The Insider System

Chapter 146: Outside Again

Chapter 146: Outside Again

It hadn't been hard to talk Lucas into letting him outside without guards after Lake told him that last time they had been more of a burden than a help without a cart. They were just too slow to be of any use to him and him having to heal them had used up a good portion of his health potion last time after he had fought with Tiffany.

Lake hadn't said anything about anything that had happened after the fight with Tiffany because he didn't want Lucas to know but he had told him about the fight itself and Lucas had said him worrying about the guards wasn't what they were for and you were just supposed to leave them and runaway but Lake made it clear he was too fast for the guards to keep up with him so him going slow with them just increased the odds he was attacked.

After he said this Lucas told him to do whatever he wanted and to go away because he was busy. So after making a quick stop to refill all of his potions Lake had headed out alone. Once he was on the streets Lake didn't stay in town to level up and instead went towards the edge of the city.

There was no longer anything he could steal so it would be a waste of time to try and level up in town and Lake had heard of a new source of Exp that was near town, bandits had apparently become extremely common in the last week and Lake had heard some of the cart drivers talking about it while he got some food to bring with him from the cafeteria.

Lake had found people gave good Exp compared to the low level monsters you could find scarcely around the capital so bandits were his best bet if he wished to raise his strength without doing something like asking Lucas for some potions that gave stats.

Lake knew people frowned upon that form of getting stronger because it kind of ruined your potential because once you maxed out your stats you could no longer gain any new skills. The only people who relied on potions to gain stats were those who were afraid of combat and untalented people who couldn't unlock jobs no matter what they did.

Lake had kind of had a problem unlocking a job so he could understand how annoying it could be especially for people who had a hard time every time. So far the only job he had tried a bunch of times and failed to get was Enchanter, Enchanter was an Epic job though so of course it would be hard.

Epic was the highest you could unlock naturally because if you wanted a legendary job you had to be lucky enough to get one from a god. Lake didn't see himself getting in the good graces of a god any time soon so he wasn't even thinking about Legendary jobs yet. "There we go."

Lake stopped because he saw a cart that looked like it had been attacked at some point up ahead on the road. Turning on Mana Vision Lake started to move forward slowly. He doubted he would find anything this close to the capital and this cart robbery had probably happened a few days ago but you never knew, maybe there were some bandits dumb enough to stay this close to the biggest war zone in the world.

Getting to the cart Lake didn't see anything that was big enough to be a bandit so he started to move as fast as he could again. He had plenty of stamina and stamina potion so there was no reason to hold back, time was more important at the moment anyway. After a while he started to get to a more wild part of the area around the capital.

Trees started to appear and soon he was close to a small forest. This seemed like the kind of place people would live if they were breaking the law so Lake went towards it with Mana Vision activated. It wasn't long before he saw some cores but they were all clearly just normal small monsters and such and while he wanted to kill them it would take too much time for each one and he would probably get less than 10 for each one.

Humans gave hundreds of Exp and because of how people were there were usually a lot of them together. That being said this forest was pretty large so it might take him a while to find any and he might finish looking to find it was empty all along. He was still going to do it though because the next place he thought might have bandits was pretty far away and he had no interest in going back there.


Tiff was having a hard time keeping herself awake at this point, she had been in a meeting ever since successfully bringing the divine core back. She understood it was important but she didn't understand why the members of the 23 needed to be here. They were all tired after the fight and now they had to sit here and listen to the higher ups of the temple make a decision on what to do with it.

Plus the Temple head was actually here because of how important a divine core was so in the end whatever she decided would be what would happen so this meeting was more the other higher ups trying to convince her to do what they thought made the most sense. So far the three ideas were to sell it, let Greg have it, and for the Temple head to use it herself.

Tiff thought the best idea was to sell it because she knew the temple had problems with money sometimes and being a demigod wasn't usually as good as it sounded. There were some benefits but it didn't give you an instant increase in your stats or anything, you still had to slowly gain the stats you wanted by leveling up.

