The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 119: Explode

Chapter 119: Explode

Seeing the man inching closer to him Kang-Ho swung his right arm in the air, to some peoples surprise a short sword appeared in Kang-Hos hand out of nowhere. Most of the people understood that Kang-Ho had a storage item but only some of the people didnt understand what happened. Kang-Ho didnt even blink after seeing the enemy so close to him as if he didnt really care. It seemed to the people like Kang-Ho didnt care about his life at all. While some of the people who were far away watching this scene, they had chills run down their back seeing the scene that was going on above the platform.

It feels like I am more afraid of the situation than the masked fool. Well, he wants to challenge the hate of hell what can we expect from a fool like him. Sigh sighed a man as he saw the fight up on the platform, seeing Kang-Ho who was standing like statue not even bothering to take a defensive stance the man was speechless to say the least.

Just when the attackers dagger was just a few inched away from Kang-Hos torso Kang-Ho lifted his arm which held the short sword in the air, he shifted the blade of the short sword from upward facing to downward facing. With a swift thrusting motion Kang-Ho swung his short sword towards the neck of the man who attacked him. like a hot knife through a slab of butter the short sword didnt feel any resistance while he penetrated the neck of the man. Even after managing to pierce the neck Kang-Ho didnt stop the force he exerted on his hand as his hand along with the head of the man came crashing down to the ground.


A heart wrenching cracking sound came from the ground a as the head of the man was slammed into the cold concrete platform. Even though the some of the people couldnt see what had happened above the platform from below they could clearly hear the sound of bone cracking, their eyes twitched as soon as they imagined the condition of the skull. Most of the people standing there felt a chill run down their back just by imagining themselves being in the place of the bodyguard.

Kang-Hos clothes were covered with fresh blood but he didnt care much about that, he just stood up and cleared the blood on his sword by swinging it once. As soon ass he was done once again he started moving towards the doorway, taking a few steps Kang-Ho turned around to look back.

Kang-Ho glanced at the dumbfounded Min Chae who had a shocked filled expression on his face as he was looking at the remains of something that resembled head of a person which now looked like a smashed watermelon. Min Chae wasnt shocked at the ruthlessness but rather he was shocked by how fast Kang-Ho killed one of his men.

Although he was one of the new guys that I brought with me and he was the weakest of the bunch but still even with my level I cant guarantee I can kill him in just one move. It felt as if that masked man could see the future, even I can not predict the way an enemy would move, just who the fu*k is he. it feels like he was born to fight. thought Min Chae as he was looking at the body that was too disgusting to look at. Min Chae thought that way because the way Kang-Ho fights, he seems as if he is always few steps ahead of the enemy.

Kang-Ho would launch his attack even before his enemy reached a certain destination and seeing that Kang-Ho aimed at wrong location enemy would feel false sense of security, but when the same attack came closer only then the enemy would find out that the attack was always meant to him, it was just that the enemy was just too slow to understand the move. When finally, the enemy realizes where the attack was aimed at it would be too late to dodge the attack. the only thing the enemy can do after that is pray to god that he isnt dead in just one strike.

This was a kind of fighting instinct that Kang-Ho had developed after countless years of fighting for life. These kind of instincts does not show up after a little amount of fighting.

As Kang-Ho turned around he intensely glared at the man who was responsible for the attack Min Chae, as Kang-Ho looked at the man he released his killing intent in the surrounding. Kang-Ho didnt want to waste any of his time, fighting all of them was a little farfetched too most of them were around the level 150 so Kang-Ho didnt have much of a confidence to kill them all without getting seriously injured or worse, confidence is one thing and overconfidence is other, Kang-Ho was well versed in the situation where he should use his brain and where he should use his muscles. So, he decided to try to scare them, but even if that didnt work Kang-Ho didnt really care as he was never afraid to fight.

As soon as Min Chae felt killing intent press into him, he felt as if someone was suffocating him as his vision became blurry for a milli second. He was not the only one who experienced such discomfort, to his surprise when he looked around, he could see that all of his men were shaking with fear as if they had seen a ghost. Min Chae looked around to figure out what was going on, soon his eyes laid on the masked man, to be exact his eyes laid on the eyes of the masked man whose pupil which was brown a moment ago seemed like it was red and glowing a little. At least that was what it seemed like to him from that distance.

Just who is he? is he really the one who is causing all of this? asked Min Chae to himself, as he saw the figure of Kang-Ho slowly disappearing inside of the red doorway. There were only questions on his mind right now as he couldnt figure out what to do with the situation. he never experienced these kinds of events in his life as the son of former conglomerate and now a prominent hunter he lived a like with silver spoon in his mouth, so he was clueless as to what to do after experiencing his first life and death encounter. Although he wants close to die but he surely felt his life leaving his body just now.

As a matter of fact, he wasnt the only person who felt that way even the people below the platform were terrified after experiencing such strong force. Most of them were still shivering even after the force was long gone.


Unknown to all the people in front of the trial there was one more person who was shocked and bewildered by the sudden appearance of such strong force that appeared just for a second.

What the F*ck was that just now? I was scared s*itless how is this even possible for a mere human.? Said a shadowy figure who seem to be relaxing while sleeping in a sofa as the sofa floated in the sky on its own.

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