whilst the relaxed Qing Tan clutched Min Rou's arm tightly with worry

That explosion should at least have the momentum of a Peak Nascent Soul stage power within it

"They have begun!" Kun Lin said solemnly

"I need to have eyes in that arena now!" Princess Cui ordered as the guard with the mirror grabbed the one sitting on the ground along, but just as they were about to head out of the door they heard;

"Do you know where you are going?" Princess Cui spoke with a disappointed shake of her head

"I'll lead them there" Kun Lin offered;

"I want to go too" Qing Tan blurted in anxiety which easily revealed her emotional stance when it came to Min Hong

'Just how many girls does this guy have am I really supposed to marry someone so lecherous!?' Princess Cui thought to herself as heart began to flutter in despair

Men were worth nothing in their clan and were only objects used to breed and multiply, and they were even selective when it came to the kind of man they choose to drown in orgies But now, it seems she was going to be the one doing the orgy drowning...

Their men must either be very talented, strong or have unique and never seen before bloodlines

But when it came to their royals; queens and princesses, they usually go with their shaman's prediction and prophecies

The man they were to marry must be picked by their ancestors and gods, and in Princess Cui's case, she had already been told that her soul mate will be easily found, and will come from a far away land into the Empire, but it was said, who he was, how old he was or what it looked like

At least not until a certain phenomenon happened about half a year ago, when what they thought was a star fell from the sky and landed inside their inheritance ground

Being the heir to the throne and the purest lady in the Clan, Princess Cui was able to gain recognition of her ancestors and allowed to enter the inheritance ground after severe sacrifices had been made, and she was able to come into the vicinity of this new treasure, and ever since then, she had a directional instinct which their clan shaman had declared was the direction to her soulmate

That same direction had led her here, and there was this strong feeling of accomplishment within her which indicated that she was at the right place, and at the right time, but she was waiting for the boys to show up so she can get some sort of reaction from that instinct, just like she did when Min Rou mentioned his name on their way here

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