The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 332: The Nihility Trail

Chapter 332: The Nihility Trail

"You can see me!?"

Shock, awe, wariness and surprise was apparent in Sirena's tone as she blurted

Though, Min Hong at this point had every other senses robbed of him, including hearing and touch and every other thing except for sight, and this sight did the job of the other five better than them combined

He could see sirena as clear as day, and from reading her lips, he could make out what she said;

"Yes, I can see you" Sirena jolted in shock when she heard Min Hong confirm her fears

"No, this is not real You shouldn't be able to see me"

Sirena began to mutter to herself, uncertainty and the urge to believe that what was clearly happening was an illusion was apparent in her eyes

"Why are you all bugged out for?"

Min Hong asked nonchalantly, perhaps because he didn't know the extent to which his new ability was, or maybe because he was completely apprehensive of his new ability that he spoke so leisurely and nonchalantly

"If you can peer into a person's soul and see their bloodlines, then you must either be a *God Realm expert, or possess a heaven defying technique that allows you to see through the essence of everything" Sirena muttered still in awe of what was happening 

"What can you see?" She asked with curiosity

Knowing that it didn't matter if he told her or not, after all, asides from the fact that Min Qing would never allow sirena to hurt him, he also had the 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline within him that can turn sirena love-struck and utterly docile, so Min Hong let it slip;

"Qi, Daos, body scent, auras and now bloodlines"

"So you can't see the threads of fate yet, unh?" Sirena went deep in thought;

"Then it must be a new technique you have"


Sirena approached Min Hong and placed a hand on his chin, even though it was useless and aides from the fact that her hand would have passed through, Min Hong himself could feel nothing at this point, not even if he was hit by a fast moving freight train, but either ways, Min Hong was able to sense the urgency and importance of what she was about to say next;

"Do not use this technique in front of anyone an entire Realm stronger than you, otherwise they would sense it"

"Though, they might not know what it is specifically, but it would at least ensure that strong experts would start watching you closely, and should they get greedy enough, you might be in fatal danger" She warned seriously 

"When you comprehend the Karma Dao, or reach the Samsara/Nirvana stage, you will understand how severe and powerful this technique of yours could be" Sirena added;

"Why don't you tell me now?"

Min Hong urged, but Sirena simply returned into Min Qing but still replied him;

"It is not safe for you to know it now When the time is ripe, you will naturally figure it out yourself"

"What is it with every one of you and ripen time, ugh!"

Min Hong scoffed in disappointment, but he understood that they were probably withholding these information from him because these were sensitive topics that could cause great tragedy for him, especially with his current level of strength

Though, he had a total battle power level of a 1 Star Saint stage expert, Min Hong wasn't so brazen to think he was the strongest around here

Fifth alone was able to flawlessly slaughter him without breaking a sweat, and even more so the Sect leader, and he was so sure, that even stronger experts would most likely be present in or around the sect 

"Little Fei can you experiment more on this ability?" Min Hong thought;

"I'm already on it!" Was the response he got as Daniel added;

"From what I can sense, you can only maintain this ability for about 15 minutes max, otherwise you risk energy loss"

"Furthermore, you range and variety is also limited, but it still doesn't change the fact that this support type ability can not only save your life but help you immensely in battle and tracking down someone or anything"

Min Hong smiled as he looked over to Qing Tan and got the greatest shock of his life

He was utterly stunned and surprise, because he couldn't see anything about Qing Tan about from her just sleeping there like a dolled princess

"How can this be?"

He asked but was sure that no one would have a definitive answer to that, except he goes to visit Old Man Li or Little Wu, but he had decided not to return to the 'Realm of Creations' until he had at least discovered the exact location of the 'Nihility Flame' 

"Speaking of the Nihility Flame"

Min Hong's voice trailed as he rushed over to his training area He had only been able to sense the general direction of the 'Nihility Essence Flame' due to Old Man Li's help, but now he wanted to try and check if he could see its direction

Min Hong reached the training area, and lo and behold, there it was, not the flame itself but the energy he could feel from it, but it wasn't colored, rather it looked more like the way mirage appears, or the physical representation of heat

Like when one concentrates on the roof of a car that has been parked on a summer hot sun and sees those wobbly effects of the heat radiating from it

Tracing the direction, Min Hong quickly found himself outside his apartment as he saw the heat effect head towards the inner court direction, but something told him, the essence flame itself is beyond the inner court and even the core court, most likely

The disciples around were in shock and were about to start discussing what Min Hong and his group had done the other night, when two massive wings erupted from his back and he bolted into the sky

He was only about 60 feet into the sky when he saw Long Sha fly over on his flying sword, followed by Kun Chao;

"What's going on?" Long Sha asked;

"Nothing, I just felt like coming up here and having an overhead view of the environment" Min Hong lied through his set of annoyingly white teeth

Long Sha knew Min Hong to a certain extent, so he immediately understood that Min Hong was simply lying to them because he wanted to keep whatever he was doing a secret...

Moreover, Min Hong never opened his eyes whilst talking to them, but he left with Kun Chao anyways, whilst Min Hong resumed his search, and before long, he saw the trail of the nihility flame by flying higher into sky at about a hundred feet...

But the moment he did that, all the disciples gasped in shock; 'only elders and core court are allowed to fly in or around the Desert Sun Sect', and that law was enforced instantly because Min Hong instantly noticed a spear of flame erupt out of the core court, heading straight for him with the power of a 3 Star Saint Stage expert backing it up

In the blink of an eye, it was already in front of Min Hong who leisurely spoke;


Instantly a black Qi surged out of him and latched onto the tip of the flame spear, as it began to disintegrate it from the tip, but when it reached halfway, the power behind the antimatter technique waned as the spear began to move forwards, only for Min Hong to add another technique;

"Black Hole!"

The planetary orb of Oblivion, Chaos and Primus Qi spun to life as it began to devour the rest of the spear, sending half of its consumed energy into Min Hong whilst the rest were being used to power the technique;


Min Hong gasped in shock; "Nihility essence flame!?" Min Hong muttered once again incredulously

The energy that the black-hole just deposited into him, had a faint trace of the 'Nihility Essence Flame' within it

"Core court Nihility Essence Flame I guess it is time to put this to bed once and for all"

Min Hong spoke as he descended, and after reaching a safe distance, simply snapped his finger;


The black hole exploded, blasting the rest of the flame spear apart as streams of searing flames billowed all over the sky

"Hmm Truly not an ordinary Dao"

The Sect Leader who was watching through the fabric of space muttered when he saw the way Min Hong dealt with the flame spear

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