The Insider System

Chapter 152: Cave Gold

Chapter 152: Cave Gold

As Lake walked back to the cave he couldn't help but wonder what kind of money he would find inside. He knew he was probably being a little optimistic but he was hoping it would be around the amount the Fighters guild was offering for them. It made sense to him that they would be worth around the amount they had stolen from people.

Of course most of what they had taken was probably not money, so that was why he thought he was being optimistic. Stepping into the cave Lake took a few steps before he saw something that hadn't been here the last time he walked in. There was a bright golden light in the tunnel. The last time he had to walk for a while before he saw a light.

After about a second of thinking about what it might have been, Lake realized what it was and rushed forward. Seeing three of the bodies surrounded by golden light, Lake started to celebrate. He never remembered Intangible Loot existed because most of the time it didn't do anything.

It also took a while to show up after he killed anything so with how fast he was now he was usually gone by the time the bodies started to glow but it had really helped him this time. He only needed a little over 100 Exp to get Ripper to the max level so with three bodies even if one of them didn't give him Exp he was going to get his two new skills.

Not wasting any time Lake swiped his hand through the golden lights until he heard the noise it made whenever he leveled up. [Level Max] He still had another body left so he quickly switched his job to Archer and got the last one. [Level up] With that he opened his stats to see what his two new skills were.

Name: Millon Haldor

Race: Human Lv.10 ( 5/10)

Job: Archer Lv.5 ( 67/160 )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 100

Stamina 100 ( 93/100 )

Mana 530

Strength 73

Endurance 15

Agility 79

Dexterity 91

Perception 86

Intelligence 114

Charisma 23

Free stat points: 126


Ripped (L) Lv.1

Raise your Strength by 40 for one hour.

(Cost: 50 Stamina)

(Can be activated a maximum of three times at once.)

Grip Strength (L) Lv.1

When unarmed your Strength is added to your Dexterity.

Lake quickly read both skills then went and reread Ripped because he had never seen a skill have a limit to how many times it could be activated at once before. It made him wonder if his other skills that had a cost to activate like Summon Hands could be used more than once at a time as long as he had the mana for it.

Well he definitely had the mana for it so he went ahead and activated Summon Hands, then once they were done forming he did it again. When another two arms started to weave themselves out of mana he realized Summon Hands was way better than he had thought. That being said he didn't know how well he would be able to use six arms at once.

That wasn't really something he would even think would be useful unless his real arms were cut off first. That seemed to be something that happened quite often in this world so maybe a day would come where he needed to use Summon Hands to replace his real ones.

Getting back to what he was actually here to do, Lake made a mental note to look at the bodies outside one last time before he left and went into the room he had spent time with the bandits in earlier. Using Detector, Lake set it to look for gold and started ripping the tops off of the boxes that were in the room.

Like he expected there was nothing valuable in this room so he walked into the doorway that led deeper into the cave. After a while Lake found a room that had some places for people to sleep and Detector lit up a few places in the room. Digging through the junk Lake started to find small bags of gold here and there and with the way the bags felt Lake could tell there was also jewelry inside.

Most likely all of it had been taken off of the people that had been on the carts they had stopped in the past. It was all his now though so good job bandits. Finished digging through this room, Lake continued deeper into the cave and found a room that he thought had probably been created through the use of magic because the walls were smooth.

As soon as he stepped in Detector started to go off and it led him to a large wooden chest in the corner of the room. Lake gave it a good inspect before he opened it just to make sure it wasn't trapped or anything but when he saw it was just a normal wooden chest he opened it to see three blue bags inside.

After lifting the first bag out Lake saw there was more stuff under the bags but he stayed focused on the bag. Opening it Lake estimated there was about 1000 gold on the inside so with all three bags being the same size he guessed 3000 was his big haul from today's looting.

He would probably be excited if it wasn't for the fact he had the number 1,000,000 in his head at all times plus this was a smaller amount than he had expected. It was still better than nothing and he still had the rest of the items in the chest to look through and some of the gear the bandits had been using hadn't been complete trash so he could probably take some of that with him back to the guild.

There had been a counter to sell used weapons and armor at the Fighters guild so it would be worth it for him to grab some before he left. After getting the blue bags into his bag Lake started to go through the rest of the stuff in the chest. Unsurprisingly there was more jewelry and he quickly added it to his bag before going through some of the weirder things.

There were a couple cores from monsters and a small knife that was clearly a showpiece and not for fighting because it was encrusted with jewels. After taking those, Lake quickly grabbed the last things that were in there, it looked like rocks but after looking closer he realized it was ore and from the shade of the rock Lake was pretty sure it was found by whoever made this room as they did it.

He didn't know what kind of metal it was but if it was worth something he might as well take it. With the chest looted, Lake quickly went through the rest of the room and when he didn't find anything he started to leave the cave. He stopped to grab two of the nicer swords from the dead bandits and went outside.

Walking over to the five bodies from the ones he had killed last Lake saw none of them were glowing and started to try and figure out which one was the leader. He had killed them all instantly so it was kind of hard to find out which one was supposed to be in charge. He was just kind of assuming it was one of the ones who had been out 'buying armor' for the rest because that sounded like something the bandit leader would be in charge of since it dealt with money.

He felt like a bandit wouldn't trust their underlings enough to give them a large amount of money so they would end up doing it themselves. After giving the five of them a good look, Lake picked out the one with the best armor and took off their head. It was kind of gross to look at so he took some clothes from the others and wrapped the head up.

Feeling Like he was fully loaded, Lake decided he was done and started back towards the guild to get his money. It was a bit of a walk so it gave him time to think about what he had learned during this. The first thing was he could have taken a harder mission. These guys had been way weaker than him, he could have killed 100 of them with little effort.

It made him want to take the hardest job they had up there just to see what it would be like. It was 60 points higher on the difficulty scale than the one he had just completed and while he didn't remember the exact details he was pretty sure the reward was around 45,000 so even if it took him a whole day it would be worth it for the Exp.

This thought made up his mind on if he was going to go home tonight or not, there was no point in him going home and then rushing back here again tomorrow just to do a job he could start today. He also had the day off tomorrow because of the execution so staying out was fine.

He didn't really care to watch the execution anyway because the only interesting part had been the fact they were going to do something like that to living people and after his idea to fake it all he would see if he went back was corpses flail around as they were tortured. That didn't sound that fun to watch to him. It was almost like how some people didn't like wrestling because it was faked.

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