The Insider System

Chapter 176: Unanswered

Chapter 176: Unanswered

It didn't take long for the others to have enough of Lake's shoddy work and start saying things to him about it. "Rol, why are you cutting so much off?" Lake didn't know what he was doing so he wasn't really that sure what his sabotage was doing to the end result they were after but he was sure taking chunks off wasn't what they wanted or good for it.

"I'm making it like me." Lake could tell what he had just said had confused everyone around him enough that they didn't know what to say back so he just took the chance to keep working. After a few cuts Lake could tell the leader had had enough and was about to intervene to put a stop to him ruining their muse so Lake said. "I don't think you guys are working very hard."

None of them had been doing anything but watching him with dumbfounded looks on their faces since they had noticed his odd behavior so he knew if said this it would probably provoke a strong reaction from them. "You messed it up so there's no point. Go get another body." Lake looked at the leader and could tell they were only a few seconds away from yelling.

"I don't think you know what you're talking about." Lake watched the fury take over the leader's face and it seemed he had crossed a line because everyone who heard him say this, which seemed to be all of them were rushing towards him now. "Alright get him in one of the cages. There's something wrong."

Lake was surprised this was all it took for them to get a whiff of him, but this turned out to be less of a waste of time than he had thought. With them all rushing towards him he got to see how fast all of them were and he realized he wasn't in any danger in that sense and when he thought about it it made sense that they were mostly mages.

But for whatever reason none of them were about to cast any spells from what he could see. He guessed they didn't want to kill him and just planned to grab him and stuff him into a cage like they had been told. Lake wasn't going to let that happen though so he got ready to throw a punch and used a skill he had been wanting to try since he got it.

"Wave." Lake watched as a blue wave of mana shot out of his fist and realized what kind of attack it was. [Level up] [Rank up] It was like a shockwave that made it so Brawlers would be able to hit a wide area with their fist but he could also tell he shouldn't have used it in such a small area because not only had he made a mist of the five he had hit with the attack the roof was collapsing.

Lake was pretty quick to react and was able to retreat back towards the wall and get the person he had wanted to question out of the way as well. Once he was as far back as he could get he looked back and saw the roof was still collapsing towards them. Lake didn't do anything right away and waited till he knew the roof was going to collapse down onto them and used Wave again but this time aimed it upwards.

The rocks headed towards them went the other way but not for long with them running into the stones above them and then all coming down at him together. Not knowing what to do, Lake just threw another punch and then another when he saw the brute force was working and the stones above them were forming into a dome and getting thrown away.

After five punches Lake remembered his skill Barrage and stopped using mana for every punch. After a while Lake found that pretty much all the stones above them had been flying and that he could climb out of the hole as soon as he dealt with the one Demon Worshiper he had saved.

Turning Lake grabbed them before they realized they weren't at danger of being squished anymore and after thinking about what he should do Lake used another skill he had yet to use before. "Debilitate." Lake saw them drop to the ground after he used it and threw them on his shoulder before heading towards the edge of the crater he was now standing in to climb out.

It was a bit difficult because with them on his shoulder their ass and legs were dragging on the stones the whole time but he was able to get out after a while and the scene he saw once he was out made him realize he had accidentally destroyed part of the city again. It wasn't as bad as last time but he had still destroyed the street and covered a couple of homes in stone debris.

But, it seemed the people who had been on the road previously had run before it had gotten too hectic so there weren't any obvious bodies around. This was really just a lucky thing but he had no time to think about it because he needed to get this Demon Worshiper back to the guild before they woke up and he had a long elevator ride so he needed to go now.


Lake had taken the time he had on the Elevator to fix his identity and his appearance. He had also realized he had accidently forgotten his helmet back in the now collapsed building but this was no problem because he just summoned it to him and wore it so he looked exactly like he had when he left the guild other than the new dent his helmet had acquired from having a building fall over on it.

The walk back was extremely short for him and before long he was standing outside the guild with his new information source on his shoulder. Walking in the front door it didn't take long for one of the employees to notice what he had gotten his hands on and run over saying. "We got a live one." Lake found this funny but he didn't laugh because he was still trying to figure out what he was supposed to be doing with the man he was carrying.

