The Legacy System

528 Chapter 528

The attack of Master Gao not only didn't work out but the guy was actually thrown away just like a sack of potatoes.

Even if Li Pimp tried his best to control his strength, the difference between him and Master Gao was that of Everest and a small mountain.

After all, Li Pimp was a Realm 6 expert, while Master Gao was someone who had only passed through the 1 Realm of evolution and didn't possess much strength.

It wasn't possible to cover the difference between the two of them just with a sneak attack like the one that Master Gao performed.

Even though Master Gao had a little bit of information about what came after the first realm of evolution, his knowledge was still shallow.

The guy that had helped him out to reach his current Realm hadn't said him much, and only left behind words like, you should try and carve your own path.

For him though, this evolution was the same as reaching the realm of a God on Earth, as he didn't think that there would be people stronger than him around him.

Or even if there were stronger people than him, they should still not be much stronger. After all, no matter how close to a God a human reached, he would never be able to become a God.

His dreams and thoughts were totally crushed at this time, as right now he was unable to believe the current situation and his luck.

Just what the hell was this!? How could something like this happen!?

Unfortunately, no one would even think of answering him, especially Li Pimp who was truly angry with Gao Jixie at that moment.

He had thought of using this bastard against Cui Xie in order to teach that kid a lesson, but this stupid thing had to go and do something like this in front of his family.

It was at that point, that a junior from the Li Family suddenly stood out, as he said with a fake polite voice,

"Master Gao please behave yourself! You are a guest of my Li Family, and also a weak ant in Li Saint's eyes, you have no chance against him.

I know that you must feel quite angry and enraged after hearing the rumors of him putting a green hat upon your head, or his relationship with your wife, but we can all guarantee those are just rumors!"


Master Gao was stupefied after hearing something like that, he wasn't able to hear anything else after the part of the green hat, while the whole Li Family members started whispering.

Some of them were supporting Li Saint, while a part of them was condemning him, and the rest were just watching the developments.

Li Saint on his own was extremely angry with the damned little bastard, who had just gone and placed his finger on a newly opened wound.

"Li Tao, as a junior and a member of my Li Family when is your turn to speak, and how dare you to spout nonsense in this place?"

"Huh!? What do you mean Uncle, I clearly just tried to defend your name! By the way that Master Gao reacted I thought that he might have heard these displeasing rumors.

By no means did I have any other intention!

Furthermore, isn't this matter easy!? As long as Aunt comes and clarifies the situation for us, everything will be resolved peacefully and happily!"

Li Saint was seething in rage and anger towards this little bastard, as he swore to give him a painful end when the time came, but now he couldn't avoid this matter.

Just like Li Tao said his only way out was to bring Madam Li and let her personally say the opposite, otherwise, the rumors around him would just multiply at light speed.

It was at this moment that Madam Li arrived at the meeting lobby, and she immediately run toward her husband,

"Husband, how are you!? Is everything alright!? Where have you been until now!? What happened to you!?"

She seemed like a truly concerned housewife at that moment, making a lot of people think that those rumors were truly baseless.

"Is this true!?"

"Huh!? What are you saying husband, is what true!? Are you okay!?"

Since Master Gao's voice was closer to a whisper than a clear voice, Madam Li didn't hear it correctly. But even if she did hear him correctly, she would still act the same way.

There was no way she was going to admit that there was actually something between her and Li Pimp, not to mention that her son was in fact his.

"Is this fucking matter true!?"

Unfortunately for her Master Gao didn't seem like he was willing to let this matter go easily, as he immediately looked her right in the eyes and screamed.

"Husband what do you mean!? Is what true, I don't understand what you mean!"


"You damn sl*ut is it true that you put a green hat on my head!? Is it true that Jian'er isn't my son!? Answer me!"

Even though Madam Li was actually a Realm 4 expert, she couldn't use her strength to protect herself in order to gain sympathy and pity from her clansmen.

Inside she was ragging in anger, but outside she plastered a face of total pain and loss, as she said in a crying voice,

"What do you mean by this husband, I left my home and my parents for you, and this is how you treat me!?

I left everything behind for you, and this is how you act towards me!? What did I do to deserve this, huh!?

If that were the case, then why would I be with for this long with you, and even give a child to you!?"

Hearing those words, and that voice even Master Gao couldn't help but feel a bit like he had gone overboard and falsely accused his wife.

But right at that moment, Young Master Li Tao broke through the matter once again, as he said,

"If that were the case Aunt, then why did your son suddenly drop that bomb of him being the blood son of Uncle Li Saint!

This surely isn't something that could be treated lightly, as it smears my Uncle's face and honor!"


Once again Master Gao was stabbed right into his kidney, while Madam Li looked at Young Master Li Tao with a weird expression, and said,

"Haizz~! Nephew Li Tao, after your cousin's suffering he seems to have started acting and speaking a bit weirdly! I have already contacted a famous psychology professor to take a look at him, but he hasn't arrived yet!"

"What!? What is wrong with my son!? I want to see him right now!"

Even at such a moment, Master Gao thought more about his son than about himself, as the Li Pimp snorted coldly for attention, and said,

"Hmph~! Don't worry after all the scene you caused, you are heading right for that place!"

Then with a quick flick of his sleeves, three guards appeared at the site, and quickly arrested and neutralized Master Gao, then accompanied him to the Li Family's dungeon.

"I hope that Young Master Cui Xie doesn't have any extra opinion about this!"

"While I would have loved to deal with that guy personally, I will have to obey Li Saint's arrangements!"

A lot of people didn't know what to make of the day's events, and even though Li Tao seemed to have lost, in fact, he wasn't displeased in the least.

Instead, he looked like someone who had just done a critical strike on the opponent, which surprised Li Pimp as well.

While the situation upstairs seemed to slowly return to normality, Master Gao was sent to the cell of his son, who was clearly contemplating his revenge.

"Son~! Son, how are you!? What happened to you, how are they treating you here!?"

"Father!? How come you are here!? How did you end up in here!?"

"That is a long story son, so tell me about yourself first, tell father what happened!"

Young Master Gao explained everything to his father, even the part where his mother had actually admitted that she had cheated upon him and that he was actually Li Pimp's son.

"This… Is this true!?"

One could immediately sense and understand the situation of Master Gao as he heard that, which frightened even the young cub a little bit, as he then said,

"Of course not father! That woman just lied to that guy so that he could protect and help us. With Cui Xie's return to the Cui Family, we didn't have much of a choice!"

"Yes, you are right, of course, this must be! There is no way your mother could cheat on me, even less with that bastard!

She did this only to protect you two!"

"Yes, Father I am sure that this is the case! But just as you see that bastard is too overbearing and evil, he has been continuously using and maltreating me and my mother.

We need to teach him a good lesson, a lesson that he would never be able to forget!"

Faced with great dilemmas where one would need to choose between believing his whole life as a lie, and a favorable situation, few people were able to make the right choice.

The same could be said for Master Gao, he would rather believe his son's words, than believe that his whole life had been a lie.

The more he heard from his son, the more convinced he became of the whole issue, and the angrier he was with Li Pimp, wishing to teach him a good lesson…

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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