The Legacy System

636 Chapter 636

Eric's message clearly notified all the receivers about the possible terrible repercussions that would happen in the following days, and also the near and far future ahead of them.

Alongside that, he also notified them of the time they had left, and the decision they needed to take while making sure that didn't get panicky and hasty.

The way out had already been determined, and they were going to be sent to a temporary safe location, that would keep them safe from the initial chaos.

Of course, Eric had highlighted the part that this was just a temporary safe place that would keep them safe during the initial chaos, as he didn't want to face too much resistance when he brought them out again.

Even if this action of his was just like blowing the flute to a donkey as these guys would still pretend otherwise, at least he did what he could.

After the scary reports that had been spreading out lately, a lot of people replied positively to the message. Not only that but they even got panicky and immediately got to act.

They wanted to be the first who got away because if things continued to proceed the way they had, there was bound to be turmoil and lines in the near future.

With these thoughts in their minds, more than a few hundred of people replied back and made contact with their closest agents.

For a lot of people in panic, it was a race against time, for that reason a good part of them did exactly what they shouldn't, they panicked and got hasty.

That was bound to create crowds, long lines, and more panic and fear. Yet there was nothing that could be done as that was human nature.

But that wasn't the only problem that Eric and his people faced in this situation as there was something much more detrimental in play.

Spies, and infiltrators.

Such a big move and commotion was bound to attract a lot of attention, whether that was from the government or the underground. So there was bound to be a lot of bad grass gathered with the good one.

No matter how good they tried to separate them, it would be impossible, and that would just create even more problems and tension.

For that reason, all they could do was set all those that they could find in one boat. That way, when they started to make commotions and cause problems they would harm only themselves.

Like that, the boats that were immediately prepared after Eric's orders were filled to the brim in a short time, and they had to set off as quickly as well.

As the boats were passing through the unending waters, Young Master Eric himself was having a personal meeting with his partner.

I thought that was our deal, and what we both wanted! Yet, you seem clearly dissatisfied with the whole thing!"

"You… How did you come here!? What are you doing here!? Who let you come in!?"

Since Eric had actually entered her room through his stealth arts and had done so without disturbing even her, the beauty couldn't help but jump from her seating.

Not to mention that she had been deep in her thoughts thinking about what had happened, and the results of it.

Just the thought of facing her failure, and even more facing that 'person' after her failure it made her extremely angry, fearful, and complex.

She knew what kind of a 'person' he was, and she perfectly understood that he wouldn't 'receive' well her failure.

In fact, that was just her wishful thinking, because she knew that the guy would most probably 'punish' her heavily for her failure and might even throw her away.

Just as she was reaching the limits of her depression through those thoughts, Eric appeared and said those words which made her soul leave her body.

To make matters worse there was no one else besides them in the room, and that made her feel extremely frightened, thinking that Eric had come to take revenge.

Well, it couldn't exactly be called as revenge because there wasn't much she had done to him, but for certain his intentions shouldn't be positive.

Of course, Eric himself would never say that he had come around to chat and let bygones be bygones, as he just looked at the beautiful Young Miss Long with a devilish grin, and said,

"How heart-breaking, a lot of ladies have told me that I have a handsome face that would make them feel like dreaming, but it looks like I have been cheated a bit!

Still, I don't think that I have such a scary face, as you make it look like. Do I, Young Miss Long!?"

Eric's senseless joke and the fact that he didn't attack her outright made the Young Miss Long a bit calmer and composed, but she still didn't dare to lower her guard against him.

"What are you here for!? How did you get inside!?"

"Huh!? After all this, those are your first questions!? Isn't a bit too heartless partner!? You could at least pretend that you care about me and my wellbeing couldn't you!?"

"Hmph~! What good would that do, at least now I don't have to disgust myself by pretending to be nice to a simple peasant gardener!"

"So you mean that there were no good feelings in our interactions!? Do you mean that it was all just a sham to send me to my death!?"

"At least you aren't as foolish as you look and behave!"

"Wow! You are truly hurting my feelings partner!"

"Stop calling me partner, it's nauseating!"

"Well, how about ex-partner, are you okay with that!?"

The more this conversation continued the more confused, muddled, and angry did Young Miss Long grew. She could make no meaning of whatever was happening right now with this guy.

"What is your purpose peasant!? What are you trying to pull off right now!?"

"Me!? Nothing, I came here just to have a hearty talk with you but seeing your current attitude and disposition I think it's better to leave!

Thanks for your sincerity ex-partner, I just hope that you never end up in my hands! Now if you excuse me!"

With that said, Eric just turned around and left the room just like he was going out of his own bedroom, making the beauty even more confused, complicated, and agitated.

Just what was this fu*cking worm planning to do!? How it was related to her!?

She just understood that the problem she thought to be in had just developed greatly and that from now on she would have to pay attention to Eric as well.

She had to do whatever she could to crush him once and for all now that he had achieved his purpose! Only like that would she be able to have a good and comfortable sleep.

As Young Miss Long was thinking like that, Eric himself was actually walking down the hallways of the mansion towards his precious garden while humming a sweet and victorious rhyme.

It looked like he had just struck gold without even wasting much energy. If Young Miss Long saw his face and heard that humming she would definitely get even more suspicious and agitated at the bastard.

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly though, nothing major happened in the coming days in the Long Family Mansion.

Well, there was the high alert coupled with a lot of the Family's resources attracted towards the fortress as they felt the incoming storm, but nothing beyond that.

The conflicts and fighting between the beta testers and the governments continued daily, as even the World Union couldn't help but call for a unified and surgical strike against those 'terrorists'.

Whoever gave information, or clues about their location would be rewarded handsomely, and whoever was in contact with them and didn't spy would get imprisoned and judged heavily.

Like this, they were able to put some pressure on the normal people and isolate the true 'threat' which significantly increased their chances and the beta tester victims in those days.

It looked like the governments were slowly regaining their lost ground and putting a limit to whatever was going on, which made a lot of people calm down.

Even though Eric had already ordered the blocking of all the electronic devices in his boats, there were still people who had managed to sneak in.

Like that, it wasn't really difficult for them to get wind of the news and slowly forego of their initial intention and panic that brought them in these boats in the first place.

'Stop this!'

'Turn around!'

'We don't want to leave anymore!'

For easily frightened and panicky hearts, one voice was enough to quickly change the field and their thoughts, as soon the whole crowd started chanting similar expressions.

Now that the normal world and society seemed to be slowly returning they saw no reason to run away and hide whenever Eric was sending them through these boats.

Not to mention that they had no idea of where they were being sent, there wasn't even the slightest bit of information.

So the first cry was just like the spark in a room full of gas creating a terrifying explosion to take everyone in.

The target of all the cries, anger, and panic was directed at the operating staff of the boats, which were nothing more but small trees in front of an avalanche, unable to put resistance.

Soon, under the threats and fear of the people they were transporting, the boat turned around towards the society once again…

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