The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 123: Weak Willed

Chapter 123: Weak Willed

Kang-Ho prepared himself to face the enemies, he was in his battle stance and ready to face the bats. While the bats pounced towards Kang-Ho while bearing their fangs, Kang-Ho took a few steps forward to face the bat who was alone pouncing towards Kang-Ho in the front. Kang-Ho didnt want to face the bats all at once so, he decided to take full advantage of his speed to take care of the bats one by one.

That was the only solution that seemed possible right now because he the opponent were too fast and swift. With swift movement Kang-Ho moved in front of the bat, without wasting any of his own time Kang-Ho swung his own sword.


A sound of metal crashing came as Kang-Hos short sword and the bats claw collided mid air. The bat was at first planning to swat away the sword that came for his body with his claw, but as soon as both of them collided the bat realized that this was a very bad mistake on his part.

KUGGGGHHHH screeched the bat as it felt being pushed away by the short sword, that bat couldnt help but show fearful gaze in his eyes as he was being pushed to the ground by Kang-Ho. Kang-Ho used all of his strength to make sure the bat didnt have the room to take a breather. Bat tried to flap its wings to run away but as it was being pushed by Kang-Ho the bat wasnt successful at all in escaping.


The bat collided with the ground in an extreme speed as it was flung straight to the ground with Kang-Hos full power. As the bat collided with the ground dust flew in the air, the dust bade it harder for the other bats to see around them. Although this wasnt anything planned by Kang-Ho but it was still very helpful in crucial moment.

Kang-Ho without paying any attention towards the other bats as he had to finish the bat he stacked first, Kang-Ho knew if he keeps changing his target frequently it would be possible for the hurt bat to be healed with their speed they could go out of Kang-Hos range and try to heal while others attack him. if that were to happen Kang-Ho would be in a very bad situation, like being in a quick sand, no matter how many he injured they would just come back without any rest, so Kang-Ho wanted to make sure the bat he targeted must die.

Kang-Ho looked towards the bat that laid in the ground was struggling hard to get back to its feet, it seemed like it was having a hard time to stand or use its wings. One of the wings of the bat was weirdly bent, it seemed as the bat didnt protect its wing carefully during the fall. This made easier for Kang-Ho, as he saw this as a beautiful opportunity to kill the opponent without a slightest bit of resistance.

Kang-Ho moved his body towards right in a very quick motion, as he was facing that way. All the other bats were caught by surprise, but they were very nimble as they managed to turn their bodies and, in an instant, stabilize their body without any problem whatsoever. Once again, they started to pursue Kang-Ho, they seemed relentless as they tried to kill Kang-Ho.

Kang-Ho finally reached near the injured bat and swung his sword with all his might, Kang-Ho had to bend a little as he was using a short sword so, if Kang-Ho wanted to reach the injured bat which was very small in its size he had to bend. Kang-Ho only slowed a bit to swing his short sword, he used all of his might on the swing. As the injured bat saw Kang-Hos sword quickly approaching itself, it wanted to fly away with all its strength, so it started to franticly flap its wings but alas it couldnt even lift itself from the ground. It seemed that its wing was very badly injured.


Alas the only thing that bat could do was to screech with all of its strength before coming in contact with Kang-Hos short sword. Like the other bat Kang-Ho didnt face any problem in directly slicing up the bat at all. Kang-Ho didnt feel any relief after finishing the bat at all, rather he felt worse, he had unknowingly made a mistake and slowed down his own speed to kill that bat and it was a huge mistake that he had made.

F**K! Kang-Ho thought as he saw the group of bats swarming his from every side. In groups they came crashing down towards Kang-Ho without a stop. All of them were trying to attack Kang-Ho at once, this was a very dire situation for Kang-Ho ass he never expected this to happen. One of his mistakes had caused all of this Kang-Ho was very frustrated with the situation.

Kang-Ho quickly got himself together as soon as he saw the situation deteriorating, Kang-Ho pulled his arm closer to him in which held the short sword. withal of the strength in his body Kang-Ho started to swing his sword all over his body trying to stop the bats attack. At first Kang-Ho was able to block some of the attacks but later the bats started to attack from every direction and even on his legs.

The situation quickly got out of hands as Kang-Ho couldnt block all of the attacks that came towards him. After few rounds of attacks Kang-Ho had dozens of injuries all over his body, Kang-Ho had started to bleed severely. Fortunately, Kang-Ho was using all of his strength to protect his vital body parts so he wasnt in any kind of serious danger. But if this continued Kang-Ho knew only his bones would remain all the flesh would be carved out by the bats.

Kang-Ho legs was the palace where there were a lot of injuries most of his legs were covered by wounds. Kang-Ho was feeling his feet shake, Kang-Ho realized if this went on a little longer, he wouldnt be able to stand much less retaliate. Suddenly Kang-Ho was enraged he wanted to cut these bats to pieces. He used his killing intent against them, suddenly for the bats the surrounding became quite erie and heavy. They were having a hard time moving right now. The bats started to feel chills coming right from their bones, as if some kinds of predator were staring at them. Some of the weak-willed bats flew away from Kang-Ho as if afraid of dying.

KIIIIIIHHHH watching how the scene unfolded even the King bat was afraid but he was more enraged than afraid as he saw some of the bats trying to run away in fear. Finally, the king made a move and went straight towards the bats that tied to run away. Anger was clearly flashing in its eyes as it swings its own claw towards the bat. The bat seeing King attacking himself didnt do anything to protect itself, it didnt even try to run away. It was as if there was something in its blood telling him there was no point in running anymore.

Soon the clay crashed on the bat and it died in just seconds.

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