One of the nice things about being a demigod was you usually had an easier time unlocking jobs though so it didn't take as long as reaching the max for mortals usually did plus once you passed 100 in a stat you had a much easier time killing things to gain Exp. That being said, the amount of jobs you probably had to level to reach the max for a demigod was probably ridiculous even with those advantages.

Each point of divinity raised your max by 1000 in each stat so at one divinity point you could have 1100 which was a number she doubted she would ever reach in her life, she doubted there were even that many Demigods who had reached that kind of number in any of their stats that was more like something a god would have.

"Alright that's enough." Tiff looked up to see the Temple head seemed to have finally made up her mind and was about to tell them what they were going to do with the core. "The plan I'm leaning towards is trading this to one of the God of Lights' subordinate demigods in exchange for their help in battle or giving it directly to the God of Light himself in exchange for a Legendary job."

Of course the Temple head decided to completely ignore all the ideas that had been discussed for the last few hours and just decided to think of her own. Tiff would be annoyed but it seemed the rest of the higher ups liked these two options as well. That meant the rest of this meeting would probably go pretty quickly as they decided between the two options the Temple Head had given out.

If they decided on the Legendary job thing there was a good chance there would be more meeting to decide who would receive the job though so she hoped they went for the Demigod that would help them in battle. That would also make all of the members of the 23 safe instead of just the one who got the Legendary job.

"I'm going to hold a vote instead of making the design myself, hold up your hand if you want to trade for a legendary job from the God of Light." Right after the Temple Head said this almost every hand in the room went up including most of the 23. "I figured that was the one you all wanted, since that was over 50% of the room that wins the vote."

Tiff wasn't surprised most of the people would be thinking about the fact that they had a chance to get the job which was a dream to most people, also the fact they wouldn't have to worry about the Demigod leaving once their agreed upon amount of time was served was probably a big boon to the people who were actually planning the war because whoever got the job would stick around forever.

"That was the best choice anyway from what the oracle says, all the demigods are busy helping the God of Light look for the Demon Lords hiding place anyway so I doubt they would stay for more than a few battles. Ok we'll reconvene once I see if this is something the God of Light will agree to to decide who should receive the job. Goodbye."

With the meeting finally over Tiff looked towards the other members of the 23 and waited for them all to get up and start to head to their rooms to get up and follow behind Dawn. She wanted to ask Dawn about the exact details of the fight because while she had watched it she had been far away and too busy to look the entire time.

"Dawn, how'd all those Giants appear like that?" This was the main thing she wanted to know because if the giant could all do that they were going to have to be more careful from now on. "We're not sure, but Greg said it was probably a skill used by the giant he was fighting that teleported them from close by. If that's the case it's probably a rare skill not too many of them have so I wouldn't worry about it too much if I was you."

Before Tiff could ask another question Dawn said. "Good job getting that core back. I couldn't believe it when I saw you carrying it, I mean, I know it's what you were trained for but I figured you would have sat this one out because you don't have your weapon." Tiff couldn't help but blush when Dawn said this.

As someone who had always wanted recognition as a child she found it embarrassing now that she got any. "I was close to where it landed so I didn't really do much." Seeing Dawn's door Tiff quickly said bye and headed around the corner. As soon as she was out of sight she turned invisible and snuck inside one of the rooms she knew she could use to hide while she slept.

She had a room but she didn't feel safe while she was in there so she always hid before she went to sleep inside the temple "Tiffany good work today." Tiffany was slightly startled when someone spoke to her while she was invisible but calmed down when she saw who it was. Deactivating her invisibility Tiff said. "Thank you Temple Head." After she said this the Temple Head walked away leaving her alone again.

It was a short interaction but it had been nice to talk to the Temple Head directly again after all this time. Tiff hadn't seen her since she was selected to be in the 23 and was sure the Temple Head would be off doing whatever she did that kept her busy all the time as soon as this whole divine core thing was over.

Going back to what she had been doing Tiff quickly found a nice place to sleep in a stuffed storage room. As she tried to fall asleep she couldn't help but wonder what the legendary job was going to be like. Greg was the obvious choice so she was sure she would get to know everything about it as he showed it off in the future.

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