The Insider System

Chapter 200: Undoing Pt.2

Chapter 200: Undoing Pt.2

Watching the leader creeping towards the person Donny decided he would just wait here. It was very obvious why someone would pretend to be dead or at least there was a very obvious reason he could think of. With this thought Donny actually started to back up a few steps whenever the leader took one.

There was no good reason they all needed to explode if there was in fact some type of trap. Once he was near the back of the group that had entered the room Donny stopped moving back because he couldn't go any further without leaving the room and he wanted to be able to watch what happened once the leader made it to the person.

Even at the extremely slow pace the leader was moving they still made it to the person before the show dragged on. Donny saw the leader planned to just reach down and check the person's pulse with their hand and guessed there wasn't really a better way to get the person to stop pretending to be dead unless you wanted to attack them and risk actually killing them.

Once the leader's fingers made contact with the person's neck Donny could see the person's body flinched instinctually and gave them up. The leader wasted no time in saying. "Get up, we need to talk to you." Donny saw the person finally give the act up and start to stand. "Fine, what do you want?"

The leader didn't start asking questions right away and instead led the person out of the room by the arm. Once they were all in the front room of the house the leader asked. "Are there any other people here?" The man pointed at one of the doors and said. "My sons might be here but I'm not sure."

"Is that it?" The man became slightly embarrassed and said. "My wife is with her parents right now so it's just us three." Once those questions were done the leader sent a few people to go look around the rest of the house to see if they could find anyone else. After a while they returned with two teenagers.

"These two were hiding in their room like he said." The leader nodded and turned to look back at the man. "Would you three be willing to come with us to answer some questions?" Donny understood why the leader would want them to hold the interview somewhere else since taking three suspected Demon Worshipers out of their hideout would make them all much safer but the three of them all started to shake their heads at the same time.

"We would rather stay inside. It's pretty hectic out there and nice and quiet here."

"I'm sorry but we have to insist." Donny could tell the leader was holding off on really talking about what this was about so the three of them wouldn't get scared and try to run but was making it clear it wasn't really a request. "Yeah, we aren't leaving our house." Donny could tell the leader hadn't wanted to resort to force but he still gave the order. "Take them."

Donny wasn't one of the people that rushed forward to lift the three and take them towards the door but when he saw how much of a struggle the three people were putting up he decided he might need to help after all. Grabbing one of the man's legs, Donny helped them drag him towards the door.

Right before they could get the man through the front door he started to struggle even harder and Donny felt the leg he was holding brake. The man didn't act like he noticed and just kept struggling even when the bone started to push its way through the skin. This wasn't normal and Donny was about to warn the others when the man's head passed through the doorway.

There was a loud boom and while Donny didn't know what had caused it he felt himself get thrown backwards and slam into a wall. Getting back onto his feet as quickly as possible Donny saw the man had turned into something he had seen and helped seal yesterday. It looked slightly different since it was smaller and still had some of the man's body parts intertwined but it was unmistakable as one of those balls of flesh.

Taking his eyes off of the monster in front of him, Donny looked around to see what had happened to the other two people they had found inside the building and to see if they had also transformed. Seeing the other members of his team strewn about and two more gross masses of twisted flesh Donny decided he should probably just help the few people close to him up and find a window to jump out of.

Once they were outside he would tell them to keep him safe so he could start laying a few sealing formations to start fighting these monsters. Grabbing one of his teammates that just happened to hit the wall next to him Donny saw they were out of it so he just threw him up on his shoulder and moved to the next person.

Donny was about to help the next person onto their feet when he heard a sharp whistling sound from behind him. He had heard this sound yesterday when he had been attacked by the ball of flesh so he crouched down and saw a tendril pass through the stone wall where his head had been before he ducked.

The tendril didn't stop either and just kept piercing wall after wall. Donny stopped looking at that point and just drug the person he had been trying to help up towards the room they had found the man in earlier. Getting to the window that was in the room Donny tore all the stuff blocking it out of his way and tossed his two teammates he had saved through it before throwing himself through.

Once he was outside he saw the building they had been inside was slowly becoming a pincushion with the amount of flesh tendrils that were piercing through its outer walls. It was still just three monsters though so he still had hopes in their ability to stop whatever was happening.

Dragging his two teammates away from the building Donny was about to start on his formation when he saw a few other people escape from the inside of the building. "Over here. Protect me while I lay a sealing formation." Donny called out to them since the two people he had saved were unconscious.

The People heard him and started to run towards him when they all heard. "Help me out." Donny saw the dwarf he had spoken to earlier was having a hard time squeezing through the small window because of his wide frame and the other two people that had already gotten out turned around and started to pull on the man's arms.

Right after the two started to pull the man started to scream and said. "It's got me! pull harder!" But it was too late the dwarf was pulled back inside by the monster. Donny could tell the two men were thinking about trying to help the dwarf still but when the dwarves screams stopped almost as soon as they began they gave up on him and ran towards him.

They stood in front of Donny and he started to lay the formation. A few seconds after he had started Donny heard another large boom like the one he had heard when the flesh had transformed and sent him flying from behind him. He didn't know if it was actually the same sound or not until he saw more flesh tendrils come over the building next to them and start to intertwine with the ones that were coming from the building he had just been inside.

This kind of changed what he needed to do since it seemed whatever balls of flesh were over in another building had just combined themselves with the ones he needed to seal making it necessary for him to seal them as well. This meant he was going to need a bigger formation and that he needed to start over.

Dissipating the formation that had been on the ground in front of him Donny started with a much bigger circle this time. He had chosen to just go with the biggest one he would be able to make on his own. Getting about ten percent of the formation on the ground he heard another one of those booms from slightly further away and then another and soon they were happening every few seconds.

He was no longer able to look up but he could tell by the shadows that were passing over his formation that there were a massive amount of tendrils stretching over them and interlocking with the ones that were already above them. "We have to get out of here." One of the people he had been using as a guard started to shake him and it almost caused him to lose focus and lose control over his formation but Donny pushed him away and said. "Run if you want but leave me alone."

"Look up you idiot." The man's pleading tone finally got Donny to pause his formation and look up into the sky. Seeing a massive rust colored wave crashing towards him. Donny realized they were already too late to stop whatever they had been sent to stop and dug into his pocket for a protection talisman his father had given him when he was younger.

"Get close to me." Donny had no way of knowing if the other people close to him would be able to survive off of his protection talisman but it was better than nothing so he might as well try. Using the talisman just in time for the wave to crash into the shield it formed around him Donny closed his eyes and prayed that his fathers gift would hold up long enough to weather the spell.

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