The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 327: Fulfilling Qing Tan

Chapter 327: Fulfilling Qing Tan

"Haha haha Even the heavens are backing you, Yang'er!"

Patriarch Chu Huang laughed like a mad man as Chu Yang fell to his knees with grateful tears streaming down his face

It seems his reign over the Dogon Empire would be backed by the heavens themselves


Back at Min Hong's apartment

Min Qing was laid on Min Hong's bed beside Qing Tan who was now awake and somehow invigorated

"We are currently seven in terms of the core members of the Hong Dynasty, and everyone else should refer to me as Fei Hong unless I tell you all to call me otherwise"

Min Hong was currently in the living room addressing the rest of the Hong Dynasty bar Min Qing and Qing Tan

"The only exceptions are my two Qing'ers"

He slammed, and even the ever playful Mu Li knew Min Hong at this point wasn't joking in any form and that order sank into their consciousness

"Fei Hong, there is no going back from what we have started today"

Long Sha spoke not with fear but with utmost support;

"I am very sure you know at this point that I am no longer in the mood to joke around with all the low lives in this sect anymore" Min Hong responded to Long Sha;

"Good That's all I need to hear"

"Even if you want to murder the Sect Leader today, just know I am by your side and not behind you" Long Sha made his stance clear

Though he would support Min Hong no matter what, but he had always loved it when Min Hong was strict, frank and took no BS's, thus, he revealed what Min Hong and the entire group had not seen in a very long time; a smile

There and then, the entire group understood who Long Sha was

He was a reckless being who loved daring everything

He had left his clan at the same time when the elders and the rest of the powerful figures in their clan had ordered him not to

"What about the Xi Super Clan?" Mu Bai asked a very logical question as always

After all, they were just ordinary outer court disciples who were due to enter the inner court in less than a week, and they have already murdered the princess of one of the top three Super Clans in the entire Dogon Empire

"If push comes to shove, we will leave the Empire and start our Dynasty as a Nomad Dynasty"

"But no matter what, I can guarantee the safety of all of us within this roof at this point"

Mu Li looked to the ceiling and found the stars glittering in the sky and almost laughed at the irony of it all, but deep down, there was this sense of belief he had in Min Hong, that he meant every single word he said...

"That is all we needed to hear!"

Kun Chao spoke as he looked at the rest of the group intently, but was glad to find out that they all at least had the same level of belief he had in Min Hong

"You all should return to your apartments and feel confident and safe from now on"

"No one would dare threaten any one of you"

"Mu Li, get your sources and have them meet with the heads of the Enforcement Hall and Treasure Hall once again"

"Have them explore the fetishes of these guys and record everything That will be the staring plot of my plan for our ascension to our aims" Min Hong ordered;

"You got it!" Mu Li slammed one hand into his chest as he ended it with a bow before leaving

"As for everyone else, I will personally contact you all whenever I have any tasks for you all" Min Hong explained;

"You can all leave!"

Min Hong dismissed them nonchalantly as he looked to Kun Lin and added;

"You stay behind!"

The moment his words landed, Kun Lin began to feel nervous, and by the time everyone left, leaving only herself and Min Hong in the living room, she began to fidget;

"There is no need to fidget Prove yourself to me and I will consider you joining the ranks of my concubines"

Min Hong said with a straight face shocking Kun Lin to the depths of her soul

"You are dismissed!" Min Hong added as she knelt on her knees and replied with a bow;

"Yes my crown!"

Then she stood up and something within her broke, as her confidence and belief began to soar For some reason, she felt like she had just been given a chance to serve someone who will eventually rule Empires and Dynasties

Thus, her level of confidence rose from the prized asset of a secret and mysterious clan to the wife of an overlord, and for some reason, her new position seemed more attainable and preferable than the one she currently had, as she walked out with an immensely red blush

But this was not the blush of embarrassment, rather it was the blush of being linked or related to a higher power on a more intimate level

Then she turned around to leave, but just as she was about to, she stopped in her tracks, turned around and walked over to Min Hong before planting a deep kiss on his lips, and when she discovered that he didn't reject or evade it, she left, swaying her hips and walking in such an elegant manner befitting of the status she had in her head

Min Hong nodded in commendation as he turned and walked into his bedroom like the owner of the house he was 

Upon entering his bedroom, he spread his arms and spoke nonchalantly; "My clothes won't pull themselves off"

Though, there was some irony in those words knowing what the blackstar skin was capable of, but Qing Tan understanding what he meant rushed over with intense blush as she carefully and slowly stripped Min Hong till he was in his inner wear

Min Hong understood what was wrong with him at this point

To a certain extent, it seems the condition of Min Qing's bloodline was tied to his 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline

Maybe because of the Dual Cultivation mode of activation, but at this point, his bloodline had seen another rise to a 43 percent level, and it was starting to affect his attitude, though in an advantageous, but cocky manner, it was still original to the behavior of a true Emperor

But not an Emperor of an Empire, but that of a Dynasty which could be in turn termed; an Overlord!

After having himself stripped by an adorable and beautiful but young girl, he slipped beneath the sheets of his bed and lay to sleep

Qing Tan initially stood there watching him with a stunned expression, but later, she undressed into her underwear and slipped into the same bed, placing her head on Min Hong's chest with a blush that can put the color red to shame

But Min Hong nodded internally, as he stretched his arm and hugged her in one arm

Their naked body touching each other all but through the extremely light and soft underwear they were putting on which did nothing to shield the feeling of having their bodies feeling the flesh to flesh touch of each other, and before long, Qing Tan, though young, was letting off steamy breaths with so much blush that her temperature surged up a notch

But she laid there savoring the sweet romantic feeling Min Qing always enjoyed as the attitude of a wife began to surge within her

Not only had she heard Min Hong referring to her and Min Qing as his 'Qing'ers' but he had shown it by having her undress him, which made her truly feel like a wife and someone who was wanted

Then she attributed all of the situation to her success in the 'War God Trials', and instantly at that point, she began to think Min Hong was like a Viking who took interest in anyone who had the drive to achieve several conquests

"If this alone was enough for me to enjoy such a romantic affection, then I don't mind singlehandedly taking over Empires and Dynasties in your name, my blush"

As she thought this, she bushed harder at her form of addressing Min Hong, but who was she to deny the fact that only Min Hong could make her blush this hard

Thus, she shut her eyes and basked in the feeling of having Min Hong so close, and their skin so touchy, and there and then, her lower lips and the juice dam within began to leak

She was at this point, prime and ready for 'her blush', whenever he was ready

She was so happy, tears started to leak from the corners of her eyes, as she felt rendering herself unconscious was well worth it, if it meant she got to enjoy this level of love

She would gladly do it again; anytime, anywhere and anyhow

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