The Legacy System

Chapter 351 - 351: Dealing With Two Pesky Flies!

'Gguulluuu… blllurrgghhh…guuulllluuuullll~!'

There was one thing that Eric understood the moment that his Blood Clone died inside the cave, he could feel the same death too.

As long as he was in possession of that Blood Clone, he was able to feel whatever the clone felt, including the pain, and desperation coming from dying.

If he wasn't underwater when it happened, he could swear that he would be drenched in cold sweat at that moment.

And the fact that he almost drowned due to that extremely terrifying feeling of dying should be enough proof of his experience, as he couldn't believe what had just happened.

At that moment he had truly believed that he had died, and he was totally shocked at that thought, as he was then overwhelmed by the salty water of the ocean, and his panic.

If it were him before he entered Nightless Stone City, then this might have been a life and death experience for him, but that wasn't the same for him now.

He quickly managed to reign over his overwhelming feeling and control himself and his heartbeat in order to retake control of the situation.


The most important thing at the moment was jump into the cave and take care of the situation in there, and then capture the thief once again.

Even after seeing Eric underwater, that guy could still control his heart quickly and hide his presence, which made Eric value him a bit more, but there was nothing more than that.

In fact, the way he saw it, if he jumped inside the cave, this little rat might try to run away, so he quickly swam towards him, and caught him by the neck, and then jumped up.

The moment he reached at the entrance of the cave, he could see 5 of the 6 people inside the cave run towards the entrance, as he quickly had to take action.

Without wasting even, a single second, he quickly gathered the energy inside his body onto his fist, and then released a punch towards the cave's entrance.


It was like he was releasing some kind of tornado, or strong air current towards the cave, as they where they all thrown like broken kites once again inside the cave.

Not only that, but the entrance of the cave suffered damage and there were actually some big rocks that started falling down, and then a huge booming sound echoed through the area.

It didn't seem like the punch of a strong fighter, but like some kind of hand grenade thrown inside the cave.

Eric's energy punch was clearly extremely crude, and even though it gave a strong pressure it was actually weak as fu*ck as he didn't even manage to injure the small prawns of the group.

As if that wasn't enough, he had thrown that punch towards a cave, and despite the normal exploding sound and effect of the punch, he even had to hear the echoing effect of the cave.

If the other experts in the islands hadn't already heard about that first booming sound, then he was more than certain that they would hear the echoing after effect.

Well, it's not like there would be any better way to do this anyway, he just felt a bit unwilling to end this thing quickly.

But while there was still no foreign presence on his spirit sense, he knew that soon enough this place would get overcrowded with people dying to know what had just happened.

The next moment though, he immediately jumped inside the cave even faster than a cheetah, and used one punch to kill the weakest trio, leaving alive only that level 99 guy, and the snake's guy.

Then he swiftly turned around and kicked the head of the level 99 guy, completely decapitating him like he was some kind of weak scarecrow fighter.

In just one move and a half, four people were killed, and there was only the snake's guy and the assassin that were still alive.

Lowering his body, a little bit, he extended his hand and caught the snake guy by the throat and held him up like he was holding a chicken.

"I am seriously starting to wonder whether you are a true snake raiser, or some chicken farmer who has a few snakes.

After all, despite your snakes, you seem more of a coward chicken guy!"

The face of his prey was undergoing a lot of changes at that moment, starting from white, to red, to purplish red, and finally purple.

It wasn't only due to anger, but due to the fact that Eric seemed to be strangling him so strongly that he was losing his breathe.

Eric didn't seem to be worried about it, in fact, he seemed to be enjoying this moment. This guy had been a pain in the ass for him, and he was finally taking him out.

The snake guy was trying with all his heart, and strength he could possess to open Eric's grab on his neck, but he was unable to do so.

Just as the snake guy's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets though, two purplish green snakes appeared from under his sleeves, and jumped towards Eric's throat.

With Eric's new senses, and speed it was impossible for these two snakes to escape him, but just as he was about to act, another problem popped from behind him.

"Motherfu*cker, I am sick of you!"

With those words he allowed the two snakes to bit on his throat, and release their venom in there, as he used his other hand, to grab the dagger of that assassin.

This was the fuc*king third time that that motherfu*cking assassin tried to kill him, and he was truly sick of him.

His hand went behind his back, and caught the assassins dagger holding hand, and kept it frozen right above his clothes on the back side of his heart.

He thought that at that moment he could finally release a sigh of relief, but then he heard the lunatic and roaring laughter of the snake guy,

"Hhahahahah~! You are a deadman! Hahahahah~! Abnormal piece of shit! You can't survive the venom of these two snakes of mine! Hahaha~!

They are at least two times more venomous than my Malaya King Kraits! This time you are dead you son of a bi*tch!"

The next moment completely against the expectations of the snake guy, Eric started showing an evil mocking smile, the chuckled and finally said,

"Even if that was the case, do you think that you will live to see me die!? Retard!"

The next moment, he quickly clenched the dagger holding hand of the assassin, completely shattering his hand, leaving him in pain and shock, as the other hand twisted the neck of the snake guy.

He made sure though to only twist and crack his neck, and not to completely shatter his windpipe as he wanted to let him die in regret, and anger of not seeing him die due to the venom of his snakes.

The assassin behind him seemed extremely enraged, and unwilling seeing it happen, but until today he hadn't seen anyone capable of surviving his junior brother's snake's venom.

So even though he was extremely hateful and enraged, he still couldn't help but smile at the fact that soon he would be able to torture this guy as much as he wanted before he died of poisoning.

On the other hand, Eric didn't wait for the venom to reach his Conscience Sea and have his Legacy System deal with it, as he immediately used his inner energy to trap the poison and then dissolve it.

That's right! He didn't want to just take it out of his system, he wanted to dissolve it, and use it as a way of gaining immunity towards the venom.

Normally something like this was stupid, and death-seeking action, but he wasn't afraid of it as he had the Legacy System in his Conscience Sea to help him out.

But the true reason he did something like that was because he had the Dragon Egg there too, and he had already infused a drop of Dragon Blood in his system, and blood.

Snakes were just diluted Dragons, if his Dragon Blood wasn't even capable of helping him to dissolve this venom then it would be extremely useless.

Just imagine a PHD mathematics student unable to even do a simple calculation of 13+15 wouldn't that be a great shame for the guy?

But still since he only had just one drop of Dragon Blood, he didn't dare act arrogantly and he decided to dissolve the venom in his blood.

Soon his skin started burning red, and slowly taking a purplish color, as veins were starting to pop out all over his body, but he still just clenched his hand and his teeth and hanged on.

Even though he was in extreme pain, he knew that as long as the Legacy System didn't start acting then his plan was working.

Slowly his whole body started feeling numb, and like he was on fire from inside. He felt like he was getting barbequed from inside at that point, and he didn't like the feeling in the least.

He wanted to find a way to throw that poison out of his body, but he didn't seem able to think of anything good.

The pain inside him was growing stronger, and as if that wasn't enough, he could feel his 'little brother' standing in attention like he was some kind of flagpole.

A strange thought appeared on his mind at that moment, what if he could release that pain, and suffering by releasing himself!?

The thought was pretty good, but unfortunately he didn't have someone to release his pain and suffering upon…

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