The Insider System

Chapter 213: Safety Restored

Chapter 213: Safety Restored

Donny was able to find another building to enter relatively fast; there were a few differences though. The main one being this was a split two story building so the only intact door was on the upper floor up a set of stairs. Donny guessed whoever owned this place used the downstairs as a shopfront and the upper floor as a home for them and their family.

This was a pretty common set up for a lot of people but it was pretty rare for the entrance to the second floor to be outside. It was usually in one of the backrooms of the first floor so it made Donny wonder if this was an intentional thing the owner had done so his family didn't have to go through the store anytime they wanted to go out.

He could see this being the case since this was a butchery; he wouldn't want to have to walk through the back of a butchery everytime he left his house either. Walking up the stairs Donny tried the handle and found it was unlocked. He found this concerning but he still walked inside. He was met with a very normal looking front room to a house but sadly there were no cushions anywhere so he would only be able to sleep on the bare stone.

He wasn't ready to go to sleep this time though because with the door being unlocked he needed to see what had opened it. There was a good chance he was alone but he needed to make sure whatever could be inside wouldn't kill him if it found him asleep. Creeping over to the first door Donny tried the handle and found it locked. He wasn't surprised by this and decided he could leave this one for last.

The next door was open and he saw it led into a bedroom that seemed to belong to children. He went inside briefly and looked around to see if anyone was hiding here. He found no one and decided this would be his new place to sleep since there was a bed and even if it was too short for him it was better than nothing.

Going back to the locked door Donny decided to use his mana to look inside instead of going in personally. It would expend a lot of mana to do a good search since he didn't have an actual Earth affinity and would have to use Metal magic's principles, which were very similar, but it was better than getting blasted by a spell as soon as he opened the door. He was also about to sleep hopefully so his mana would have time to refill.

Feeling around Donny felt nothing he thought could be a person or monster on the stone floor but they had a few things inside that they could be hiding on top of like their presumably wooden bed frame. If they were really still there was a chance he wouldn't be able to tell they were on it but with them hiding like this he was pretty sure they would just be normal people so he was fine to use their other room.

On the off chance they left their hiding place and came into the other room he would just be a sleeping warrior but to make sure they understood his allegiances he took out his family crest and Fighters guild badge and put it on the floor so it would be the first thing they saw when they opened the door.

Getting on the bed Donny thought about getting the other bed closer so he could use it for his feet but he realized he didn't have the power to make himself get back up so he just closed his eyes. Usually he would need to take off a few pieces of his armor to sleep but he didn't think it would be a problem this time.


Lake looked at the most recent kill and then at the thing that said he had leveled up. He wasn't too surprised that it had happened but it was just that this last undead he had killed had given him more exp than the others. He still didn't know what would cause this but he was pretty sure it meant this undead was stronger.

Maybe the undead were starting to pass some type of threshold so their Exp amount was going up but he also thought it was possible this one had killed someone and leveled up. It made sense to him that a few of them had managed to find people to kill even if everyone was hiding at the moment.

The gargoyles had also shown the ability to break down doors pretty easily so he was sure the undead had been part of a raid or something that ended in it getting a kill. The gargoyles had shown they didn't need living bodies to do whatever they did to make undead so he was sure this was actually a more efficient way of making more of them.

The undead would kill the people to level up and the gargoyles would raise them into undead. This is probably what they would have been doing to every person in the city if he hadn't been here to kill them all as soon as they emerged.

Lake was pretty sure they were almost completely done clearing out the city since they had already walked the major roads and it was such a small town so he went ahead and looked at his stats.

Race: Human Lv.14 ( 7/10 )

Job: Swordsman Lv.7 ( 32/640 )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 140

Stamina 140

Mana 570

Strength 123

Endurance 15

Agility 105

Dexterity 121

Perception 101

Intelligence 134

Charisma 41

Free stat points: 144

That last undead had been worth at least 33 Exp points which was a good amount considering all the others hadn't even hit 5 Exp. It was too bad they hadn't all been worth that amount because he would have probably already hit level ten and been able to get his next two Swordsman skills.

He was sure Swordsman would have other jobs it led to once he leveled it up all the way so that would be nice but he needed to start using his bow. Jobs you unlocked with the bow gave Perception so the fact that he hadn't been using it was a little stupid he just felt he was always in close combat and he couldn't guarantee he would kill something if he hit it with an arrow.

This meant he needed to take some time and go hunting so he could unlock the Hunter job. It would be a perfect thing for him to do on the way out of the Metal Domain when he went to unlock Bandit since he was going to have to spend some time in the woods anyway. Archer was also one of his Unique jobs so he might get lucky and find Hunter was as well.

Taking the time to stare at his free stat points Lake once again thought about putting some of them into Perception but stopped himself because he knew he would regret it as soon as he hit 200 in Perception and was no longer able to level any jobs that gave Perception on level up.

It was really tempting though so he needed to find something else to do so he didn't talk himself into it. "It's kind of gross so I understand if you aren't willing but do you all want to gather up the undead so we can burn them? If we aren't careful they might end up getting revived by any Demon Worshipers that arrive if we just leave them lying around."

This sounded like a very time consuming thing to do so it would be perfect for them. They were underground but this place had amazing ventilation so he wasn't worried about the smoke it would make either. "That sounds like a good idea but some of us are starting to run low on food so maybe we should take care of that first."

Lake could see that being the case because they all needed to have a few meals a day so he was sure they had burned through their food. "Ok I'm not from here so lead the way." This would also keep him from eating what was left of the stuff he had taken from the Alchemist guild before he left.

Even with him only taking a few bites here and there he was starting to get through all of his bread and meat. The only thing he hadn't really touched was the block of cheese he had because it was irreplaceable unless he went home to the guild where Millie was. "Alright let's start in the market, I don't see why the monsters would have stolen any of the food so there should still be stuff around that we can find."

Lake had been interested in some of the things he had seen the people on the streets eating so this was a great opportunity for him since all the food he had had from here was really dry bread.

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