The clerk hadn't given him any instructions, just said a funny line that told everyone else what was going on. "Where should I take him?" Lake saw a bunch of people start to run down one of the hallways while pointing so he followed them until he reached a small cell. Lake could tell right away that it was magic in some sort of way but he didn't know just how successful it would be in its purpose if the guy was to wake up.

He guessed that wasn't really his problem though and he threw the guy in while saying. "I need to talk to Masters, can you watch him?" The five or so people that were still there nodded so he started to walk to Masters office. Lake knocked and then opened the door when he heard Masters voice tell him he could.

Seeing Masters Lake just told him a quick summary of what was going on. "I got a Demon Worshiper downstairs in the prison cell." Masters got up quickly and ran out of the room towards the prison cell so Lake followed and once they were there he joined Masters in staring at the sleeping man.

"How'd you get one alive?" Lake nodded and was about to start basking in his accomplishment when Masters asked. "And why did you bring them?" Lake was surprised when Masters asked this because he had assumed Masters would be excited about interrogating them so the fact this wasn't his first instinct probably meant there was some reason they couldn't. "He was still alive so I thought I might as well. You want me to tell you about the mission while we wait for him to wake up?"

Lake had expected Masters to ask almost right away so the fact it hadn't happened yet made him think he had forgotten about it entirely because of what he had brought back instead of the team he had been sent for and Lake wanted to lead the conversation in that direction so he could mention the mess he had made earlier naturally. "Well I assume since you ran into Demon Worshipers that they're dead, right?"

Lake nodded and said. "Yeah they are, but you still want to hear the details, right?" Masters slowly nodded and said. "Sure, but later, I need to deal with him first." As Masters said this he pointed at the Demon Worshiper who seemed to be coming to. Lake wasn't worried about it but he could understand why Masters would be since he was in charge of this guild office.

Lake wouldn't like it either if there was an unknown threat waking up in something he owned either. "You want me to knock him out again?" Lake figured this would be the easiest way to deal with this but Masters shook his head no and said. "We might as well see if he'll be of any use now that he's awake. It'll just be a waste of time to prolong this."

Lake didn't know what Masters meant by this but he was sure he could figure it out if he just watched. As soon as the Demon Worshiper woke up he was on his feet and at the bars looking them in the eyes. Lake was able to see it but he was sure some of the others had just seen him standing all of a sudden and been startled by the sudden change in the situation.

Looking at Masters Lake waited for this test or whatever he was going to give this Demon Worshiper but before anything happened he heard a thud. Looking back into the cage where the sound had come from, Lake saw the Demon Worshiper was now on the ground and it was pretty obvious they were dead, even if there wasn't any form of injury he could see.

It was something about the eyes that just told you they were dead. Turning to Masters he asked. "What happened?" Masters gave him a look that told him that he had expected this and said. "The Loyalty curse allows you to kill yourself at any time. It's one of the reasons getting information out of people is so hard."

Lake knew about the loyalty curse already but hadn't really thought about it because of the spy he had met the other day that had infiltrated the Demon Worshipers. It had made him think they weren't really using it on many of their members but he guessed he had been wrong and the spy had somehow gotten past the mandatory curse.

"All I did by bringing him here was lose Exp." Masters seemed to think that was funny because Lake heard a bit of an exhale come from his nose before he said. "I wouldn't worry about it too much If I were you, plenty of them in this city apparently." Lake nodded to this and was about to ask if Masters was free now but he was beaten to it by Masters saying. "Let's go to my office so you can tell me what you saw."

Lake nodded and followed him back up the stairs and figured he might as well look at his stats before he forgot to see how close he had gotten to maxing out Spearman.

Race: Human Lv.14

Job: Spearman Lv.9 ( 245/2560 )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 140

Stamina 140

Mana 570

Strength 116

Endurance 15

Agility 98

Dexterity 121

Perception 101

Intelligence 134

Charisma 41

Free stat points: 144

Lake hadn't really thought about the fact he had yet to hit 100 in Agility and get his next skill from doing so. This was a crazy thought with the fact that he was already feeling too fast but maybe he would get something that affected him in a way that it didn't just make him faster.

Lake didn't really get too much time to think about what the skill might do though because even though Masters was having a bit more trouble going up the stairs because of his legs than he had when going down they had already reached his office.

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