The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 15: The Min Family Waterfall Resort

Chapter 15: The Min Family Waterfall Resort

Min Tian gave Min Hong his Family Head Token and left with Min Rou. The token was to give Min Hong access to the best section in the resort. He told Min Hong that when he got there, he would meet his fourth uncle; Min Jin, who will explain everything about the waterfall to him.

Immediately Min Tian and Min Rou left, Min Hong didn't wait another second before he dashed into the forest towards the other side of the mountain.

The entire mountain was located at the outskirts of the forest and was a relatively safe place, due to its proximity to the Min Family Castle. On one side of the mountain was the Min Family castle while the other side was where the waterfall was located.

Magic Beasts rarely, roam this mountain because many experts come to the waterfall resort to soak, and most times they'd be at least a thousand experts soaking at any given time. Therefore, the aura accumulation of so many experts were enough to deter the magic beasts away from the mountain.

So, they'd stay deep in the forest and not dare approach the mountain. Moreover, there had been a specific 9 Star Dan Formation stage expert who usually led two extra men into this forest to hunt magic beasts, therefore the area of a hundred miles around the mountain became a danger zone for magic beasts.

This was why Min Hong, Min Tian and Min Rou were cool with creating a training area at the mountain top.

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Min Hong got to the other side of the mountain about ten minutes later and what greeted him, was a tall and large wooden gate, with two guards outside. These two guards were standing in front of this large wooden gate.

Min Hong arrived at the entrance to the resort and immediately two auras that was in the 6 Star Qi Sea stage blasted forward. Min Hong instantly felt stifled, his bones were creaking as he tried to resist the pressure from these auras.

"Halt! State your identity and business at this Waterfall Resort? One of the guards stepped forward with one of his hand on the hilt of his sword. He stared hard at Min Hong with eyes indicating that should he try anything funny, he would be extremely displeased with the repercussion.

Min Hong took a deep breath as he quickly took out the Family Head token on him before passing it to the guard. The guard sent out his Qi and the token floated of Min Hong's hand and landed on his palm.

But upon seeing the token in his hands, the guard's pupils instantly dilated. It was a blue, palm sized stone tablet, with the word "Family head" written atop in this world's language. He looked at his partner and their auras immediately vanished, as a friendly smile appeared on their faces.

"This is the Family Head Token! May we know how this esteemed sir is related to our Family Head?" The first guard asked very politely as he stepped forward to return the token to Min Hong.

"I am Min Hong! the youngest grandchild of Family Head Min Tian." Min Hong replied with a smile. He knew these guards were just doing their jobs as this was one of the Min Family's major source of income. Moreover, there are some unruly experts in this Soaring Cloud Village and if the guards weren't deterrent enough, it might spell trouble for the family.

"So, it's young master Min Hong. Welcome to the waterfall resort of the Min Family." The guard was extremely polite as he ushered Min Hong into the resort. He knew what Min Hong said was true because who could snatch the Family Head token from Min Tian who was one of the top experts in Soaring Cloud Village?

Moreover, nobody would dare have such thoughts. Not only does the Min Family have Min Tian, they also had Min Bolin and his siblings, with at least twelve other experts who were at the Dan Formation stage. No family in the entire Soaring Cloud Village possess this Kind of line up. Not even a Nascent soul expert would want to fight with Min Tian and his children.

Furthermore, there was still the Hegemon Min Clan backing them and even if Min Tian was banished, he was still considered part of the Min Clan and his family a Branch Family of the clan. Therefore, the Min family and all their assets were completely safe.

Min Hong also knew that, because he rarely left the castle and the only time he left, he would head to the training area in the woods, majority of the people within the Min Family borders didn't know him, except for the direct descendants living in the castle. So, he didn't make things difficult for the guards.

"He he! It is youngest cousin Min Hong!" a sweet jingling voice rang out from a corner, Min Hong and the guard turned their heads to the source of the voice and a pretty young lady with eyes that glitter like spring water in sunlight, wearing a simple green robe walked towards them with graceful and gentle steps.

Min Jiao was very popular within the Min Family, asides from the fact that she's the strongest amongst the third generation, her father was also the strongest amongst the second generation of the Min Family. He was only weaker than the Clan Head and was the potential successor for the position of the Family Head of the Min Family.

