The Insider System

Chapter 158: Fleet-footed

Chapter 158: Fleet-footed

After a few seconds of thinking about it Lake was sure he could just unsure if it would be on his first try. The only thing he thought was a downside to him trying and failing was getting wet but he was really only worried about the stuff in his bag so he could just take off his chest piece. Sliding it off and setting it down on a branch, Lake decided to take his helmet off as well.

He wasn't worried about it getting wet but the thought of being underwater while wearing a close fitting helmet sounded panic inducing. It could also fall off if he was to fall and he would have to go down and get it which sounded like a pain so he might as well avoid it ever happening.

Setting his helmet on a branch next to the one holding his chest piece, Lake got into a starting position facing the lake. After a brief countdown he started running and he could tell as soon as his foot hit the water that he would be able to run across with no problems. To be honest he felt like he could slow down a bit and still do it and that made him wish he had a speedometer or something so he could know how fast he actually was.

At the moment all he had to gage his speed off of was what his stats said and because of his skill Increased Synergy his agility wasn't actually the number it said, it was what his Dexterity said plus his Strength because of Grip Strength so 224 and that was without using Burst. The other way he could tell he was ridiculously fast was the fact that when he was moving at his top speed it was almost like everybody else had been frozen in time.

Getting to the halfway point of the lake, Lake wanted to turn back to get his stuff but realized he could just summon it to him once he was across. Stepping onto the other side of the lake, Lake heard a ding he hadn't heard in a while. Looking at the window, Lake saw that he had just unlocked a new job.

[New Job Unlocked Fleet-foot]

Lake wasn't sure about the name but he wouldn't turn down a new job. Opening its details to see what kind of stats it gave when he leveled it up, Lake was surprised.

Fleet-foot (E) Lv.0

On level up:

Endurance 2

Dexterity 1

Perception 2

Exp conditions:

Kills on others who have the Fleet-foot job

Bonus Exp conditions:

X10 Kills on others who have the Fleet-foot job

Skills from job:

By the name he would have expected for the job to give Agility but it seemed it just gave skills that worked well with Agility. It was almost like this job was for those who had already maxed out their Agility and needed a little help to get their other stats caught up. It made him wonder if every stat had a job like this that complimented it and what kind of skills these jobs would give on level up.

There was another thing that was odd about this job and that was the bonus Exp condition. How was he supposed to find others that had the job? It was an Epic job so it wasn't something you would see every day and the fact that everyone who had it was going to be fast as hell there would be a very slim chance of seeing any of them.

If he was lucky he would see a blur pass as he was doing something but in all likelihood he wouldn't see anything. He guessed that was one of the reasons it gave Perception. As he was thinking about the job he came to a sudden realization, it was kind of like a race. Not exactly but that was what it reminded him of.

He would worry about it later though he wanted to get to town so he could try and find a place to sleep soon. Summoning his gear from the other side, Lake put it on and started to pass through the trees. Once he was on the road Lake started to run. It was pretty much a straight line so he didn't have to hold back and for a second he considered using Burst.

The thing was he didn't think it was safe, even going in a straight line he didn't think he could handle it and he doubted the road could either. He would probably blow out his boots as well because of the sudden acceleration so he was just going to wait till maybe tomorrow to see just how fast he was now.


Getting to the town, Lake started to walk towards the Fighters guild when he realized it would be kind of weird if a head just popped out of nowhere so he did it before anyone noticed him. Walking inside Lake saw the counter you turn in missions at was empty and had the same person who had helped him earlier manning it.

Walking up Lake just held up the head and the clerk waved for him to follow him. Stepping into the private room the man asked. "Which mission are you here to turn in?"

"Um, mountain bandits near Gwen lake."

"Gwind lake?"


"Ok, I'll be back with the scout that found the fortress."

As soon as the door closed Lake summoned the chests once they were all here he summoned the weapons and the armor stand that had been next to the bed. He was sure he would get weird looks from the clerk when he returned but he doubted he would say anything. Lake had noticed people understood to mind their own business when it came to things like these.

After a few minutes the door opened again and the clerk and a scout came in. The scout wasn't the same one who had questioned him the last time and Lake was glad that was the case. Lake set the head down and unwrapped it so the scout could take a look.

"That's him alright, I was starting to think I wouldn't recognize him by the time someone finally killed him. I'll go get your money." After the scout left, Lake turned to the clerk and said. "I would like to sell all of this."

The scout had been looking at the stuff the whole time he had been back and Lake could tell they really wanted to ask him about it but they refrained and said. "This might take a while, if you plan to stay in the guild tonight we'll have it all processed by tomorrow or you can wait and we'll do our best to rush it."

"In the guild?"

"Yes we have a few rooms for people who come back after the hotels stop taking people. It's only a few gold for a private room." That sounded good to Lake and he reached back to get some money out while he asked. "How many?"

"Don't worry about paying, we'll just take it from the money you have in your account and it's just six gold by the way." Lake nodded and asked. "Can I go now, there isn't really anything I need to do right, you can just put all the money into my account." Lake was sure that would be easier for all of them and he didn't think they would try and rip him off or anything.

"You can but I wanted to tell you we found out what happened with that job you completed earlier you know the one where you were headhunted. It turns out a team of three set up a fake deal with the leader of that bandit group to sell them armor to draw him out and during the ensuing fight they were able to kill the bandit leader but two of them were hurt and had to go to the nearest temple to be healed so the last of the three took the head and turned it in for the reward and disappeared. They had planned on finishing the job once they were better but you got there first so the two of them are going to look for the one who ran and give you your share if they can get it back."

Lake nodded and thought back to the five bandits that had shown up at the end. They had clearly been in a fight already and had been in a hurry to get back to their cave. He guessed they had been running away after watching their leader be killed and were trying to warn the others.

"What's my share, is it the price of the 15 I killed then they keep the rest for the 2 they killed?"

"Correct, you are owed 18,000 for the work you did on that mission. That being said, it's unlikely they will find him and the guild doesn't cover stolen money."

"I'm sure there's a cool story behind that rule as well."

"Yes, we used to, but people kept pretending one of their companions took all of the money and we would give them more money as a replacement and send people after the people who took the money and we found in the cases where we were able to track down who had it, they had all been in on the plan and were going to split all of the extra money so we had to stop."

That had been what he was expecting so he just nodded and asked. "Where is my room?"

"Please follow me." Lake was led into the back of the guild building where they had five bedrooms waiting for people like him. After he closed his door and locked it he tested the bed and found it wasn't that bad. He did end up having a hard time sleeping though and he felt it was because he didn't have a book to read before bed. It seemed it had become a habit after all the time he had spent in the Alchemist guild.

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