The Legacy System

Chapter 369 - 369: Looking For Iron, Finding Gold

Until now the more he killed the more of that weird dark energy he could absorb, but at this point that weird energy became stagnant.

In fact, he felt that if he continued to kill and waste time he would most probably start to be losing the grasp on it, than benefit from it.

But he couldn't act just on sentiment alone, so he decided to test his theory out, and appeared in front of another guy from the crowd, killing him as easily as he had killed everyone until now.

Still, the killing only proved his thoughts though as he didn't feel the strand of dark energy enter his body, as it only disappeared and returned to nothingness.

Realizing this Eric didn't continue with his slaughter anymore, as he directly sat in the lotus position and started comprehending and refining what he had absorbed until now.

It didn't take him long to understand that what he had absorbed until now and comprehended in this weird trance was the Death Law.

It had been quite some time since the trip to Africa and the last time that he had seen the Death Law enhance. It was only when he had acquired around 1 million SP points that he had finally felt it progress.

Until now there were two laws that Eric had started to comprehend were the Death Law and Life law, even in the Origin World, he didn't think that he wouldn't be called a genius.

But what made him a bit unwilling to accept that title was because he knew that the Legacy System had played a great role in him being to understand those two laws.

While the activation had been his, it was the Legacy System that was helping him enhance them, and the truth was that he felt like they weren't his own power, but a borrowed one from the System.

Well, that was the case until a few moments ago, as right now he was a bit more confident in himself.

After all, the Legacy System and the beauty inside it were already in hibernation unable to create contact with him, which meant that this was his own doing.

That made him extremely excited and motivated as he finally felt like he had a shot. The truth was that despite talking big, he was still reluctant about his future and his potential.

But now he had started to put the building blocks for his future mentality, thinking that he wasn't as useless as he thought and that he had some potential.

As long as he worked hard, and without stopping he believed that he would one day reach his goal for sure. Now he was more confident in himself.

Unfortunately now wasn't the moment to solidify his mentality though, as he had something much more important to care about.

With this thought, he totally focused on refining the energy he had gathered until now and his comprehension of the Death Law.

'Death was a coma in the big sentence of one's existence. Death was the full stop of existence!'

These two words suddenly appeared in his mind while he was trying to refine and comprehend what he had just absorbed, but then suddenly another inspiration or enlightenment hit him,

'If death is a comma and the full stop, then life is every word of the sentence, and the start of the next sentence!'

Fully concentrated as he was, he couldn't help but think of these two sentences in progression and repetition without stopping.

When he opened his eyes once again it was still the same dark night around him, inside that trance he had felt like months and years had passed, but looking at Panda and Ice, it didn't look the same.

They were both looking at him with some strange looks, as Eric could even feel a bit of fear inside their gazes, unable to understand why.

But he didn't care much about it, as he asked with a clear expression,

"How long have I been out!? Where are the remaining guards!?"

His words managed to awaken them from their stupor, as their gaze became even weirder, still, Ice was able to regain her senses quicker as she answered,

"You have been like that for 5 minutes Master!"

"Huh!? 5 Minutes!? Are you sure!?"

Now it was Eric's time to feel completely shocked and stupefied. Inside the trance, he had been, he had felt like he had been like that for days, weeks, months, years, or even centuries.

So how could he react when he heard Ice say that he had been only in that state for 5 minutes. Surely that couldn't be true, right!?

But Ice didn't seem like she was lying, furthermore, she still seemed a bit surprised, as if she was unable to make sense of what she had seen.

This made Eric remember about his second part of the question, as he asked once again,

"Then about the remaining guys in the crowd!?"

But instead of receiving an answer this time he received another question, as Ice said,

"You don't remember anything Master!?"

"Huh!? What do you mean!?"

"After you killed almost all of them 5 minutes ago, you sat in lotus position meditating, while a dark and evil aura surrounded your body.

At first, it was attached to your body, but that scared those guys even more as they all had a heart attack and died."

"So they all died from heart attack really!?"

Hearing that question, Ice's face turned a bit more complicated, as she continued,

"Yes, but that wasn't the weirdest thing. The moment they died, the black and evil aura around you attached to their body, drying their corpses, and turning them to nothing but dust!

Then suddenly a white and almost holy light appeared around your body, coexisting with the dark and evil aura, making the greenery around you bloom as it has now!"

Hearing her retelling even Eric had to accept that he would have the same look on his face, but deep inside he felt a great relief.

He had thought that the Death Law and the Life Law would clash against each other, and would cause trouble for him, but it seemed like they were able to coexist.

Thinking up to here, he couldn't help but have a strange, and crazy thought inside him, what would happen if he tried to merge these two laws in an attack!?

Surely something amazing would happen, but would he be able to? Forget about using them in an attack, right now he didn't have any idea what they truly represented.

Before he thought that once his Legacy System showed that he had learned the 100% that would be enough for him to use them to his wish, but right now that belief was shattered.

If every being was able to evolve, grow stronger, and more powerful, then could the same Death and Life Laws apply to them.

Take the smallest difference, for example, a Realm 0 being was able to live about 80-100 years old if there was no big problem with their body.

But a Realm 1 being was able to outlive a Realm 0 being by at least 2 times. According to his legacy system, every extra level meant 10 years of life extra.

For example, with his current Realm and level, Eric could easily live for at least 1600 years. That was at least 600 years more than his previous life.

Thinking about this, a cold chill coursed through his body, as he thought about the foundation and deep reach of the big families, and powerful organizations on Earth.

He wasn't stupid to think that the current number of Realm 1 beings could be counted on a hands fingers, and even less that Realm 1 was the top existence on Earth.

Just a Young Master from a weak organization could reach Realm 1 through resources, then what about the others.

He had thought that the big families in Japan and the Council of Five only amounted to that much, but now he understood that he was scratching his canine teeth with their elephant class horns.


That was all he could think at that moment! Still, this didn't diminish his resolve and determination upon his path. It just made him think that he should be much more careful.

As for the ways to use the Life and Death Laws he had at least three great sources of information, the Legacy System, the beauty inside it with which he had an Equals contract, and the Dragon Empress.

Thinking like that he was able to relax his heart, and his thoughts, as he seemed to become a bit more mature and farsighted at that moment.

But while he could do that, his audience surely couldn't, as their faces were still strange and complicated.

Looking at that, Eric couldn't help but have a grin appear on his face, as he hadn't thought that he would receive such an unexpected boon.

In fact, the reason that Eric had started this play at first was that he wanted to show his fighting prowess and mentality to Ice and Panda.

While both of them called him Master, due to his request, none of them seemed to accept it in their heart. That was especially true for Panda, who had the Gold Titan bloodline.

So he had thought of using this Young Master, his guards, and the crowd as foundation building bricks for his figure in their hearts.

What he hadn't expected though was the fact that he would enter such an enlightenment trance and make something that would shock them even more.

He felt like he had gone hunting for iron and had found gold! But the next moment his happy face couldn't help but contort a bit…

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