The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 322: Yue Yao's Agonizing Death

Chapter 322: Yue Yao's Agonizing Death

"Kid, I think you should be more worried about your current situation than whoever it is you are searching for!" Elder Peng rebuked with a furious tone;

"If you dare to stand in my way, you will suffer the consequences"

Min Qing spoke like as if she was giving the two elders their last chances, but Elder Peng simply bolted forward with his massive fist engulfed in green flames as he bellowed;

"Wrath of Vajra!"



Elder Shi was stunned speechless when she saw Elder Peng blasted away so miserably like he just got hit by a fast moving freight train

"Anyone who touches my Qing'er would pay with their lives!"

The flames dispersed and Elder Shi saw a figure with flapping wings at the same spot where Elder Peng was supposed to be;

"Do you know the penalty for what you just did!?"

But the moment that statement left her mouth, she realized this was the second time that same statement had been made in less than 5 minutes which made her begin to feel somehow irritable

Min Hong on the other hand didn't even spare her a single glance, in fact, her voice might just have rang out from the thin air, as Min Hong looked to Min Qing with endearing eyes and approached her

His heart ached seeing her this way

Min Qing at this point was 70 percent demonified, but as she saw Min Hong approach, her eyes began to tremble as she fought to regain her consciousness, but Min Hong simply took her chin in his hand;

"Go, my queen Go and put those little worms in their place"


Instantly, Min Qing completely transformed as a black crown appeared on her head followed by a black trident, as her aura billowed and surged insanely;


This time, Min Qing didn't move, she simply disappeared and re appeared about five kilometers away;

"I have sent for reinforcements, and they are bringing a grand elder along to capture you!" Elder Shi yelled;

"I will make sure to convince them to make you pay the penalty for two and not only cripple your cultivation, but have you locked up!" She added

Min Hong finally turned around to look at the Elder Shi and beckoned with his hand as Long Sha, Mu Li and Kun Chao moved up to him from behind;

"Go and protect your queen and make sure no one stops her from venting

If you encounter someone too strong, take this and shatter it, I will be there" He said, handing Long Sha his outer court badge

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The Long Sha trio bolted in the direction Min Qing just left through;

"You're so impetuous sending away your partners"

Elder Shi said as Min Hong looked at her like someone looking at a boring clown who talks too much;

"You're too noisy!"


Min Hong simply opened his palm and a tiny multi-coloured lotus appeared in them

This lotus radiated all seven of Min Hong's Daos and took each of their color; then the space around the lotus warped and it abruptly appeared in front of Elder Shi as Min Hong spoke nonchalantly;


The moment his words landed, the lotus bloomed with the loudest explosion ever recorded in the history of the Desert Sun Sect;


The entire sect shook with the shockwave catching up with the Long Sha trio who were about 7 kilometers away;

"Are we being attacked!?"

The shockwave reached the core court districts jolting the entire sect awake as they all scrambled and rushed to the scene of the explosion

Amongst these core court disciples were also Xi Mei and her entourage which consisted of Yue Yao and the girl who battled Qing Tan till she became unconscious

But just as they took to the skies on Xi Mei's flying treasure which was enough  to house seven people, they suddenly heard a whistling sound heading for them, and as they all looked into the distance, they saw a figure speeding towards them with long hair and a fork

"You have lived for long enough!"

Min Qing tore through the defenses of the flying treasure like it was tofu as she stabbed Yue Yao straight in the abdomen, with both of them coming out through the other side of the treasure

Splurt! Yue Yao stared into Min Qing's demonified eyes as she gurgled out several mouthfuls of blood, Min Qing then channeled purple demon flame into Yue Yao and used frigid water to engulf her on the outsides before adding her touch of Yin Qi to turn her into ice sculptures

Then all the stunned core and inner court disciples watched as the iced, bloody figure of Yue Yao begin to melt into puddle of blood, and in less than five minutes, Yue Yao was gone

Completely gone with nothing left but blood

Not even her bones or hair was spared, everything melted into a puddle of stinking blood

"You really have some guts killing someone in front of I, XI-"

"You're too noisy!"

