The Insider System

Chapter 155: Here He Come

Chapter 155: Here He Come

Climbing a tree that was near the fortress Lake found a nice branch to sit on and started to check where the three people he wanted to impersonate were at. Seeing only two of them he started to get excited and quickly checked where the third was. Seeing they were just inside the main structure, Lake calmed down and settled in for the long haul.

After a few minutes he started to wonder why he was even bothering with this. Surely he could just rush in and have no problems finishing them all off before they could do anything to him. He might have some problems with dealing with them once he was inside depending on what it was like in there but he couldn't really imagine they had anything like a trap that could kill him in their caveman fortress.

Unless they were dumb enough to just have the whole place rigged to explode if anyone tried to break in. That was a completely ridiculous thing that no one would ever do so he didn't need to worry about that happening. He was about to jump down and start when the insider stopped him by showing him a reason he should wait.

He needed to get headshots to get the 10X Exp on Archer so he wouldn't be able to use Grip Strength while holding a bow. He would still be faster than he had been but he wouldn't be able to go his top speed like he wanted to. In that case he should just wait till he had maxed Archer to rush in with Mugger as his set job.

It was technically a more efficient way to do this even if you factored in the time he would have to spend in this tree. Him leveling his Unique jobs was more important than his time, so he would go in once he had maxed Archer and thankfully with its 10X Exp bonus he would only need to kill like two or three bandits before he was done.

After a few minutes Lake saw the water bandit going towards the gate and got ready to jump down to follow them when he saw another bandit heading out as well. Lake wasn't going to complain about two at once he just hoped they weren't going to go in the same exact direction because he didn't think his bow could handle him pulling it back as fast as he would need to to kill them both with headshots before one of them could make a noise that might alert the others.

After the two walked out of the gate he saw them start to head in different directions and went after the one that wasn't getting water first because he felt like the one getting the water would be outside for a long time and the other person could only be out for a few minutes to pee.

After he followed them for a while Lake jumped down and did what he liked to call the guaranteed headshot. [Level up] Getting the body and the arrow Lake carried them a bit off into the woods and left them there. It wasn't what he would call a thorough job of hiding the body but he no longer planned to spend a lot of time here so it was unlikely anyone would find this body except for him when he came back later to see if it was glowing.

With that done Lake looked for the mark that was on the water guy and went after him. After a few seconds of chasing him down Lake prepped his bow for the guaranteed headshot and got right behind the bandit. Releasing the arrow Lake felt the Exp but didn't hear the ding so he sighed and kicked the guy's body into the surrounding brush.

Not being able to see the body from where he was standing, Lake decided it was good enough and headed back towards the fortress. Getting back to his tree, Lake checked his stats since he had the time to see how much Exp he had missed the level up by.

Name: Lake Fuller

Race: Human Lv.10 ( 9/10)

Job: Archer Lv.9 ( 2158/2560 )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 100

Stamina 100

Mana 530

Strength 73

Endurance 15

Agility 87

Dexterity 107

Perception 98

Intelligence 114

Charisma 23

Free stat points: 126

Lake was slightly annoyed when he saw his Exp was only a little off but got over it when he saw what his perception was at. That meant he would be getting three new skills on this next level up. He was also going to Rank up but he didn't really care about that. He just wanted these skills.


After a while Lake started to regret killing the water guy because no one was coming out to pee. He felt if they had gotten more water they would be out here right now. That being said there was no way to know, maybe everyone he had killed was going to go poop and they had a place to pee inside.

It could also be because the sun was officially down now so none of them wanted to go into the woods anymore. It was a little ridiculous to be afraid of the dark where he came from but here it made perfect sense. It did make him wonder if they were trying to figure out why three of them hadn't returned yet though.

That would be what he was thinking if he was one of them, he would be getting scared, not for the ones who hadn't returned though, just himself, he would be thinking someone was stalking them and would be coming for them as soon as the sun set, and with the sun down that would be exactly what he was going to do.

All but three had headed in after the sun set so he should be able to sneak in and kill one of them, finishing Archer, and then he would switch to Mugger and kill the rest of them. Once all three of the lookouts were dead he would stop and look at his new skills before heading inside the building.

Hopping down from the tree Lake set his bow up and slowly crept under one of the guards that was looking over the wall. He knew this was risky but they were in the middle of the woods at night and it was probably pitch black for anyone who couldn't see in the dark. Once he was directly under them he jumped slightly and released the arrow right below their chin. [Level up] [Rank up]

Lake then grabbed onto the top of the wall with one hand and onto the now dead bandits leg with the other so Mute would silence it falling over. Once it was down he pulled himself up and set his job to Mugger. The other two lookouts were looking out so they wouldn't expect his attack since he was Inside.

Running up to the first of the two of them Lake just broke their neck from behind and laid the body down. [Level up] [Level up] He could have let it fall because he would have made it to the last lookout before it hit the ground but that would have only saved him like a second and there was no reason to risk someone on the inside hearing the body slamming into the ground.

Rushing the next lookout Lake killed them in the same way to the last. [Level up] With him being done with the lookouts Lake went and hid behind some junk that was on the ground and pulled up his stats. He wanted to see what his new skills were before he went into a real fight.

Name: Lake Fuller

Race: Human Lv.11 ( 3/10)

Job: Mugger Lv.7 ( 27/640 )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 110

Stamina 110

Mana 540

Strength 79

Endurance 15

Agility 89

Dexterity 111

Perception 101

Intelligence 114

Charisma 32

Free stat points: 135

He didn't spend long on his stats and instantly pulled up his new skills.

Retrieval (U) Lv.1

Summon anything you had in your hand back to your hand.

(Cost 5 Mana)

Magic Arrow (L) Lv.1

Lets you infuse some of your mana into arrows so you can control it in air.

Lake stopped after the first two so he would actually remember them later because he was pretty sure they were about to be overshadowed by whatever this next one was. It wasn't like these were bad; he could see uses for them but the skills he got from stats seemed better than the ones he got from jobs usually.

Observer (U) Lv.1

Nothing can stop you from accessing somethings information.

(allows you to see hidden details)

After reading the skill he started to wonder why whoever had made it had bothered to add the bottom part. He didn't know for a fact but he was pretty sure a lot of work went into these unique skills so the fact they had taken the effort to clarify made him think he wasn't understanding how strong this skill was.

That made him think he should test it out. Pulling out his knife Lake Appraised it.

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