The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 136: True Treasure

Chapter 136: True Treasure

What are Ancient races? Does the potion increase the health point of the consumer by 1,000 permanently? What does it mean by transcended alchemist? Would I only be able to buy only one of these potions at the end? Kang-Ho had a lot of questions on his head right now after reading the description of the potion of giant, but everything remained unanswered as there were no more images that explained to him about the ancient races or the alchemist. Kang-Ho was only hoping that he wouldnt have to choose only one thing from the list, it would break his heart if he only had the option of choosing one of these items.

After fighting with the fearsome stalker bats and gaining only a little over 40 points, he knew that if he wanted to just buy this one item, he would have to kill 10 times the bats he killed previously. Although Kang-Ho was found of fighting he didnt want to fight so many bats. But seeing the rewards of his hard Kang-Ho felt as if he could fight not just 10 times the amount but 100 times the amount of the bats. The only thing clouding his mind was at the end of the day will he have enough points to buy everything he wants.

Getting 1,000 extra health points on top of his original health was like getting an extra 10 level worth of health just from drinking a potion. This in itself make Kang-Ho more stronger and durable compared to others at his level. Kang-Ho knew the benefits of having more health, so this was a must get item for him.

Potion of Nature-1 (300 Points)

This is a potion was crafted by a very high level alchemist, this potion was especially created by the alchemist for the countless races which has next to none mana understanding. This is a potion which can help a person with no understanding of mana experience a deep connection with mana, which in turns helps them understand the mana more in depth.

This potion was created mostly because, without a deep understanding of mana a person can only reach a certain height after which they would face the most difficult bottleneck. The bottleneck can only be broken through if the person can naturally understand the mana or with the help of special items which helps them understand mana better. This is one of such special items which helps the consumer understand mana more deeply, this does not mean that if a person consumed this potion they would understand the mana, this potion can only help the consumer feel the mana from within the body, the rest is up to the consumer if they can comprehend or not.

This potion was especially crafted using a portion of extremely diluted mana essence found in special places, along with the essence some rare materials were used which helps this potion become consumable. Although the ingredients used in this potion are not that rare the process of refining Mana essence is what makes this potion special, as only alchemist with deep knowledge about mana can craft handle mana essence as they are extremely chaotic by nature, on top of that the process of diluting the essence until the point it can be consumed by a person from the low level race, only an extremely high level alchemist can archive such feat.

Things you should be careful about before consuming this potion is, firstly the mind of the consumer should me in a state of peace, there should no be any conflict going on in the consumers head, as you can only feel the mana essence if your mind is truly in peace. Secondly, the consumer should be seated somewhere where there is abundance of mana present in the surrounding, if there is a low amount of mana present around the consumer, they would have a hard time feeling the connection between the mana inside and outside the body. Lastly the consumer should not consume this potion while mana inside their body is in turmoil, a mana turmoil inside the consumers body will work as a spark when reacting to this potion, even though this potion has been refined properly, the chaotic property of mana essence has not left yet. So, if a person were to consume this potion while they have a mana turmoil within their body, the person would be blown to smithereens from the mana explosions that would occur.

It does not seem like I would be needing this potion as I have the complete understanding of mana. Even so this is an extremely valuable item as without the understanding of mana, there truly is a bottleneck which holds back people from becoming stronger. I should buy this anyway I can sell this for quite a fortune if there are people in need of these kinds of things outside. Kang-Ho thought as he read the description of the potion. Kang-Ho knew that if he were to take this potion outside and try to sell this he would definitely amass a fortune as this was truly a treasure the he would have bough with all of his wealth if he didnt have a deep understanding of mana.

While Kang-Ho was inside the Hell Kang-Ho himself had experienced the barrier between understanding the mana and not understanding, once Kang-Ho came to understand it he started to feel all the mana surrounding him not just the mana inside him but the mana in the nature. With the understanding of mana one can truly control the mana inside of their own body and move it the way they wanted. With that Kang-Ho had decided this was one of the things which he should definitely buy if he had excess points after buying everything he needed.

Record of Alchemist

This is a book written by a low mid level alchemist detailing every one of his struggles, and how they overcame them. This book is also filled with the introduction of all of the magical ingredients the alchemist came upon in his entire lifetime. This book also contains the recipes of all of the potions that the alchemist had learned over his lifetime.

This book can be a guide for a new alchemist helping them learn, the craft of alchemy. Although this book is only written by a mid level alchemist and this book contains knowledge which will help the reader until they can become a mid level alchemist, becoming a mid level alchemist in itself is a tall task, but thats not the point which makes this book special. This book is very special because it contains recipe of all of the low and mid level potions which the alchemist had made in his like, not just that this book also provides a detail about all of the magical ingredients which the alchemist found in his lifetime, for a beginner alchemist who is just starting to learn alchemy this a a treasure throve.

I never thought of becoming an alchemist but this should fetch some quite good outside I guess? Kang-Ho contemplated on what he should do with this item. Although becoming alchemist was a very easy way of making money, Kang-Ho never had the patience which is needed to become an alchemist. So, Kang-Ho could only think of one use of this book which was selling it for a small fortune.

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