Min Qing slammed the end of her trident mid-air as the air rippled like water before three different trench beings erupted out of the dimension on the other side of the rippled space;




Three of them came out and Min Qing [or more like the dark sirena] simply pointed her trident towards Xi Mei as she spoke as nonchalantly as possible;

"I will be back for you as soon as I am done with the rest of your crew!"

Instantly, the trench beings bolted towards Xi Mei and began to battle her, keeping her busy so that Min Qing could take her time on the rest of her group...

Then she looked towards the girl who fought Qing Tan, and as soon as her eyes landed on the girl, the girl literally pissed herself

That gaze was one that struck terror into the depths of her heart, and she knew there and then, that it would take a dramatic miracle for her to be spared this night

Min Qing approached her slowly as purple demon flames surged out of her body, incinerating the rest of the girls in Xi Mei's group to dust before she eventually got to the girl named Du Yan

It was Du Yan who had battled Qing Tan to utter exhaustion, and the moment Min Qing reached a very close distance, she stretched her hand towards the girl and instantly frigid water began to appear all around the girl, looking to encase her within

Then the girl erupted with her Intent Level Wind Dao looking to rebel and repel the frigid water, but Min Qing simply grinned sinisterly, and the moment the girl saw that wicked and nightmarish grin, her Wind Dao suddenly shrunk back into her body

That was the difference between a Law Level Dao and an Intent Level Dao

They were heaven and earth apart

The frigid water then completely encased Du Yan, then everyone witnessed it as the frigid water took the shape of a cauldron as Min Qing asked;

"Have you ever seen someone suffer Yin QI eruption!?"

Du Yan was utterly speechless, she didn't even have the slightest clue about what Min Qing was talking about;

"Alright, let me allow you witness it first-hand!"

The moment her statement landed, every core court disciple in the area then felt their bodies go eerily chilly as the feeling of being haunted, haunted them psychologically, then Du Yan who was within the frigid water cauldron began to see her breath frost up, and then she saw Yin Qi begin to fill up the entire cauldron from her feet upwards

In less than five breath, Min Qing had already filled up the entire Frigid Water Dao cauldron with so much Yin Qi, that they were literally entering through every single hole on Du Yan's body

Then she turned away from Du Yan and faced the ragged Xi Mei, the trench beings didn't kill her, nope, they just wore her out in the space of about two minutes and left several slow healing gashes on her body that were still bleeding, then Min Qing spat through gritted teeth;

"I am going to take my time and enjoy torturing you till your soul succumbs to the feeling hellish pain and agony!"

Min Qing spoke as she snapped her fingers, then the trench beings exploded into water vapor

Thinking that she had seen finally rid herself off these troublesome monsters, Xi Mei bolted towards Min Qing and stretched out her hands which were now covered in white colored flames that alternated between the coldest and the hottest temperature

She knew that once her hand touches any part of Min Qing, then everything will be over

She was damn sure of it, and this confidence wasn't baseless

She was the only princess of her Xi Clan which was one of the top three Super Clans in the empire and her clan had spared no effort and wealth to ensure that she had the best beast core to comprehend her Flame Dao, hence they had aid mercenaries to head to the north pole to get the core of the Polar Flame Bear; a beast which had comprehended the Flame Dao of the coldest flame in existence

It had taken the help of the top ten strongest experts of her clan which were all in the Saint stage to help her comprehend this Flame Dao, and  being in the 2 Star Nascent Soul stage, she had managed to from her first nascent soul with this flame by herself, and had used it to battle on so many occasions...

Thus, she was very sure that once her ice-flamed palm landed on Min Qing, that would spell the end of her life, and should the sect try to punish her, she would use her clan's influence and self defense as an excuse for killing Min Qing...

After all, a core court disciple dueling an outer court disciple in its own is something to be frowned upon by the sect due to the stark difference in power, but that would mean disposing off her only competition to Min Hong's heart

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