So, many Min Family members flock around Min Jiao in a bid to curry favors from her father. Moreover, Min Jiao was a very friendly and approachable person, also extremely pretty and young as she was currently thirteen. This made her a magnet of respectful and adoring gazes from every Min Family member.

Most of the male family members of the third-generation flock around her, hoping to court an extremely beautiful maiden, who was also a potential eldest daughter of the Min Family. Thus, many parents push their children towards Min Jiao, praying that their sons especially, could form a sort of relationship with her.

Min Jiao was currently surrounded by two other fairly beautiful young girls from the 3rd generation, and they were very surprised that, there was someone who Min Jiao knew that they didn't. But after hearing the way she addressed this youngling standing with the guard they understood instantly.

Furthermore, they knew the guards of this resorts very well. These men were stone cold, emotions rarely appeared on their faces and they handle things with force first then ask questions later.

But currently, this guard was all smiles when he was speaking with Min Hong and were even in a bent position which was a form of respect which only Min Jiao enjoyed in the entire 3rd generation of the Min Family.

"I'll handle everything from here" Min Jiao said as the guard bowed and returned to his post. She then continued, "Youngest cousin, you rarely step out of the castle, except when you are training. What brings you to the waterfall resort today? And where is Min Qing?" she asked with a smile.

"Grandpa told me to come look for fourth uncle Min Jin, and Min Qing is in cultivation seclusion" Min Hong replied with a smile. He had a favorable impression about Min Jiao, she had always acted like an elder sister to him, plus she was good friends with his own elder sister Min Qing even though she was three years younger than Min Jiao.

"Ooh! Your sister is a monster, I'm three years older than her but she's gradually catching up to me. I'm very sure she would get a spot in the top ten at the coming of age ceremony in three years" time." she said with a soft sigh before discarding her friends with a nod.

"First cousin Min Jiao is also not inferior in any way, Min Qing told me you already broke through to the 2 Star Qi Sea stage two months ago." Min Hong said with a wide smile.

"It seems your sister is indeed looking to surpass me. It's a good thing anyway, it's boring being the only girl in the top five of the 3rd generation members. Moreover, those muscle for brains are also not slacking in their cultivation either.

If she could join me up there, at least we'd be able to show those boys, whatever men can do women can do better." She said with a determined tone.

"Elder sister Min Jiao would surely achieve her goal and I believe sister would be able to make the top 5 also." Min Hong spoke with conviction.

Min Jiao was momentarily stunned before she cleared her throat and spoke: "Ok, let's not delay any longer, let's head over to Uncle Jin's place. Moreover, when you start cultivation, remember to bring along aunt Rou's token, otherwise you won't be able to soak in the good spots."

After walking for about five minutes, they arrived at a large mansion with a stone gate, then Min Jiao placed her father's token into a slot on the stone door before the heavy stone door rumbled open. Instantly, a gust of Qi mist brushed Min Hong's body prompting him to take a deep breath.

Some of the Qi mist gushed through Min Hong's body and instantly popping sound rang out of his body as his bones were being massaged by the Qi. He closed his eyes to relish in this soothing feeling, after about three breaths he opened his eyes and gazed at the inside of this mansion in awe.

Min Jiao took Min Hong along a long passageway and Min Hong could see that there were many rooms in this mansion, and they numbered at least a thousand on both sides. Another thing he noticed was that these mists seemed to grow denser the further they walked.

After walking for another 30 minutes they got to the end of the passage and a courtyard appeared in his sights.

Sunlight spilled into the surrounding dense Qi mist and made them glitter. There were lush green grasses all over the place with some beautiful flowers that were giving off euphoric scents and a large glittering stream flowing through the middle of the courtyard giving it few hints of paradise.

Different cottages were neatly arranged across the courtyard and there were ten in total. Three in front, three in the middle, three at the back and then a thatched cottage that was vaguely visible very far in the back.

Behind the thatched cottage was a silently flowing 100 feet wide waterfall which was actually pouring from within the mountain. Min Hong was extremely shocked at the sight; this was the first time he would see water coming out from within a mountain or rock.

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